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Cloudways Autonomous

Easy, Auto-Scalable
Managed WordPress

Fully managed WordPress hosting that auto scales to meet the needs of your growing business.

Cloudways Empowers 100,000+ Businesses & Counting

Stop Worrying About Traffic Spikes,
Servers, or Scaling.

Go Hands-off

With the server layer completely abstracted, experience a hands-off hosting, where you don’t even have to think about server sizes, let alone their management & optimization.

Truly Autoscale

Built on Kubernetes (GKE), this high traffic WordPress hosting solution handles any traffic spike and number of concurrent users from the get go without any human intervention.

Remain Highly-Available

Cloudways Autonomous is designed for the high availability of WordPress sites. With advanced load balancing, your applications remain online and accessible, regardless of demand.

Drive Traffic to Websites Without
Any Fears of Downtime.

Autonomous adapts to your business in real time so you enjoy peace of mind focusing on your most important tasks, delivering results and staying competitive.

Autonomous is built to handle any number of simultaneous users without compromising on speed.

From Shark Tank features to any sudden influxes, your infrastructure automatically manages high traffic WordPress surges.

You won’t need to monitor resources or manually scale servers during a marketing campaign.

Cloudflare Enterprise is built into the infrastructure, which selectively filters traffic, helping ensure optimal security for highly available WordPress sites at every scale.

Benefit from the transparent pricing based on easy to understand metrics that you can predict.

Choose a Plan That Works For You.

Cloudways Autoscale means you’re harnessing the power of Kubernetes leading technology in scalability and reliability.

Get started with $100 credits on any plan

Additional Usage Info

$1/10 GB additional Bandwidth

$1/1000 additional Visits

$2/1 GB additional Disk space

*Offer valid for new customers and will be applied on first 4 invoices only

A Cutting-Edge WordPress Kubernetes Infrastructure Orchestrated Just For You.

Cloudways Autonomous means you’re harnessing the power of Kubernetes – a leading technology in scalability and reliability. The best part is that you don’t have to delve into its complexities.

Ideal for Businesses Like Yours.

High-Traffic eCommerce

Scale as Your
Sales Soar

Flash sales or holiday rushes, ensure that your eCommerce platform can handle the influx of shoppers, manage checkout processes smoothly, and never miss a sale due to website lag or crashes.

Event or Booking Websites

Book Every Seat
Without Missing a Beat

Cloudways Autonomous enables ticketing portals to maintain speed and efficiency, so that every user gets their ticket quickly and your site stays up even under the most intense pressure.

Learning Management Systems (LMS)

Educate Without

High traffic during course enrollments or new module releases is a test of reliability. Autonomous adapts to increased learner activity, maintaining a seamless educational experience without the worry of server downtime or slowdowns.

Influencer Websites

From Viral Content
to Steady Performance

Influencers can go viral in a heartbeat, causing a massive surge in website visitors. Cloudways Autonomous is the safety net that allows these sites to leverage viral moments without crashing, so every visitor’s interaction is smooth and stable.

Large Media Sites and Blogs

Handle Breaking News
With Unbreaking Hosting

When news breaks, readers flock to media sites and blogs for the latest information. Autonomous helps ensure the site is ready for the rush, delivering fast-loading pages and a reliable user experience, no matter how global events unfold.

High Traffic WordPress Hosting Made Better.

Powerful features included in every plan that simplify choices for you and enhance experience.

Unlimited PHP Workers.

Handle numerous requests simultaneously for optimal website performance without any limits.

Autoscaling & High-Availability.

Kubernetes based autoscaling & load balancing scale resources up & down without intervention.

Integrated Cloudflare Enterprise.

Cloudflare’s edge cache and global CDN help deliver the fastest possible experience regardless of geo-location.

Integrated Object Cache Pro.

Your checkout and cart pages load fast & your WordPress admin environment remains high-speed and responsive.

Security (SSL, WAF, DDoS).

Unmetered DDoS mitigation at layers 3, 4, and 7. Cloudflare’s WAF analyzes millions of requests to block attackers and threats..

Automated Backups & Staging.

Enjoy enhanced reliability with automated backups & staging with 1-click push & pull capabilities.

Multiple PHP versions.

Enable different PHP versions for each of your applications; supports PHP 7.4-8.2 versions with a simple click.

24×7 Expert Support.

Get round-the-clock access to professional technical support and assistance.

Proven Superiority- Autonomous vs. Other Managed Hosts. experts in WordPress consulting tested & benchmarked Autonomous against other managed providers and the results speak for themselves.
Read the full report here.

Add to Carts
Per second.

Cloudways Autonomous outperformed competitors significantly, handling 6.9 add-to-cart actions per second at 100 concurrent users, compared to 1.07 and 1.49 for competitors K and W. At 1000 concurrent users, Autonomous was the sole performer, maintaining 12.5 add-to-carts per second, while competitors failed to complete any transactions.

Per Second.

Cloudways Autonomous excelled with 6.54 checkouts per second at 100 concurrent users, far surpassing competitors K (1.04) and W (0.39). At 500 concurrent users, this lead grew, and at 1000 users, Autonomous impressively managed 8.60 checkouts per second, while competitors K and W failed to process any checkouts in this high-stress scenario.

Average Response

Cloudways Autonomous showcased superior speed, averaging a rapid 2.7 seconds response time at 200 concurrent users and maintaining a steady 9.6 seconds even at 1000 concurrent users. In stark contrast, Competitor K lagged with a minimum of 23 seconds, escalating to over 60 seconds under the same conditions.

Request Per
Second (RPS)

At 200 concurrent users, Cloudways Autonomous achieved a remarkable 47.89 Requests Per Second (RPS), significantly outperforming Competitor K’s 7.23 RPS. This lead expanded with higher user loads; at 500 concurrent users, Autonomous hit 40.98 RPS compared to K’s 5.83 RPS. The gap peaked at 1000 concurrent users, where Autonomous soared to 77.98 RPS, while Competitor K struggled below 5.8 RPS.

Error Rates

At 200 concurrent users, Cloudways Autonomous showcased a minimal error rate of only 0.10%. With increased loads up to 500 concurrent users, it maintained a low error rate of 2.48%, vastly outperforming Competitor K’s 29.10% and W’s 100%. At the peak load of 1000 concurrent users, Autonomous’s error rate was a mere 4.5%, significantly lower than K’s over 50% and W’s consistent 100%.

Frequently Asked Questions

Autonomous currently supports WordPress & Woocommerce applications.

High availability in WordPress hosting refers to a hosting solution’s ability to operate continuously, without any disruptions, even in the face of hardware or software failures. This is achieved through server redundancy, load balancing and failover mechanisms. Autonomous’s infrastructure has a 99.9% uptime SLA, which helps ensure your website is always accessible to your customers.

The static content is cached through Cloudflare CDN for quick delivery from the nearest data center, and dynamic content is cached through Cloudflare’s Edge caching which stores web pages at the edge. Additionally, database queries are cached using Object Cache Pro, reducing database load and enhancing performance under varying traffic conditions.

Although we don’t provide a trial for Autonomous yet, our hourly billing model offers flexibility. You can easily activate & deactivate Auto at your convenience, and you’ll only be charged for the plan up until the time of deactivation. For example, if you subscribe to the $35 plan and use it for 5 days you’ll be charged approximately $5.83 (the calculation is based on a 30-day month). Learn more about the hourly billing here

The resources continue to scale even if you hit your plan limit on any of the allocated resources and as a result your website remains up & running. You will incur small overage fees based on your additional usage: $1 per 10 GB of extra bandwidth, $1 per 1,000 additional visits, and $2 per 1 GB of extra disk space. Learn more about pricing here.

Autonomous’s pricing operates on a plan based system with each plan offering a specific allocation of Sites, Visits, Bandwidth & Disk Space plus overages for additional visits, bandwidth & disk space. The billing is on an hourly basis which makes upgrading, downgrading or deactivating a plan very easy. You will only be charged for a certain plan until you are subscribed to it. As soon as you switch to a different Autonomous plan, the billing transitions to the new plan’s hourly rate from that moment. If you choose to deactivate your subscription, the billing stops entirely. You can learn about Autonomous’s pricing in depth in this KB.

A greater number of PHP workers are important for high-traffic WordPress sites, dynamic websites, as they allow for more simultaneous request processing, reducing wait times and improving overall site performance, especially during traffic surges.

Since the scaling is automatic and horizontal, you should expect no downtime during the scaling.

Autonomous is a completely hands-off solution designed for users who would rather not deal with server choices, configurations, and traffic fluctuations. With Autonomous, it’s all managed and taken care of with a robust Kubernetes infrastructure tailored for high availability WordPress Hosting and high traffic WordPress Hosting with built-in load balancing .

Cloudways regular managed hosting is for users who like their hosting managed but with control over their cloud provider and servers;, they can host more than WordPress here, including custom PHP, Laravel and Magento.

You can learn the difference in pricing models for both here.

Autonomous is a fully-managed infinitely scalable WordPress hosting capable of scaling resources up & down on its own as per traffic needs. It doesn’t limit you on the number of PHP workers nor include hassles of manually scaling your resources or contacting support when you need to scale up.

True autoscaling offers complete peace of mind in the face of expected and unexpected heavy traffic. You don’t need to manually upgrade/downgrade your servers or plans during and after traffic. Your website will automatically adjust resources within seconds based on traffic demand for smooth operation.

Cloudways Autonomous leverages the power of Kubernetes for WordPress autoscaling. Instead of being confined to a single server, your website is distributed across multiple pods.These pods are capable of automatically scaling horizontally (up & down) in response to changes in traffic The system automatically spins up additional pods when traffic increases, and scales down pods when traffic decreases, optimizing resource use.

With Cloudways Autonomous, your application always has the right amount of resources available for a smooth and consistent user experience.

Yes, Cloudways offers managed migrations with 1 free migration. Alternatively, you can choose to migrate your site to Cloudways Autonomous with our free migrator plugin as well.