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How to Create Token Based API Authentication in...

In the prior installment of this series, I wrote about creating a REST API in Symfony. I used HTTP...


Laravel vs Symfony: The Better Framework for Yo...

Planning to build a website for your startup or business? Great decision! We are in a digital era,...


How to Install Symfony Using Composer [Step-by-...

Symfony is a modern PHP framework used to create secure websites and web applications using its different components....


How to Host Symfony on AWS EC2 (Amazon Cloud)

Symfony is a developer-centric PHP framework that powers thousands of websites and web apps today. This framework is...


What Is Sulu & Why Do Developers Choose Th...

Sulu is a content management system built on Symfony PHP that supports highly customized content administration and publishing...


Symfony Migration from cPanel to Cloudways Plat...

Symfony is a very popular MVC framework for banking and ecommerce applications. In order to extract maximum performance...


How to Host Symfony on Linode Using Cloudways

Symfony is an open-source PHP system with a reputation as a suitable framework to kick-start any project, regardless...


Create A Contact Form in Symfony With SwiftMailer

So you have created the perfect Symfony powered website but how could people interact with you? How could...


Create User Management in Symfony by Integratin...

FOSUserBundle is a preferred choice to create user management(login, register, profile, logout) system in Symfony. I have already...

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