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Magento Ultimo Theme: A Great Choice For Frontend Developers [Review]

Updated on December 31, 2021

6 Min Read

Appearance is one of the most important aspects of a human personality. This statement also holds true in case of websites. Visually appealing websites tend to attract more visitors. To make your website visually appealing, Magento offers a variety of different themes, and one of the best themes for Magento ecommerce stores is Ultimo.

The Magento Ultimo theme is also responsive and has impressive sales and great reviews over the internet. Ultimo theme gives a front-end developer an opportunity to customize Magento 2 themes and play around the code as per the user requirements.

Without any further ado, let us explore what Ultimo template for Magento has to offer for developers.


Magento Ultimo Theme – Overview

Magento Ultimo theme comes up with a modern web design with visually appealing, and trending features for all business needs. It uses color boldly with large, flat buttons and clear images that attract the viewer’s eyes in a quick time.

The Ultimo template for Magento acts as a fluid grid layout that looks great on both desktop and mobile browsers. The theme has built on a very complex grid layout that can combine columns of different quantities and sizes.

The Ultimo theme also includes an impressive mega dropdown menu and uses cloud zoom to highlight product images. It helps users to view products closely without pixelating the image.

Magento Ultimo Theme - Overview

Features that Magento Ultimo Theme Offers

The Ultimo theme for Magento 2 includes features that make life much easier for a front-end developer. Probably the most useful features include:  50+ built-in CMS blocks. Developers can import CMS blocks and enable them as per their needs.

Customizable Design

Magento Ultimo theme offers you to change the visual appearance of almost every element of any Magento theme.

There isn’t any coding required, all can be edited directly in the admin panel. You just have to select the colors of your choice using color pickers, set tons of options, apply textures for header, footer and for the entire page. You can upload a background image and configure its properties (position, repeating, attachment), change font and font-size, and much more.

Customizable Design Magento ultimo theme

Customizable Product Grid View

As mentioned earlier, the Magento Ultimo theme based on a grid that combines columns and areas of different widths.

During the customization process, you need to be very careful when editing the grid in CSS, because you may be unintentionally affecting something you don’t want to. For example, adding a padding to a grid will increase its size, and while it may fit within a certain page layout, in another layout this column may push out another column (that can destroy the entire look of the page).

To avoid any mishaps during customization,  you should set max-width in the admin, but I have found it to work inconsistently so I usually end up setting max-width in the CSS.

Customizable Product Grid View Magento Ultmo Theme


Magento 2 Ultimo themes are available for all smart devices. If you wish to resize the web browser window, theme elements will be transformed smoothly on each breakpoint (from 240 to 1680 pixels) so it can adapt to the current screen size. More importantly, the width of the page is fluid – the theme uses 100% of available space (if you want to see a DEMO), do check it out.

Fully-Responsive Magento Ultimo Theme

Home Page, Sidebar & Custom CMS Blocks

The Ultimo Magento theme allows you to choose the layout of the home page with three columns. You can display custom content in multiple sidebar blocks. You can also enable/disable Magento’s default sidebar blocks. Some of the other features that you can leverage include:

  • Customizable slideshow
  • Additional banners for a slideshow
  • Left column, contains three  custom blocks
  • Main content area for any custom content (product sliders, banners, etc.)
  • Right column, contains three  custom CMS blocks
  • “Postscript”, another block for custom content below the columns

Home Page, Sidebar & Custom CMS Blocks Magento Ultimo Theme

Fluid & Auto Adapting Grid

With the width of the screens the columns will automatically adapt to the current resolution. Magento Ultimo theme will also adapt itself whenever the size of the web browser window changes. For example, on wide screens, the number of columns will be automatically increased to show more products in a row.

Look at the image below that I’ve included for more clarity:

Other Features – Magento Ultimo Theme

Check out some more features that Ultimo Magento Theme offers developers to take advantage.

Product Images with Zoom Extension

If you want to create a larger space for your product images, sizing them up will create a blurry effect. You need to regenerate them to be larger in the admin panel. You can find this option under system > configuration > informs extensions > zoom.

Slider Feasibility

The product presents in a unique way in the Magento Ultimo theme. You can add images for every brand that you sell, and this will display beside the product description for that particular product. There’s also a brand slider that you can include on your home page.

Google Fonts

Ultimo utilizes Google Fonts to provide you with an array of typography options. Google Fonts are easy to use in the admin and look great on all browsers. If you want, you can also use an @fontface kit to install and configure your own font, so you have many options to choose from.

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Magento Ultimo Theme Installation

I would recommend you to follow their user guide to install Magento Ultimo theme. Here’s how you can install and activate the Magento 2 Ultimo theme for your ecommerce store.

Step 1: Choose The Right Zip File

If you want to download a commercial theme, you get a variety of files for different Magento versions.

Choose the zip file you want and copy it to your Magento 2 root directory in your web server.

Step 2: Unzip Packed File

You can unzip the file  in your console using SSH and running the following command:


Step 3: Active Theme Module

Activate or theme modules in your SSH terminal.

For ultimo, you need to run the following command from Magento root directory:

bin/magento module:enable Infortis_Base Infortis_Brands Infortis_Cgen Infortis_Dataporter Infortis_Infortis Infortis_Ultimo Infortis_UltraMegamenu Infortis_UltraSlideshow

After enabling modules, update your installation:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Next, recreate Magento’s static files:

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f

Step 4: Set Theme As Active Theme

Log in to your backend and navigate to Content -> Design -> Configuration.

You will see Configuration scopes and active themes. Click edit and change the theme used by this scope.

Pricing & Compatibility

Ultimo Magento 2 theme costs depend on the template you opt for your online business. The regular license starts from $99 and if you want to extend your support to 12 months that will cost you $31.50.

The Ultimo Magento 2 Theme is compatible with Magento version 1.7.x – 1.9.x and 2.0.x – 2.3.1.


Magento Ultimo theme comes up with initial support of the 6 months that can extend up to 12 months’ time. The support covers the following area: Availability of the author to answer questions, get assistance with reported bugs and issues and help with included 3rd party assets (just-in-case).

Final Words

I have found Magento Ultimo Theme rises to the top every time especially when it comes to customization. So with the Ultimo theme, you can create the most elegant designs, the fastest loading directories, coded to meet tomorrow’s standards and to exceed all of your business expectations. If you are looking for the best Magento hosting experience then I would prefer you to choose a managed cloud solution like Cloudways that comes with that’s your requirements.

Let me know, which one is your most important feature of the Magento Ultimo theme in the comment section below.

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Abdur Rahman

Abdur Rahman is the Magento whizz at Cloudways. He is growth ambitious, and aims to learn & share information about Ecommerce & Magento Development through practice and experimentation. He loves to travel and explore new ideas whenever he finds time. Get in touch with him at [email protected]


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