Digital agencies are great at content marketing. They have to be – it’s one of the reasons their clients pay them. With content marketing, the agencies themselves can also attract the leads they need.
For content marketing to yield results, though, the content quality must be excellent. In other words, just blogging or posting on social media regularly isn’t enough.
But what exactly is quality content? In this article, let’s discuss what that means nowadays and in the context of content marketing done by digital marketing agencies. We’ll also look at how to create quality content to drive your agency’s success and that of your clients.
Ready? Let’s start!
What Is Quality Content?
Quality content can mean many things. For digital agencies, there are a number of common themes. These parameters should guide you when creating content that drives your marketing strategy:
1. Quality Content Is Defined by Data
Does the content drive traffic and leads based on your tools, such as Google Analytics? Does the content rank well on Google? If so, it’s likely you have quality content. If not, you might want to revisit it.
What about engagement? Does the content enjoy a significant number of shares and likes across platforms?
Quality content is also defined by its success, which should be measured with data. If the content is written well and achieves the goal for which it was created, it is of high quality.
2. Quality Content Does Well on Multiple Channels
If your content does well on Facebook, that’s great. But don’t be quick to conclude that it’s therefore quality content. Quality content does well across channels. Before you can rejoice about how well your content performed on a single platform, you need to check if that same content does well elsewhere, too.
But that’s not all. Quality content will also rank well in organic searches. It will also get engagements and conversions via other marketing channels such as pay-per-click (PPC) advertising or email marketing.
Quality content attracts readers and persuades them to take action, regardless of the platform.
Don’t worry. You don’t have to create completely new content for each platform. You can take one piece of content and repurpose it across different platforms and formats. For example, get a blog post that performs well and repurpose it for YouTube. That way, you might even eventually be able to make money on YouTube, too.
3. Quality Content Delivers Value
So, what exactly is it about quality content that makes it do well on multiple channels and get all those engagements, clicks, and conversions? Simple: it delivers value.
Quality content doesn’t add to the existing noise online. It is not trivial or surface-level. Instead, it increases a reader’s understanding of a topic by bringing a fresh perspective and additional information. In other words, it is useful and helps improve lives, answer questions, or solve problems.
It follows, then, that all quality content is unique. Quality content doesn’t merely parrot what other resources are saying. It is not plagiarized. Many of our favorite Grammarly alternative tools offer an inbuilt plagiarism checker to ensure your content is truly unique. Any good free plagiarism checker like check-plagiarism can also be used to check the content’s uniqueness.
Aim to fill a content gap and add to the existing conversation around a topic. Running your content through a punctuation checker to make it flawless grammar-wise is critical, too.
How to Create Quality Content?
Now that you know what quality content is for digital agencies, let’s look at how you can create it. Complement your digital growth strategies with killer content, and your agency and clients will be well on their way to success.
1. Determine the Metrics You’ll Track
Quality content is defined by its success, and that success needs to be measurable. So before you create your content, you need to determine the parameters that constitute success.
Conversions are by far the most critical metric for digital agencies. According to Klipfolio, these are the other top key performance indicators for modern digital marketers:
- Web traffic sources. Determine where you want most of your traffic to come from. For example, you might want most of it to come from organic searches.
- Brand awareness. Does the content increase awareness of your brand? To measure brand awareness, you can give out surveys to consumers or track your share of the existing social media voice.
- Cost per lead. This metric measures how cost-effective your marketing strategies are when generating new leads. Divide the total marketing spend by the total number of new leads to get the cost per lead.
- Website traffic leads. Does the content drive people to your website?
- Returning visitors. How many of those who go to your website through your content are returning visitors?
- Click-through rate. The number of clicks your content receives divided by the number of people who have seen it.
- Customer lifetime value. This is the total amount of money a customer is expected to spend on your products or services throughout their lifetime. To calculate CLV, multiply the average value of the purchase by the number of times the customer will buy each year, and by the average length of the customer relationship in years.
You can choose more than one metric to track. The key is to stick to those metrics once you’ve determined them and track them using available tools. Google Analytics can help you track website traffic leads and web traffic sources, for example.
2. Check How Customers Search the Web
All quality content delivers value. And for your content to provide value, you need to know the customer pain points your content aims to address. That is where keyword research can help you.
You can start by creating a list of topics you’d like to write about. Check the keyword search volume for each of the topics. You can do this with tools such as SEMRush or Google Keywords Planner. Pick topics that people care about based on the keyword search volume results.
Once you have your topic, think of all possible keywords related to that topic. If you run out of ideas, you can use Google to help you. Just type in a word, and Google will give you other possible keywords. Keywords Everywhere is another great tool that suggests alternative keyword options.
Choose a mixture of head terms and long-tail keywords for your chosen topic. Head terms are more generic terms such as “blogging”, while long-tail keywords are longer and more specific (such as “how to write a lifestyle blog”). Head terms are usually the most-searched terms and are therefore much harder to rank for. On the other hand, long-tail keywords are less searched, but because they are more specific, it is safe to assume anyone using them is looking to answer a specific question, solve a particular pain point, or buy a certain product.
Use Google Keywords Planner to cut down your list. The tool will give you traffic estimates and search volume for each keyword. Delete keywords that have an extremely high search volume (as we said, it would be too difficult to rank for those) or a very low search volume (there’s no point ranking for keywords people aren’t searching for). You may want to use Google Trends, too, to determine whether it’s worth it to invest in a keyword that has a low search volume now but is projected to do well in the future.
3. Create Content
Now that you have your chosen keywords and you know the customer pain points you’re looking to address, it’s time to create your content.
When writing the content, make sure you include the keywords you chose and that they appear naturally throughout the article (to get an idea of what I mean, the keyword for this article was “quality content”). Your content should also address the relevant customer needs and relate back to the ways that your agency is able to help solve relevant problems.
Quality content provides value. That means it should be useful and actionable even to people who will never spend money with your agency. For content to provide value, it should be easy to understand Straightforward, plain language is better than technical terms and jargon.
Too busy to create a steady stream of quality content? There are numerous great freelance copywriters seeking remote writing jobs online. Feel free to hire one of them to help you if you have too much on your plate.
4. Promote Content
Quality content will only meet its goals if it reaches the intended audience. So be proactive and share your content through the appropriate channels.
You can promote content on social media or use email newsletters. Influencer marketing can help drive the right people to it, too. And if you write guest posts for other sites in your niche or conduct a cold email outreach campaign, you can attract new readers to your site as well as building valuable backlinks.
You don’t need to use all these strategies throughout your campaign. The key is to try things out and test the ideas you think will work. And then make adjustments based on the results, like determining how many follow-up emails to send or deciding what parts of your process to automate.
5. Track Metrics
The final step is to track the metrics you determined were important to you at the beginning of this process. With proper tracking, you can adjust your strategies so you can achieve your definition of success.
For example, if you wanted more traffic to your content from Facebook but you’re not seeing that result, you can tap a Facebook influencer to help you. Alternatively, you might decide Instagram is a better platform for you. Or if there doesn’t seem to be an improvement in brand awareness, you can ramp up your promotional strategies. And so on.
Wrapping up!
Quality content is crucial to digital agencies. But sometimes the problem is understanding what constitutes quality content and how best to create it to ensure you reach the right people over all the other noise online.
In this article, we looked at the parameters digital agencies should use to determine whether a piece of content is of high quality or not. We also looked at ways you can create quality content creator is based on those parameters.
Remember the golden rules:
- Use data to inform your decisions at every stage
- Don’t focus on just one channel
- Always strive to deliver value, focusing on solving customer pain points
- Ensure your content is free from grammatical and spelling errors
- Focus on long-tail keywords with a good search volume
- Track your metrics and adjust accordingly
Now it’s over to you. Put in the time and effort, and be strategic in your content creation efforts. You’ll soon master creating quality content that achieves your metrics of success and fuels your agency’s growth.
Disclaimer: This guest post was contributed by Nicholas Rubright, Communications Specialist for Writer, an AI writing assistant designed for teams. Nicholas has previously worked to develop content marketing strategies for brands like Webex, Havenly, and Fictiv.
Mansoor Ahmed Khan
Been in content marketing since 2014, and I still get a kick out of creating stories that resonate with the target audience and drive results. At Cloudways by DigitalOcean (a leading cloud hosting company, btw!), I lead a dream team of content creators. Together, we brainstorm, write, and churn out awesome content across all the channels: blogs, social media, emails, you name it! You can reach out to me at [email protected].