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11 Best WordPress Page Builders Reviewed & Tested in 2024

Updated on April 2, 2024

20 Min Read

Building a website can be a daunting task. You want to create something that is both aesthetically pleasing and functional, but the technical aspects can be time-consuming. You may struggle with coding, design elements, and the overall layout of your site.

Enter WordPress page builders – your solution to these challenges. These tools are designed to make website creation easy, even for beginners. They offer a drag-and-drop interface, pre-designed templates, and many customization options.

In this blog post, I’ll cover WordPress page builders in detail. I’ll explore their features, discuss how they can simplify the website creation process, and help you choose the right one for your needs. So let’s read on!

Brief Overview of WordPress Page Builders

WordPress page builders are plugins that make creating a website easier. They have a simple system where you can drag and drop different website elements, just like moving blocks around.

These builders come with ready-made designs called templates. These templates are like a starting point for your website, and they come in different styles for different types of websites.

What’s more, WordPress page builders let you change many things about your website. You can choose different colors, fonts, and layouts to make your website look just the way you want.

Some builders even have extra features like making your website look good on mobile phones, letting you add your own code, and working with other tools.

In short, WordPress page builders make creating a website something anyone can do. They make the process faster and let you focus on the important stuff – your content and the people visiting your site.

Key Features of WordPress Page Builders

WordPress page builders come packed with different features that make website creation a breeze. Here are some key features:

1. Drag-and-Drop Interface: This feature lets you easily move elements around your page. You can add, remove, or rearrange sections as you see fit.

2. Pre-Designed Templates: These are ready-to-use designs that you can apply to your website. They come in various styles and can be customized to suit your needs.

3. Customization Options: You can change the look and feel of your website by adjusting colors, fonts, and layouts. This allows you to create a unique website that reflects your brand.

4. Integration Capabilities: Some builders allow you to connect with other tools and platforms. This can enhance the functionality of your website.

5. Custom CSS: For those who want more control over their website’s design, some builders allow you to add your own CSS code.

Why Choose a WordPress Page Builder?

Choosing a WordPress page builder can significantly streamline your website creation process. Here are some reasons why:

1. No Coding Required: The beauty of WordPress page builders lies in their simplicity. You don’t need to be a coding expert to create a stunning website.

2. Freedom of Design: The array of templates and customization options means you’re not confined to a box. You can let your creativity run wild and design a site that’s uniquely yours.

3. Launch in No Time: The ease and speed of using WordPress page builders means you can have your website live much quicker than traditional methods.

4. Budget-Friendly: WordPress page builders are a cost-effective solution to getting a professional-looking website without the hefty price tag of hiring developers.

5. Community Support: There are numerous forums, tutorials, and resources available online where users share their experiences, tips, and solutions to common issues.

Advantages and Limitations of Page Builders

WordPress page builders have their own advantages and limitations. Here’s a look at both:

🟢 Ease of Use: No coding is needed. Just drag and drop.
🟢 Speed of Development: Quick website creation with templates.
🟢 Cost-Effective: Cheaper than professional developers.
🟢 Flexibility: Lots of design options.
🟢 Maintenance: Easy updates and changes.

🔴 Performance: Can be slower due to extra code.
🔴 Limited Customization: Not as flexible as coding from scratch.
🔴 Dependency: Removing the tool can break the site.
🔴 Code Quality: Auto-generated code isn’t always clean or efficient.
🔴 Learning Curve: Takes time to learn all features.

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How We Tested WordPress Page Builders?

Here are the main criteria we used to test WordPress page builders:

  • We selected the most popular and powerful WordPress page builders based on active installations and positive user reviews.
  • We used the same server (DigitalOcean Premium) on Cloudways’s fully-managed WordPress hosting for each page builder to ensure consistent performance. You can also use Cloudways Autonomous which is compatible with all these page builders.
  • We installed a new WordPress application for every page builder.
  • We activated each WordPress page builder.
  • We installed and activated the suggested theme for each page builder. If no theme was suggested, we used the Twenty Twenty-One WordPress theme.
  • We edited the theme with the WordPress page builder and created a website design and layout that matched a sample website.
  • We ran performance tests on each page builder using GTmetrix, Pingdom Tools, and PageSpeed Insights to evaluate core web vital scores, analyze the website’s load speed, and check the Google Page Experience.

You can also use plugins to debug WordPress sites, like WordPress query monitor.

1. Server Details

Here are the specific server specifications and configurations we used on our WordPress hosting platform:

  • Platform: Cloudways
  • Server: DigitalOcean Premium
  • Server Location: UK – London
  • RAM: 4 GB
  • Disk Space: 80 GB NVMe Disk
  • Bandwidth: 4TB Transfer
  • CPU: 2 Core Processor
  • Operating System: Debian 10
  • Nginx: 1.21.3
  • Varnish: 6.0.11
  • Memcached: 1.5.6
  • Apache: 2.4.57
  • Database: MariaDB 10.4.20

2. Testing Tools

Here are the website speed testing tools we used:

1. GTmetrix


GTmetrix is a powerful tool designed for enhancing website performance. It delivers in-depth insights into the load speed of a webpage, pinpoints the elements causing delays, and suggests potential fixes.

The tool is capable of testing under a variety of conditions. For a comprehensive performance analysis, it can simulate different locations, devices, and connection speeds.

One of its key features is the ability to track page performance over time. It sends out alerts when the performance metrics fall below a certain level.

Moreover, GTmetrix can assess the impact of advertisements and Core Web Vitals on page speed and SEO. This feature empowers users to make data-driven decisions for their website optimization strategies.

Key metrics: GTmetrix Grade and Web Vitals

2. Pingdom Tools

Pingdom Tools

Pingdom’s Website Speed Test is a tool that scrutinizes the load speed of your website, identifying elements that are fast, slow, or excessively large. This tool is beneficial for both experts and novices.

It is a service that monitors your website’s uptime and performance from over 70 global locations. This service aids in enhancing the end-user experience.

The chart provided uses colors and icons for easy interpretation. Different colors indicate the stages of a request, while icons represent the content types of each request.

Additionally, dots beside each URL display the HTTP response codes, providing a comprehensive overview of your website’s performance.

Key metrics: Overall Performance Grade, Load Time, Page Size, and Requests

3. PageSpeed Insights

PageSpeed Insights

PageSpeed Insights is another tool offered by Google Developers. It allows users to evaluate the performance of their web pages by entering a URL and generating a detailed report that includes key metrics such as speed score, largest contentful paint, and total blocking time.

Not only does this tool provide performance metrics, but it also suggests ways to enhance web page speed. This can lead to an improved user experience and potentially higher SEO rankings.

The PageSpeed Insights includes sections for documentation, updates, and related content on web performance. Users can find a wealth of information, including best practices, case studies, and podcasts, to further optimize their web pages.

Key metrics: First Contentful Paint, Speed Index, Largest Contentful Paint, Time to Interactive, Total Blocking Time, Cumulative Layout Shift

4. is a free tool that helps you test your website or web applications by simulating a large number of people visiting it all at once. This helps you see how your site handles lots of users at the same time.

Key metrics: Average Response Times

List of the Best WordPress Page Builders

Now that you know what tools we’re using to measure the performance of each website built with all these page builders, it’s time to get right into it.

Page Builder GTmetrix Pingdom PageSpeed Insights
1. Breakdance Page Builder 93% 88 99 877 ms
2. Elementor Page Builder 100% 88 96 245 ms
3. Beaver Builder 97% 90 96 248 ms
4. Brizy Page Builder 98% 93 98 250 ms
5. BoldGrid Page Builder 100% 91 100 238 ms
6. SiteOrigin Page Builder 88% 86 98 240 ms
7. Spectra Page Builder 100% 93 99 240ms
8. SeedProd Page Builder 100% 93 98 242 ms
9. Visual Composer 99% 81 97 247 ms
10. WP Bakery 85% 86 72 241 ms
11. Zion Page Builder 100% 94 100 242 ms

1. Breakdance Page Builder

Breakdance Page Builder

Breakdance Page Builder is a cutting-edge WordPress page builder plugin that empowers users to create and customize eye-catching websites using its visual drag-and-drop interface.

As one of the top WordPress page builders, Breakdance distinguishes itself with its innovative features and remarkable performance. It caters to both beginners and professionals and offers 130+ built-in elements and deep WooCommerce integration.

Breakdance is the chosen platform for over 10,000 creators, allowing them to create remarkable websites using its visual drag-and-drop interface.

In terms of cost, you can acquire it for only $199.99/year, granting access to unlimited sites. Don’t miss out on the current offer of an unlimited site license for just $199.99/year.

Main Features

  • 130+ Elements
  • WooCommerce
  • Full Site Editing
  • Popup Builder
  • Dynamic Data
  • Menu Builder
  • Form Builder
  • Global Styles
  • Performance & SEO
  • Design & Build
  • Design Library

Read our detailed review on Breakdance Page Builder.

Performance Analysis

Breakdance Page Builder Performance on GTmetrix

Breakdance Page Builder Performance on GTmetrix

  • Performance: 93%
  • LCP: 1.0 s
  • TBT: 136ms
  • CLS: 0
  • TTFB: 558ms

Breakdance Page Builder Performance on Pingdom test

Breakdance Page Builder Performance on Pingdom

  • Performance Grade: 88
  • Page Size: 1.6 MB
  • Load Time: 1.49 s
  • Requests: 32

Breakdance Page Builder Performance on PageSpeed Insights

Breakdance Page Builder Performance on PageSpeed Insights

  • Overall Grade: 99
  • FCP: 0.6 s
  • Speed Index: 1.0 s
  • LCP: 0.8 s
  • TBT: 0ms
  • CLS: 0

Breakdance Page Builder Performance on

Breakdance Page Builder Performance on

  • Average Response Time: 877ms

2. Elementor Page Builder

Elementor Page Builder

Elementor Page Builder is a super popular page builder that’s available for free. The free version, which has 4.5-star reviews on, offers 40+ free widgets for you to build professional-looking websites.

However, if you have more advanced needs, you can always purchase the plugin’s Pro version, which is available for $59/Year, with pro features. Elementor has a powerful user interface that lets you build amazing websites easily with its intuitive drag-and-drop interface.

Like most page builders, you can easily build websites from scratch without coding skills. Any changes you make on the Elementor interface, you see the live changes on your website, making these page builder plugins great to use. We have a comparison guide where we compared Divi vs Elementor. Perhaps you might want tot check that out.

Main Features

  • Live Drag & Drop Editor
  • Advanced Web Creation
  • Professional Workflow
  • 100+ Website Designs
  • 100+ Widgets
  • Premium Support
  • Sticky headers or footers for captivating scroll animations

Read our detailed review on Elementor Page Builder.

Performance Analysis

Elementor Page Builder Performance on Gtmetrix

Elementor Page Builder Performance on Gtmetrix

  • Performance: 100%
  • LCP: 520ms
  • TBT: 0ms
  • CLS: 0
  • TTFB: 23ms

Elementor Page Builder Performance on Pingdom

Elementor Page Builder Performance on Pingdom

  • Performance Grade: 88
  • Page Size: 2.1 MB
  • Load Time: 278 ms
  • Requests: 47

Elementor Page Builder Performance on PageSpeed Insights

Elementor Page Builder Performance on PageSpeed Insights

  • Overall Grade: 96
  • FCP: 0.7s
  • Speed Index: 0.7s
  • LCP: 1.3s
  • TBT: 0ms
  • CLS: 0.002

Elementor Page Builder Performance on

Elementor Page Builder Performance on

  • Average Response Time: 245ms

3. Beaver Builder

Beaver Builder

Beaver Builder is a powerful page builder highly regarded in the WordPress community. With 200,000+ activations, most users have rated Beaver Builder 5 stars.

The Standard version of the plugin starts at $99 per year, but if you’re looking for even more robust features and additions, you can always opt for the Pro or the Agency version.

Yes, Beaver Builder is a little more expensive than other page builders on this list, but there’s a lot to love about this plugin, which turns website development into a fun activity.

On a side note, even though we have placed Beaver Builder at the third spot, it is no slouch when compared to our choices like Elementor. Just check out our comparison of Beaver Builder vs Elementor.

Main Features

  • Powerful features and control
  • Drag-and-drop interface
  • Ease of use & integration
  • Customizable templates
  • Responsive websites
  • Unlimited websites
  • Global Custom CSS

Read our detailed review on Beaver Builder Review.

Performance Analysis

Beaver Builder Performance on Gtmetrix

Beaver Builder Performance on Gtmetrix

  • Performance: 97%
  • LCP: 510 ms
  • TBT: 35ms
  • CLS: 0.13
  • TTFB: 23ms

Beaver Builder Pingdom Performance test

Beaver Builder Performance on Pingdom

  • Performance Grade: 90
  • Page Size: 656.5 KB
  • Load Time: 333 ms
  • Requests: 40

Beaver Builder Performance on PageSpeed Insights

Beaver Builder Performance on PageSpeed Insights

  • Overall Grade: 96
  • FCP: 1.0 s
  • Speed Index: 1.0 s
  • LCP: 1.2 s
  • TBT: 0ms
  • CLS: 0.011

Beaver Builder Performance on

Beaver Page Builder Performance on

  • Average Response Time: 248ms

4. Brizy Page Builder

Brizy Page Builder

Brizy Page Builder is one of the best WordPress page builders out there that lets you design your websites without development or coding skills.

You can get started with Brizy for free for all your basic website needs. But if you want pro features for your development needs, you can start with the Personal Plan, which starts at $13/mo and unlocks many advanced features for your project!

You can easily create stunning and fully functioning websites with the free version of the plugin, but if you need more pro features, the paid version will arm you with enhanced features and tools.

Main Features

  • Code-free website designing
  • Intuitive and clutter-free
  • Innovative content tools
  • Responsive from the get-go
  • Jam-packed with features
  • Premium features for free

Read our detailed review on Brizy Page Builder.

Performance Analysis

Brizy Page Builder Performance on GTmetrix

Brizy Page Builder Performance on GTmetrix

  • Performance: 98%
  • LCP: 753 ms
  • TBT: 108ms
  • CLS: 0
  • TTFB: 26ms

Brizy Page Builder Performance on Pingdom

Brizy Page Builder Performance on Pingdom

  • Performance Grade: 93
  • Page Size: 3.3 MB
  • Load Time: 451 ms
  • Requests: 42

Brizy Page Builder Performance on PageSpeed Insights

Brizy Page Builder Performance on PageSpeed Insights

  • Overall Grade: 98
  • FCP: 0.7 s
  • Speed Index: 0.7 s
  • LCP: 1.1 s
  • TBT: 20ms
  • CLS: 0.012

Brizy Page Builder Performance on

Brizy Page Builder Performance on

  • Average Response Time: 250ms

5. BoldGrid Page Builder

BoldGrid Page Builder

BoldGrid Page Builder is yet another lightweight page builder with a unique way of building your website on a visual editing interface.

BoldGrid offers more than just a page builder; it also has its own theme and plugins like W3 Total Cache, BoldGrid Easy SEO, and Total UpKeep. In a way, it’s a complete solution for building your next WordPress website. This page builder comes in one simple price: $30 for the premium version!

Do remember that BoldGrid might not look as feature-rich compared to other page builders on this list. But despite that, if you want to build a simple, basic WordPress website, it gets the job done perfectly, and you can’t go wrong with this.

Main Features

  • Drag and drop editor
  • Expansive design tools
  • Build faster with blocks
  • Responsive design
  • Advanced options

Read our detailed review on BoldGrid Page Builder.

Performance Analysis

BoldGrid Page Builder Performance on Gtmetrix

BoldGrid Page Builder Performance on Gtmetrix

  • Performance: 100%
  • LCP: 510 ms
  • TBT: 16ms
  • CLS: 0
  • TTFB: 41ms

BoldGrid Page Builder Performance on Pingdom

BoldGrid Page Builder Performance on Pingdom

  • Performance Grade: 91
  • Page Size: 1.2 MB
  • Load Time: 727  ms
  • Requests: 29

BoldGrid Page Builder Performance on PageSpeed Insights

BoldGrid Page Builder Performance on PageSpeed Insights

  • Overall Grade: 100
  • FCP: 0.5 s
  • Speed Index: 0.7 s
  • LCP: 0.7 s
  • TBT: 0ms
  • CLS: 0

BoldGrid Page Builder Performance on

BoldGrid Page Builder Performance on

  • Average Response Time: 238ms

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6. SiteOrigin Page Builder

SiteOrigin Page Builder

Building powerful and responsive websites are easy when you choose a page builder like SiteOrigin.

Like others on this list, this simple-to-use page plugin provides an easy drag-and-drop interface that keeps you far from coding needs. While you can start for free, the premium packages allow you greater control over your creation with a single site license for $29. You can even opt for the Business or Developer package for $49 and $99, respectively.

If you want to build a WooCommerce store, SiteOrigin is a great page builder for that as well. It’s a lightweight plugin with all the necessary features to build a simple website or landing page.

Main Features

  • Custom Post Type Builder
  • Post Loop Widget
  • WooCommerce Template Builder
  • Live editing
  • Row and widget styles

Read our detailed review on SiteOrigin Page Builder.

Performance Analysis

SiteOrigin Page Builder Performance on GTmetrix

SiteOrigin Page Builder Performance on GTmetrix

  • Performance: 88%
  • LCP: 1.0 s
  • TBT: 76ms
  • CLS: 0.35
  • TTFB: 23ms

SiteOrigin Page Builder Performance on Pingdom

SiteOrigin Page Builder Performance on Pingdom

  • Performance Grade: 86
  • Page Size: 565.3 KB
  • Load Time: 369  ms
  • Requests: 51

SiteOrigin Page Builder Performance on PageSpeed Insights

SiteOrigin Page Builder Performance on PageSpeed Insights

  • Overall Grade: 98
  • FCP: 0.6 s
  • Speed Index: 0.7 s
  • LCP: 0.8 s
  • TBT: 0ms
  • CLS: 0.065

SiteOrigin Page Builder Performance on

SiteOrigin Page Builder Performance on

  • Average Response Time: 240ms

7. Spectra Page Builder

Spectra Banner (2)

Spectra Page Builder is a free WordPress page builder designed to give maximum flexibility and building tools with minimal learning curve. It does that by integrating into the WordPress block editor and using the familiar menus and processes you already know and love.

Spectra adds 28+ building blocks, numerous block patterns, wireframes, and full website templates. Everything can be fully customized to fit your site or your brand, including colors, typography, spacing, and anything else you care to customize.

Spectra doesn’t just add resources, it also adds a smart way of working. It supports Flexbox containers and lets you copy a block style and paste it anywhere on your site. That, combined with one-click block presets and block patterns, streamlines site-building to a whole new level!

The free version of Spectra adds a lot, but choose Spectra Pro, and you get more blocks, more design tools, premium templates, support for dynamic content, loop and popup builders, animations, extra gallery options, and a whole lot more.

As for pricing, Spectra is free and always will be. Spectra Pro costs from $49 per year. Spectra Pro is also available as part of a wider ‘toolkit’ that can include Astra Pro, Premium Starter Templates, SureFeedback, and SureWriter.

Main Features

  • Adds 28+ blocks to the WordPress block editor
  • Adds block patterns and wireframes for faster page-building
  • Readymade templates for full websites
  • Copy and paste block styles across an entire site
  • Compatible with all compliant WordPress themes
  • Block presets for a coherent look
  • Can support dynamic content and animations

Performance Analysis

spectra page builder gtmatrix result

Spectra Page Builder Performance on GTmetrix

  • Performance: 100%
  • LCP: 366ms
  • TBT: 0ms
  • CLS: 0
  • TTFB: 22 ms

spectra page builder pingdom result

Spectra Page Builder Performance on Pingdom

  • Performance Grade: 93
  • Page Size: 1.4 MB
  • Load Time: 303 ms
  • Requests: 25

spectra page builder page speed insights result

Spectra Page Builder Performance on PageSpeed Insights

  • Overall Grade: 99
  • FCP: 0.4 s
  • Speed Index: 0.6 s
  • LCP: 1.2s
  • TBT: 0ms
  • CLS: 0.002

spectra page builder result

Spectra Page Builder Performance on

  • Average Response Time: 240ms

8. SeedProd Page Builder

SeedProd Page Builder

With basic and advanced features, SeedProd Page Builder offers much control over your website development in an easy-to-use, simple package.

The design interface is similar to other page builders, with a drag-and-drop system where you drop elements in place to create your websites. The basic plan for SeedPro starts at $31.60/year and goes up to $239.60/year for the Elite Bundle to cater to professional developers.

SeedProd is also a great page builder for building your WooCommerce website. You can easily create fantastic landing pages and add blocks for checkout, carts, product grids, featured products, add-to-cart buttons, etc.

Main Features

  • 150+ landing page templates
  • Choose from over 20 built-in color schemes
  • Custom CSS
  • Over 200 built-in themes
  • 90+ Pro Blocks
  • Pro Elements
  • Spam Protection
  • Email Marketing Plugin and Software Integration
  • Support Channel
  • 45+ eye-catching animations

Read our detailed review on SeedProd Page Builder.

Performance Analysis

SeedProd Page Builder Performance on Gtmetrix

SeedProd Page Builder Performance on Gtmetrix

  • Performance: 100%
  • LCP: 427 ms
  • TBT: 0ms
  • CLS: 0
  • TTFB: 29ms

SeedProd Page Builder Performance on Pingdom

SeedProd Page Builder Performance on Pingdom

  • Performance Grade: 93
  • Page Size: 598.2 KB
  • Load Time: 654 ms
  • Requests: 17

SeedProd Page Builder Performance on PageSpeed Insights

SeedProd Page Builder Performance on PageSpeed Insights

  • Overall Grade: 98
  • FCP: 0.7 s
  • Speed Index: 0.7 s
  • LCP: 1.1 s
  • TBT: 0ms
  • CLS: 0.008

SeedProd Page Builder Performance on

SeedProd Page Builder Performance on

  • Average Response Time: 242ms

9. Visual Composer

Visual Composer

Visual Composer is another intuitive drag-and-drop builder, popular for its speed and user-friendliness. It focuses on simplifying the page-building experience by putting the power in the hands of all users, irrespective of their technical backgrounds.

Users can start with Visual Composer and build pages, blocks, elements, etc., without dealing with coding complexities. With this revolutionary plugin, you can create a brand-new website within a few minutes.

Like other page builders, Visual Composer also offers its design elements library and fancies it with the “Visual Composer Hub,” comprising nine categories including blocks, addons, elements, giphy, etc.

With 500+ content elements, unique templates, add-ons, and blocks, you are good at building a brand-new website from scratch by simply dragging and dropping elements.

As for pricing, Visual Composer page builder starts from $49/year and covers a single site. It also has a free version that offers 30 elements and 10 templates.

Main Features

  • Intuitive visual drag-and-drop editor
  • 200+ professional pre-made templates
  • 500+ content elements with advanced design options
  • Responsive design options on the front end
  • Built-in SEO optimization
  • Extensive library of add-ons and design assets accessible from the visual builder hub
  • Third-party integrations with essential plugins for forms, social networks, and media
  • Integrates with multiple font and icon libraries for vector icons and SVGs

Read our detailed review on Visual Composer.

Performance Analysis

Visual Composer Performance on Gtmetrix

Visual Composer Performance on Gtmetrix

  • Performance: 99%
  • LCP: 510 ms
  • TBT: 0ms
  • CLS: 0.08
  • TTFB: 27ms

Visual Composer Performance on Pingdom

Visual Composer Performance on Pingdom

  • Performance Grade: 81
  • Page Size: 986.0 KB
  • Load Time: 257 ms
  • Requests: 44

Visual Composer Performance on PageSpeed Insights

Visual Composer Performance on PageSpeed Insights

  • Overall Grade: 97
  • FCP: 0.9 s
  • Speed Index: 0.9 s
  • LCP: 1.0 s
  • TBT: 0ms
  • CLS: 0.067

Visual Composer Performance on

Visual Composer Performance on

  • Average Response Time: 247ms

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10. WPBakery Page Builder

WPBakery Page Builder

WPBakery Page Builder is a top-tier page builder renowned for its popularity and integration with numerous WordPress themes. It is famous for its exclusive template library, grid builder, and mobile-responsive design.

With over 50 built-in widgets and 250+ add-ons, WPBakery grants full control over your site’s layout, ensuring compatibility with any WordPress theme. If you don’t want to build your own design, you can construct a website with 100+ pre-designed templates suited for diverse businesses.

Another thing we like about WPBakery is the integrated skin builder. This feature enables custom elements to align with your WordPress theme.

WPBakery is also developer-friendly. It offers a drag-and-drop builder that supports users in extending and modifying site settings through a structured API.

As for pricing, its regular plan costs $59 for lifetime usage, offering single-site access, premium support, updates, and template library entry. The extended plan at $499/lifetime supports up to 10 sites.

Main Features

  • Access 50+ versatile content elements
  • Employ an advanced grid builder
  • Utilize a comprehensive template library
  • Rapidly style elements with the built-in skin builder
  • Expand capabilities via WPBakery Page Builder API
  • Compatible with nearly all WordPress themes
  • Enjoy dedicated support Monday-Saturday

Read our detailed review on WPBakery Page Builder.

Performance Analysis

WPBakery Page Builder Performance on GTmterix

WPBakery Page Builder Performance on GTmterix

  • Performance: 85%
  • LCP: 305 ms
  • TBT: 0ms
  • CLS: 0.92
  • TTFB: 26ms

WPBakery Page Builder Pindom Performance result

WPBakery Page Builder Performance on Pindom

  • Performance Grade: 86
  • Page Size: 1.6 MB
  • Load Time: 353 ms
  • Requests: 56

WPBakery Page Builder Performance on PageSpeed Insights

WPBakery Page Builder Performance on PageSpeed Insights

  • Overall Grade: 72
  • FCP: 0.8 s
  • Speed Index: 0.8 s
  • LCP: 1.3 s
  • TBT: 0ms
  • CLS: 0.944

WPBakery Page Builder Performance on

WPBakery Page Builder Performance on

  • Average Response Time: 241 ms

11. Zion Page Builder

Zion Page Builder

If you’ve heard of the famous WordPress theme Kallyas, you already know the team that created the Zion Page Builder, and that’s how you know it’s a quality tool.

Zion includes tonnes of user-friendly tools and 300+ pre-designed blocks and templates that make the website-building process far easier than it is.

You can always get started with the free version of the builder, but if you’re looking for more control and advanced features, the Pro version can be had for $39/year (1 site) for the personal version and goes up to $249 (UNLIMITED WEBSITES) for the lifetime version.

Of course, while Zion is a no-code page builder like most on this list, it emphasizes blending between designing and coding for complete flexibility. But that depends on your expertise so that you can choose either, and you’ll be fine!

Main Features

  • Elements & Templates
  • Modal Builder
  • Header & Footer Builder
  • Responsive preview
  • WooCommerce Builder

Read our detailed review on Zion Page Builder.

Performance Analysis

Zion Page Builder Performance on GTmetrix

Zion Page Builder Performance on GTmetrix

  • Performance: 100%
  • LCP: 177 ms
  • TBT: 0ms
  • CLS: 0
  • TTFB: 26ms

Zion Page Builder Performance on Pingdom

Zion Page Builder Performance on Pingdom

  • Performance Grade: 94
  • Page Size: 1.1 MB
  • Load Time: 107 ms
  • Requests: 19

Zion Page Builder Performance on PageSpeed Insights

Zion Page Builder Performance on PageSpeed Insights

  • Overall Grade: 100
  • FCP: 0.3 s
  • Speed Index: 0.4 s
  • LCP: 0.4 s
  • TBT: 0ms
  • CLS: 0

Zion Page Builder Performance on

Zion Page Builder Performance on

  • Average Response Time: 242 ms

Guidelines for Choosing a Page Builder

These guidelines aim to help you make an informed decision, ensuring you select a page builder that is easy to use, offers customization options and provides the support you need. Remember, the best page builder is one that fits your specific needs and goals.

  1. User-Friendly Interface: Pick one that’s easy to use.
  2. Customization Options: Look for lots of design choices.
  3. Pre-Built Templates: Choose one with ready-to-use templates.
  4. Responsiveness: Make sure it works well on all devices.
  5. SEO-Friendly: It should help your site show up in search results.
  6. Plugin Compatibility: Check if it works with other plugins you use.
  7. Support and Updates: Pick one that offers help and regular updates.
  8. Performance: It shouldn’t slow down your site.
  9. Pricing: Make sure it’s affordable and worth the cost.
  10. Community and Reviews: A big user base and good reviews are a plus.


We’ve done the legwork for you, identifying and thoroughly testing the best page builders. These tools are particularly beneficial for developers and agencies that build websites and require a robust solution to streamline their processes.

Simply select your preferred page builder from our list, deploy it on a Cloudways  WordPress server, and prepare for an exceptional website-building experience. Once your website is up and running, you can focus entirely on your business.

If you’ve any questions or feedback, please feel free to ask in the comments section.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Which Page Builder is the fastest?

A: According to our testing, all these page builders listed above are some of the fastest WordPress page builders you can use.
The premium version of Beaver Builder gives you access to additional modules and templates. Depending on your license, you can also access the Beaver Builder theme, multisite support, and white labeling.

Q2. What are WordPress page builders?

A: WordPress page builders are plugins that replace the default WordPress editor with a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface, simplifying website design.

Q3. Should I use a WordPress page builder?

A: Absolutely. A WordPress page builder is an excellent choice if you prefer not to delve into coding while designing your website.

Q4. Do Web developers use page builders?

A: Indeed, they do. Page builders can automate many web development tasks using templates and elements, saving developers significant time and enhancing their workflow.

Q5. Are page builders bad?

A: Not at all. Page builders are designed to simplify your web design process and save you time and resources. They don’t have any negative attributes unless misused.

Q6. Do Web developers use page builders?

A: Yes, they do. Page builders can significantly streamline web development tasks using templates and elements, making them a valuable tool in a developer’s workflow.

Q7. How do page builders work?

A: Page builders operate by replacing the default WordPress editor with a drag-and-drop editor interface. This allows you to design your website using the provided tools without needing any coding skills.

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Abdul Rehman

Abdul is a tech-savvy, coffee-fueled, and creatively driven marketer who loves keeping up with the latest software updates and tech gadgets. He's also a skilled technical writer who can explain complex concepts simply for a broad audience. Abdul enjoys sharing his knowledge of the Cloud industry through user manuals, documentation, and blog posts.


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