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9 Reasons Why Laravel Developers Host on Cloudways

Updated on March 24, 2022

9 Min Read
what is laravel used for

In 2022, there are a number of well-known PHP frameworks available. So what makes developers choose Laravel? There are also any number of hosting services available that developers can use to launch and host their finished apps and websites. So what makes them choose Cloudways?

In a nutshell, developers find Laravel eases the development process to a great degree without compromising application functionality. And they have very specific demands from their hosting providers to ensure their apps and websites run smoothly – demands that Cloudways is fully able to meet.

In this piece, we’ll break down in detail why developers gravitate towards Laravel, what they require from hosting services, and how Cloudways lives up to those requirements.

What Makes Laravel Such a Great Choice for Developers?

Laravel’s extreme popularity (over 741,766 live websites!) hinges on how it removes the pain from the developmental process. It simplifies the mundane and routine tasks performed in every other web project, such as routing, sessions, authentication and caching. Here’s what’s so great about it.

It Has a Short Learning Curve, and the Community is Supportive

Among developers, Laravel is considered to be easy to learn and use, particularly if you’ve worked with PHP. The community of Laravel developers is a mature one, and it plays a large hand in helping newbies out whenever they’re stuck. The documentation is thorough, and there are plenty of resources to help out developers, on platforms like Laracast,, Reddit Laravel and our very own Cloudways Community.

What’s more, there are hundreds of Laravel libraries, including comprehensive Laravel outlines on 20+ distinctive Object Oriented libraries – more so than in any other PHP system like CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Symfony, or Zend System 2. This permits developers to design responsive, valuable, and modular web apps.

Laravel’s versatile and user-friendly interface also makes it easy to use. It simplifies long and complex programming tasks like routing, authentication, and caching, and makes the process smoother and more effective.

“Laravel has always been the best framework that focuses on developer experience. The development patterns might not be ideal for everyone, but they sure make it possible to develop something quickly and still keep it maintainable and testable.”


~ Developer Bobby Bouwmann

It Offers Efficiency, Speed, Flexibility and Automation

When it comes to routing and requests, Laravel is more adaptable and efficient. It also permits reverse routing. Laravel offers a built-in template engine that is more productive than any other PHP framework’s templating engine. What’s more, Laravel automates a great number of tasks; you can reach a progressed level of automation just by using the necessary codes.

Don’t waste your Laravel website’s potential speed on shared hosting.

Cloudways is the Bluehost alternative that optimizes your website even as it scales

Laravel also caches almost complete data to decrease processing time and increase proficiency. Caching moves data to a temporary storage location, making websites faster, and contributing to better SEO scores and increased client satisfaction.

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Its MVC Architecture Allows for Scalability, Security, and Performance

Laravel’s MVC architecture makes it easy to construct large or small business applications, as it streamlines your coding structure. Its built-in security features are also extremely helpful for developers, with a robust authentication system that lets you authenticate users for every request they make, and retrieves them back from the database whenever required.

What Developers Require from a Hosting Provider for Their Laravel App


According to Dennis Smink, a freelance Larabug developer from the Netherlands:

“I think it’s great anytime a developer can focus more attention on their application and less on dev-ops. Every time I hear a scary story about having to delve into esoteric PHP and Nginx configuration to diagnose a performance issue, I’m thankful I don’t have to do that. If I were launching an app on my own that I expected to receive significant traction, I would definitely explore managed hosting options.”

Developer Martin Málek defines their hosting requirements as such:

It depends on the requirements of the project. If the project is using Elasticsearch, for instance, you will be looking for hosting with that. But in general, the hosting provider should fulfill the following requirements: PHP 8.1, SSL, 99.9% SLA, access to logs, PostgreSQL, automatic backups with at least 3 day retention, a separate PHP process, and a better database than MySQL.

It’s also nice to have Redis, Git deployment, choice of data center and SSH access.”

Dennis and Martin represent many Laravel developers who want a hosting provider that’s designed to fit around PHP application requirements, and doesn’t force them to deal with stack configurations. In that vein, let’s quickly explore some of the considerations developers demand of their developer hosting providers.

Git Deployment

Git integration is being used widely by web developers to track changes made to both open source and commercial projects. The developers can further use Git with major operating systems and integrated development environments

It’s less demanding for developers to use Git for version control, and to use collaboration tools like bug tracking, task management, and including requests for each project.

Automated Backups

In addition to addressing a file loss scenario, automated backups ensure you maintain the recovery point objectives agreed to by the administration. Thus they minimize the risk of you losing your app and server information.


Laravel supports MySQL 5.6+, PostgreSQL 9.4+, SQLite 3.8.8+ and SQL Server 2017+, among others. A hosting provider suited for Laravel projects would have database compatibility with at least some of these.

Dedicated Firewalls

Managed hosting providers should be able to secure your applications against malicious attacks through measures like dedicated firewalls. The right hosting provider will offer firewalls without increasing administrative complexity, something that Laravel developers can certainly appreciate.

So What Do Laravel Developers Have to Say About Cloudways?


Matthew Turland, Senior Software Engineer, and Author of Web Scraping with PHP

Here’s what Matthew Turland, who has over 20 years of experience as a professional software developer, author and speaker, has to say about Cloudways.

I do think solutions like Cloudways add value. I believe a lot of independent developers and small startups could benefit more from the offerings of cloud hosting than they do now, but struggle with the related complexity and expertise required. There’s a reason that DevOps is a role unto itself these days, and why people who are good at it can be difficult to find.”

In line with that, let’s take a look at why Laravel developers continually choose Cloudways.

Managed Servers that Let You Launch Within Minutes


Ashish Dhamala , Senior Laravel Developer

“There are a lot of challenges that we developers face when we are doing things for the first time.

Then I used some dedicated servers, but there you need to set up everything there by yourself. That was the thing I wanted to avoid – I wanted to focus on developing things. These things compelled me to look into other better solutions and that’s when I found Cloudways.”

I was looking for something that could manage my servers for me. The solution was Cloudways for me. With its nice UI, I could create new servers in minutes.”

High-Speed Performance Assured


James LePage , Founder of Isotropic Design

“Server speed is incredibly fast no matter which of the 5 cloud hosting providers you choose. And with Cloudways, you’re essentially getting a dedicated server that’s infinitely scalable. This makes it an ideal platform for hosting high-traffic websites and applications.”

With speed and scalability both always a concern for developers, it helps that Cloudways promises up to 300x faster server speed and fully-optimized web execution.

One-Click Deployment


Gabriela D’Avila , Data Engineer

“I think you do a great job with one-click install apps, because everything is contained inside the same server and easily manageable.”

Gabriela is talking about how Cloudways lets developers launch applications in a single click. There’s no need to fiddle around with the apps either, as they use pre-configured optimization solutions such as PHP-FPM, Redis, Supervisord, and more.

Feature-rich Dashboard


John Bell, Senior PHP Developer at The Bigger Boat

“I absolutely do think Cloudways helps when it comes to developing PHP-based applications. Having a dashboard where you can manage whitelists, caching, cron jobs, domains, CDN, SMTP, staging management, among many, many other features”

Managed Security and Quality Support


Daniel Abernathy , Senior PHP Developer and Co-organizer of Longhorn PHP Conference

“The biggest benefit I see to managed hosting is peace of mind with security and performance issues. Even if something bad does happen – a bottleneck or vulnerability – someone is being paid to help diagnose and fix issues for you.”

Cloudways deliver you platform-level firewalls and firmware overhauls regularly thatl blocks malicious web traffic while allowing the remaining traffic to move forward unimpeded. You’ll be able to use IP whitelisting to secure connections in addition to two-factor authentication to remain secure from gatecrashers. Cloudways offers a one-click SSL certificate that boosts the security of your Laravel site. With our hosting, the trusted certificate can be installed for free.

1-Click Backup & Restore


Bayu Dwiyan Satria , software engineer,cloud architect and also experience as project leader

“You can set up automatic backups of cloud server images and restore your site with a single click.

You can set your server to make backups every day, every second day, every week or whenever you want. Once you have your backups in place and something goes horribly wrong, it will only take you a single click to recover your website, which is really awesome.”

With Cloudways you don’t have to stress over your app crashing, as Cloudways gives automated backups and auto-healing servers every hour or in 7 days. Backups allow data to be restored from a prior point in time to help the business recover from an unplanned event. Moreover, you can opt for on-demand backups as well.

Git Integration


Samantha Quiñones, Principal Software Engineer at AOL, and Organizer of DC PHP

“Git itself is an amazing tool, and GitHub just makes it so much more useful. I think the fact that the Github fork-and-PR model is so simple has really helped it become a standard in the development world and over time, GitHub has really become THE place where developers come together to communicate and collaborate.”

Cloudways supports Git integration, server, and application cloning, and staging areas along with advanced and compelling collaboration by adding team members.

Stop Wasting Time on Servers

Cloudways handle server management for you so you can focus on creating great apps and keeping your clients happy.

Custom PHP Stack


Cees-Jan Kiewiet, Engineer & Core Developers of the ReactPHP.

“My current job as an SRE involves that we maintain the platform for our own developers to build and deploy their services on. That includes providing or aiding them with the tools and environment to deploy. And Cloudways does that for external clients, instead of our own developers/internal clients. There is an enormous amount of value in that for clients that can’t or don’t want to set up their own OPS/SRE team to manage that to the specific needs of their developers.”

The Cloudways PHP stack is apropos called the ThunderStack, and it consists of the leading cache and server technology to make up the quickest hosting stack ever:

  • Varnish Cache
  • Redis
  • MariaDB
  • MySQL
  • Memcached
  • Apache

Multiple Cloud Providers


Stefan Bauer , Co-founder of PingPing App, and Co-author of Laravel Secrets

“Cloudways can be a great alternative in comparison to the others. Cloudways integrates with 5 different different cloud providers that make it easy to choose one. It doesn’t matter in the end if you just choose to host Laravel, WordPress or any other PHP application. You can collaborate in a highly scalable and secure environment.”

Cloudways lets you choose from 5 different hosting providers: AWS, GCE, Linode, DigitalOcean, and Vultr so you can launch your Laravel application from more than 60 data centers worldwide. This also gives you the adaptability of vertical scaling.


The usage curve of the Laravel framework is still going up and chances are it will be used more in 2022 as compared to the previous year. There are many reasons for its growth including but not limited to ease of use, security, scalability, etc

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