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Which is the Best Magento 2 Hosting Provider and It’s Comparison with Other Hosting Solutions

Updated on March 1, 2024

9 Min Read
Magento 2 Hosting

Magento is one of the most popular CMS for millions of ecommerce stores worldwide. It offers out-of-the-box features that streamline the process from setting up an ecommerce store to managing your products without any major headaches. Many developers find that building an online store with Magento 2 is an efficient way to manage time, especially when they use the dedicated Magento 2 hosting environment.

With all the benefits of Magento 2, finding reliable hosting is not easy. In this article, I’ll describe the criteria for finding a reliable and reliable Magento 2 hosting and compare different Magento 2 hosting providers.

What Happens When You Choose Not Optimized Magento 2 Hosting?

An unreliable Magento 2 cloud hosting can have serious consequences for your business, with store unavailability being the foremost issue. A few known reasons your Magento store can get stuck are:

  • Not meeting the minimum requirements for Magento 2 web hosting.
  • Incompatible PHP version installed on the Magento 2 server.
  • Incompatible MySQL version.
  • Incorrect Apache or NGINX configurations on the server.
  • Missing required PHP extensions for Magento 2 hosting.
  • Cache technologies not installed, like Memcached, Redis, and Varnish on the server. This generates critical performance issues.
  • Necessary services missing on the server’s operating system.
  • Missing the latest Magento 2 Elasticsearch configuration.
  • Out-of-date operating system patches.
  • Incorrect files & folder permissions.
  • Increased page load time.
  • Server-level security issues for Magento 2.0 hosting.

Criteria for Choosing the Best Magento 2 Hosting

While searching for the best Magento 2 hosting, you will find many options that appear to be a good fit for your store, but do they really worth it? However, make sure to evaluate your options based on the following factors:

Experience the Cloudways Magento 2 Demo Store – No tech skills needed!

Experience a fully functional Magento 2 store built on top of renowned Cloudways hosting to deliver the fastest speeds.

1. Server Uptime

It is time the server remains operational. It is impossible to expect that the server will remain operational 100 percent of the time but having a guarantee of more than 95% uptime is a good place to start. Server uptime ensures that your Magento 2 store remains accessible at all times, and you don’t miss any orders.

2. Fast Response Time

Nobody likes to browse products in a slow and under-performing Magento store. Research shows that current standards deem a page load time of over 2 seconds unacceptable. A server with a fast response time increases the store conversion rate and builds trust among the customers.

3. Server Location

The location of your server plays a vital role in ensuring better SERP rankings, latency, and performance for your target audience. For example, if your Magento 2 store targets customers in the US, you should get a server in the US or nearby. This way, the data center is closer to the target audience, and they will experience fast page load time.

4. Magento 2 Security

Online security is a key concern for all business owners and customers alike. Therefore, always try to follow best practices of code implementation while developing your Magento store. The hosting platform is a concern, so ensure you have a dedicated firewall enabled on the servers to prevent any uncertainty. Find out more on how to secure your Magento store

5. Customer Support

There’s nothing more frustrating than seeing a server error and having to get in touch with your Magento 2 hosting provider’s customer support team to resolve it. Not only will you lose sales, but you also risk losing SERP positions which is the last thing you want. Always check if 24/7 customer support is available and if they have enough skills to promptly solve all queries related to Magento.

6. Pricing Plan

While considering any hosting plan, ensure that it provides you with the Pay-As-You-Go pricing plan. It’s a feasible pricing plan where you only pay for the resources that you have used. Many Magento 2 hosting providers overcharge whether your server is functional or not. Avoid them at all costs!

7. Server Scalability

When selecting a solution for the best hosting for Magento 2, it is always good to look to the future. While current resources might appear to be adequate, let’s say Holiday Season, your server may crash due to the lack of server resources. Thus, easy and fast server scalability is an essential requirement for Magento 2 stores.

8. Cache Technologies

Advanced cache technologies are used to improve Magento 2 stores’ performance and decrease the page load time. Whenever a cached page is loaded, it does not need as much time and server resources, thus drastically improving the speed of your Magento 2 store. Make sure that the Magento 2 hosting solution you choose uses the most advanced cache technologies and methods to ensure the excellent performance of your Magento 2 store.

Need a Better Hosting Solution for Your Magento 2 Store?

Cloudways offers fast, superior, and cost-effective Magento 2 hosting so you can have a robust Magento 2 store.

Here’s Why Cloudways Magento 2 Hosting Is Worth A Try

It isn’t just Apple that has new things in store. At Cloudways, we have been busy too.

Now that a new and transformed version of the Magento platform, Magento 2, is available, we can change how ecommerce is done. Magento will keep releasing new versions of Magento 2 in the coming years, and we at Cloudways will always strive to stay up to its level by providing a robust, ecommerce-compatible, and easy-to-use managed Magento 2 hosting stack.

While testing the new Magento 2 version, we did some cool experiments. We ensured that nothing breaks down as this version of Magento Platform is not an ordinary update. It is a complete overhaul.

While Magento 1 was responsive, it was not perfect. This is where Magento 2 comes into play. It’s a purpose-built ecommerce development solution based on HTML5 and CSS3.

This version comes with a built-in, responsive theme named Luma — which looks fantastic in itself. For many, it can become their first-ever theme without many customizations.

In addition, the backend has been revamped. Gone are the days when you would be clueless about how to modify your shop. The backend of Magento 2 is amazingly comfortable, and you can easily generate various reports from it. You can also test the backend and check the performance of Cloudways platform by requesting a Magento Demo Store.

Product and tax management is easy as well. Some of the features that were added in the form of extensions in Magento 1 are pre-integrated with Magento 2.

The best thing about Magento 2 is its embedded cache mechanism. This means that your Magento 2 stores are performance-optimized. Furthermore, on Cloudways, we have ensured Magento 2 runs blazingly fast.

Steps to Install Latest Magento 2 Version on Cloudways

Cloudways offers 1-click installation for Magento 2 hosting requirements. The deployment is powered by an advanced, high-performance stack that is further supported by cache technologies, including Varnish, Memcached, or Redis. Here is how easily you can launch a new server and install Magento 2 on Cloudways.

Step 1: Login to Cloudways platform and click on Add Server or Launch button to launch new server

  • To add a new serve, click on Add server and  launch now

add server

Step 2: Select latest Magento 2 version to install

Select latest Magento 2 version to install

Step 3: Fill the server and application details

Fill the server and application details

Step 4: Select the Magento 2 hosting cloud provider, server size, and data center

Step 5: Check all the details and click on the Launch Now button


  • It will take few minutes to launch Magento 2 server and install the application

Step 6: Once the server and application are ready, check server and application details

  • Server Details

Server Details

  • Application Details

Application Details

  • Magento Front End

Magento 2 Hosting 10 Front End

  • Magento Back End

Magento 2 Hosting 11 Back End

Migrate to Magento 2 Hosting For Free

Cloudways offer hassle-free Magento migration without breaking anything for your customers.

Best Magento 2 Hosting Providers Comparison

Let’s compare Cloudways with other Magento 2 hosting providers.

1. Cloudways vs Nexcess

We have seen that Nexcess charges a lot for their hosting and tries to upsell many of their services as an add-on. Along with it, their customers feel more restricted. Whereas with Cloudways Magento 2 hosting, they enjoy more freedom at a better price.

Features Comparison:

Features Nexcess Cloudways
Starting Price Monthly $59/mo XS Cloud $42/mo DigitalOcean
Server choice Nexcess’ own servers Choose between DigitalOcean, Linode, Vultr, AWS, and Google Cloud
Concurrent Users Limited to 20 users engaging with your site Uncapped visitors and users
CDN Optional paid add-on Optional paid add-on
Elasticsearch, Redis & Varnish Optional paid add-on Blazing fast stack includes Memcached, Redis, NginX and Varnish on every plan
Site Staging Optional paid add-on Available on all plans
Automated backups Daily As regular as hourly
Auto healing servers Not included Saves your store from crashing
Data Centers 8 65+

Learn more about Cloudways vs Nexcess

2. Cloudways vs Siteground

Siteground mostly focuses on shared hosting which is not a recommended option for Magento site, on the other hand, their cloud solution price is almost 2x costly compared to Cloudways. Siteground also lacks performance compared to Cloudways hosting, as Cloudways focuses on a dedicated Cloud environment with advanced cache technologies like Redis, Varnish, and Memcache.

Features Comparison:

Features Siteground Cloudways
1-Click Magento Installation No Yes
Starting Price Monthly $100/month $42/month
Optimized caching No Yes
CDN available Yes Yes
Auto healing servers No Yes
No.of Website Limited Unlimited
Site Staging No Yes
Team Management No Yes
Free SSL Certificates Yes Yes
Regular Security Patching Yes Yes
24/7 real-time monitoring Yes Yes
Automated backups Daily Hourly
Data Centers 6 65+

Learn more about Cloudways vs Siteground

3. Cloudways vs Hostinger

Hostinger does not offer Magento on 1-Click installation, that means different compatible packages need to be installed and verified for Magento, and also the Magento store needs to be properly optimized for optimum performance. Whereas with Cloudways, all this stuff is already taken care of just through a click.

Features Comparison:

Features Hostinger Cloudways
1-Click Magento Installation No Yes
Content Delivery Network (CDN) availability Only with 12, 24, or 48 month plans CloudwaysCDN on any plan for as low as $1/mo
Optimized caching No Yes
Vertical Scaling No Yes
Auto healing servers No Yes
No.of Website Limited Unlimited
Site Staging No Yes
Server Monitoring No Yes
Automated backups Daily Hourly
Data Centers 5 65+

Learn more about Cloudways vs Hostinger

4. Cloudways vs Bluehost

Bluehost does not give the freedom to choose the Magento host (AWS, GCE, Linode, Vultr, and DO) of their choice. Also, they do not offer features like an auto-healing server, no regular security patches for Magento, no free SSL (mandatory for the Magento site), and much more features are missing in Bluehost. These all features are offered on 1-click and pre-installed with the Cloudways server.

Features Comparison:

Features Bluehost Cloudways
Optimized Caching Techniques Only with separate plugins Ready to use caches including Memcached, Varnish, Nginx, and Redis
Content Delivery Network (CDN) availability Yes Yes
Choose Your Cloud Provider No Yes
Auto healing servers No Yes
Regular Security Patching No Yes
24/7 Real-Time monitoring No Yes
Automated backups Not available for large sites Available on all plans
Free SSL certificates Yes Yes
Data Centers 6 65+

Learn more about Cloudways vs Bluehost

5. Cloudways vs cPanel

We need to understand that cPanel is just a control panel to fully managed web hosting whereas Cloudways is a managed hosting platform that offers cloud hosting with ease of server management. Also with cPanel you won’t get hosting support and Cloudways has a dedicated support team available 24/7/365.

Features Comparison:

Features cPanel Cloudways
Offers Hosting No Yes
Choose Your Cloud Provider Yes Yes
Staging Environment No Yes
Site Migration Yes Yes
Team Members Paid Free
Hosting Support No Yes
Ease of Use Clutter (Menu Based) Visual Based
Dedicated Firewalls Paid Free

Learn more about Cloudways vs cPanel

Best Magento 2 Hosting Has Arrived

Magento 2 hosting on cloud servers has never been more accessible. Just use our one-click installer for Magento 2 web hosting whenever you launch a new server or add a new app on Cloudways Magento Hosting Platform.

If you are visiting Cloudways for the first time, you should test us out by launching your test server. We know you will like it here.

Magento 2 Hosting FAQs

Q: Which hosting is best for Magento 2?

Before finding any Magento 2 hosting, make sure that it provides all the recommended server requirements. Following are some recommendations: Apache, NGINX, Varnish, Redis, Memcached PHP 8, SSL, etc.

Q: How do I host a website on Magento 2?

With Cloudways, you can host your Magento 2 application in quick steps. Select the Magento 2 application and name the application and server. Choose among 5 cloud providers, and set the server size and server location. Last, hit the launch, and the Magento server will be up in a few minutes.

Q: Is Cloudways hosting good for Magento 2?

Yes, Cloudways is good hosting for Magento 2 for various reasons. It offers the top 5 cloud providers, including DigitalOcean, Linode, Vultr, AWS, and GCE, with managed services. The platform is easy to use with a dedicated firewall, advanced stack, server scalability, 24//365 support, and much more.

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Abdur Rahman

Abdur Rahman is the Magento whizz at Cloudways. He is growth ambitious, and aims to learn & share information about Ecommerce & Magento Development through practice and experimentation. He loves to travel and explore new ideas whenever he finds time. Get in touch with him at [email protected]


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