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20 Years of WordPress: Celebrating Milestones, Community, and the Future

Updated on May 26, 2023

15 Min Read
Celebrating 20 years of WordPress

Twenty years ago, a revolutionary platform was born that would change how we create and share content on the internet. WordPress has come a long way since its humble beginnings as a simple blogging tool.

Today, WordPress powers over 40% of all websites on the internet and has built a vibrant community of developers, designers, and users. As we celebrate its 20th anniversary, we look back on the incredible journey of WordPress and the innovations it will bring in the future.

In this post, we will tell you everything related to the history of WordPress, from its impact to the milestones and achievements that have made WordPress what it is today, and share the opinions of WordPress experts.

History of WordPress

Let’s journey through WordPress’s captivating history, from its inception to its remarkable evolution over the past two decades.

From Inception to Evolution

WordPress, the iconic content management system (CMS), has come a long way since its humble beginnings. It all started on May 27, 2003, with b2/cafelog, when Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little joined forces to create a blogging platform.

Little did they know that their brainchild would evolve into the powerhouse it is today. With a commitment to open-source principles and user-friendly design, WordPress quickly gained traction and became a go-to solution for bloggers worldwide.

Milestones and Achievements

Over the past two decades, WordPress has achieved remarkable milestones that have shaped the web as we know it. WordPress has empowered millions of websites with constant innovation and a dedicated community. Let’s now look at the 40 key milestones of WordPress.

wordpress key milestones

WordPress reached the 1 million downloads mark in 2004; by 2011, it was powering around 14.7% of all websites. Fast forward to today, and WordPress boasts a staggering market share of over 40%, solidifying its position as the most widely used CMS on the internet.

wordpress stats w3techs

– Source: W3Techs

Notable Features and Updates

WordPress’s success is partly attributed to its continuous development and introduction of groundbreaking features.

From the release of the iconic “Strayhorn” version in 2005 to the modern and intuitive Gutenberg editor introduced in 2018, WordPress has consistently adapted to meet the evolving needs of its users.

With powerful plugins, versatile themes, and extensive customization options, WordPress empowers individuals and businesses alike to create stunning and functional websites without the need for extensive coding knowledge.

Throughout its history, WordPress has proven to be more than just a blogging platform. It has become a global community of developers, designers, and enthusiasts contributing to its growth and success.

With its user-friendly interface, extensive plugin ecosystem, and commitment to open-source values, WordPress has revolutionized how websites are built and managed.

Evolution of WordPress Versions With Their Unique Features.

Each major release brings new features, improvements, and enhancements to the platform. WordPress has a unique tradition of naming its major versions after famous jazz musicians. Let’s take a journey through the history of major WordPress versions and their unique names.

Version Release Date Unique Feature
0.7 2003-05-27 Initial release. No admin panel, user registration, or comments.
1.0 (Miles Davis) 2004-01-03 Initial release. No admin panel, user registration, or comments.
1.2 (Mingus) 2004-05-22 Introduction of plugins.
1.5 (Strayhorn) 2005-02-17 Introduction of themes and pages.
2.0 (Duke) 2005-12-26 Persistent caching, image/file uploading, rich editing, faster posting, and user levels.
2.1 (Ella) 2007-01-22 Autosave and spell-check.
2.2 (Getz) 2007-05-16 Widgets were introduced in this version.
2.3 (Dexter) 2007-09-24 Built-in tags and native update notifications.
2.5 (Brecker) 2008-03-29 Media uploader, better plugin system, shortcodes.
2.6 (Tyner) 2008-07-15 Post revisions, press this bookmarklet, Google Gears support.
2.7 (Coltrane) 2008-12-11 Automatic updating, comment threading/paging/replies, sticky posts.
2.8 (Baker) 2009-06-11 Introduced the theme installer, improved widget UI, and speed improvements.
2.9 (Carmen) 2009-12-19 Global undo, built-in image editor.
3.0 (Thelonious) 2010-06-17 Merge of MU and WordPress, new default theme “Twenty Ten”, menu management.
3.1 (Reinhardt) 2011-02-23 Post Formats, admin bar, internal linking.
3.2 (Gershwin) 2011-07-04 Focus on speed, distraction-free writing, and a streamlined dashboard.
3.3 (Sonny) 2011-12-12 Drag-and-drop uploader, hover menus for the navigation, new toolbar.
3.4 (Green) 2012-06-13 Theme customizer with previewer, better theme control, and custom headers.
3.5 (Elvin) 2012-12-11 New media manager, support for retina displays.
3.6 (Oscar) 2013-08-01 New default theme “Twenty Thirteen”, new revision system, autosave, and post locking.
3.7 (Basie) 2013-10-24 Automatic updates for maintenance and security updates.
3.8 (Parker) 2013-12-12 New modern design, new admin interface, new typography.
3.9 (Smith) 2014-04-16 Improved visual editing, gallery previews, and audio and video playlists.
4.0 (Benny) 2014-09-04 Media library grid, seamless language changes, embed previews.
4.1 (Dinah) 2014-12-18 New default theme “Twenty Fifteen”, distraction-free writing, Vine embeds, plugin recommendations.
4.2 (Powell) 2015-04-23 Extended character support, emoji support, switching themes in Customizer.
4.3 (Billie) 2015-08-18 Menus in Customizer, strong password by default, site icons.
4.4 (Clifford) 2015-12-08 Introduction of the REST API, new default theme “Twenty Sixteen”, responsive images.
4.5 (Coleman) 2016-04-12 Inline linking, live responsive previews, custom logos.
4.6 (Pepper) 2016-08-16 Streamlined updates, native fonts in the admin, and content recovery.
4.7 (Vaughan) 2016-12-06 New default theme “Twenty Seventeen”, PDF thumbnail previews, Custom CSS in Customizer.
4.8 (Evans) 2017-06-08 Link boundaries, widget improvements, new media widgets.
4.9 (Tipton) 2017-11-16 Improved Customizer, code error checking, and new gallery widget.
5.0 (Bebo) 2018-12-06 Introduction of the Gutenberg block editor, new default theme “Twenty Nineteen”.
5.1 (Betty) 2019-02-21 Site health features and editor performance improvements.
5.2 (Jaco) 2019-05-07 PHP error protection, new blocks, widget block.
5.3 (Kirk) 2019-11-12 The new default theme, “Twenty Twenty”, improved large image support and enhanced the block editor.
5.4 (Adderley) 2020-03-31 More ways to make posts and pages come alive with your best images and more robust tools for previewing and selecting blocks.
5.5 (Eckstine) 2020-08-11 Auto-updates for themes and plugins, default XML sitemaps, and lazy-load images.
5.6 (Simone) 2020-12-08 New default theme “Twenty Twenty-One”, application passwords for REST API, PHP 8.0 support.
5.7 (Esperanza) 2021-03-09 Drag-and-drop for blocks and patterns, a streamlined admin color palette, and HTTPS by default.
5.8 (Tatum) 2021-07-20 Full site editing with blocks, new blocks, and patterns, and block theme infrastructure.
5.9 (Joséphine) 2022-01-25 Further enhancement to full site editing, additional block patterns, language switcher on the login screen, and enhancements to speed and security.
6.0 (Arturo) 2022-05-24 Significant increase in page load speed and reduced server response time
6.1 (Misha) 2022-11-01 Refined ability to select partial paragraphs in a block; settings to keep list view open by default; and the keyboard shortcut to add internal links expanded to all blocks.
6.2 (Dolphy) 2023-03-28 Improved template browsing experience, distraction-free writing mode, Intuitive block pattern insertion, and more.

Impact of WordPress

WordPress has impacted the web development landscape, revolutionizing how websites are created and managed. Let’s see the significant areas where WordPress has left its mark.

WordPress as a CMS

One of the key reasons behind WordPress’s success is its versatility as a CMS. It is built on PHP and MySQL, which allows users to create and manage different types of websites, from personal blogs to corporate websites and beyond.

view of wordpress dashboard

– View of WordPress Dashboard

The intuitive dashboard, customizable themes, and extensive plugin ecosystem make it accessible to users of all skill levels. WordPress’s flexibility has empowered individuals, businesses, and organizations to bring their visions to life on the web.

WordPress for Ecommerce

In addition to its CMS capabilities, WordPress has emerged as a powerhouse for ecommerce solutions. With popular plugins like WooCommerce, WordPress enables users to set up and manage their online stores seamlessly.

view of wocommerce dashboard

– View of WooCommerce Dashboard

This integration has facilitated countless entrepreneurs and businesses to establish thriving online businesses, leveraging WordPress’s extensive features, secure payment gateways, and customizable design options.

WordPress’s impact is undeniable as it continues to shape the digital landscape. Whether it’s a blog, a business website, or an ecommerce store, WordPress empowers individuals and organizations to establish their online presence with ease and confidence.

Celebrating the Community

The WordPress community is at the heart of its success, and we couldn’t celebrate 20 years without acknowledging their incredible contributions.

Events and Conferences

WordCamps, organized locally and globally, have become synonymous with the WordPress community. These dynamic gatherings offer diverse sessions, workshops, and networking opportunities; all focused on enhancing WordPress skills and knowledge.

wordcamp stats

– Source:

With over 1150 WordCamps held in 65 countries, the community has connected and inspired one another. WordCamps has been vital in fostering collaboration and innovation within the ecosystem, from the largest gatherings with thousands of participants to smaller ones.

WordPress Hosting Providers

Behind every successful WordPress website, a reliable hosting provider plays a crucial role. WordPress hosting providers offer specialized hosting solutions optimized for WordPress, ensuring seamless performance, security, and scalability.

With the exponential growth of WordPress, hosting providers have risen to the challenge, offering a wide range of hosting options catering to different needs and budgets. They have played a pivotal role in empowering WordPress users to build their online presence.

Cloudways has stepped up to support one of the biggest WordPress events of the year. Its sponsorship of WordCamp Europe 2023 showcases its commitment to the WordPress community and its dedication to empowering website owners with top-notch hosting solutions.

Moreover, other hosting providers have also contributed to the community through sponsorships and partnerships with WordPress-related events, conferences, and initiatives. Their support has been instrumental in fueling the growth and sustainability of the WordPress ecosystem.

Behind the Scenes

The success of WordPress wouldn’t be possible without the dedicated individuals who work tirelessly behind the scenes.

The Core Development Team

At the heart of it is the Core Development Team, a group of talented developers who shape and improve WordPress. Their commitment and expertise ensure that WordPress remains a reliable and powerful platform for millions of users worldwide.

Plugins and Themes Community

The Plugins and Themes Community is vital in expanding WordPress’s functionality and customization options. With over 60,000 plugins and thousands of themes available, WordPress users have an incredible range of options to enhance their websites.

wordpress plugins repository

– Source:

Together, the Core Development Team and the Plugins and Themes Community form the backbone of WordPress’s success. Their collaboration and passion drive the continuous improvement of the platform, making it more user-friendly, secure, and versatile.

Looking to the Future

The WordPress community has continuously embraced innovation and adaptability; the future holds both challenges and exciting opportunities.

Challenges and Opportunities

One of the main challenges WordPress faces is keeping pace with rapidly evolving technology and user expectations. With the ever-changing landscape of web development, WordPress must stay on the cutting edge to meet the demands of digital experiences.

WordPress is more than up to the challenge. With a vast ecosystem of plugins, themes, and developers, the platform remains agile and adaptable. WordPress powers over 60 million websites with a 50+ daily average. These numbers demonstrate its ever-growing popularity.

wordpress stats builtwith

– Source: BuiltWith

Embracing emerging trends and technologies is crucial for WordPress to thrive in the future. The rise of mobile devices, voice search, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things (IoT) presents exciting opportunities for WordPress to innovate and empower its users.

WordPress has already started to embrace these opportunities. The platform’s block editor, introduced in WordPress 5.0, revolutionized content creation and made it more intuitive and flexible. This shift toward modular, customizable content is just the beginning.

As we look ahead, the WordPress community will play a vital role in shaping the future of the platform. Collaborative efforts, community-driven development, and open-source contributions will continue to drive WordPress’s evolution.

So, what can we expect? The possibilities are vast. Improved performance, enhanced security, seamless integration with emerging technologies, and refined user experiences are just a glimpse of WordPress’s future.

WordPress Expert Opinions

We reached out to WordPress experts and asked them their thoughts on the platform’s evolution and its impact on their businesses or careers. They also shared their experiences with challenging projects and provided insights into future trends. Here’s what they had to say:

1. Flavia Bernárdez Rodríguez

Flavia Bernárdez Rodríguez

– WordPress Designer (@flabernardez)

I make a living by creating WordPress websites for clients and teaching WordPress to new users. It’s challenging to explain web-based vocabulary to new users. I wish WordPress had a live collaboration feature like other design tools, where my students could edit the same page together. This would be a game-changing feature for teamwork and internal documentation.

2. Iakovos Frountas

Iakovos Frountas

– WordPress Designer (@froudas)

WordPress’s Gutenberg editor has improved website building. However, performance issues such as plugin overload and unoptimized images can slow down a site. Regular maintenance and optimization are essential. I’m excited about the fourth phase of the Gutenberg project, which will integrate Multilingual Website Support, allowing for site translations and multilingual website creation.

3. Jonathan Wold

– CEO, Guildenberg (@sirjonathan)

WordPress powers more than a third of the web and has offered me countless opportunities for growth. As a developer, I worked on hundreds of WordPress projects, each with unique challenges. In my agency days, we worked on several large WordPress projects and solved problems as a team by drawing insights from the community. I expect WordPress to continue to grow and evolve, with product companies taking a customer-centric approach to problem-solving.

4. Lesley Molecke

Lesley Molecke

– Founder, Cornershop Creative (@cornershop)

We pivoted to using WordPress exclusively for our nonprofit client websites, and it has been the most intuitive, flexible, and powerful CMS. Content poses the largest challenge in building a site, so we offer content strategy consulting and creation. I’m excited to see WordPress evolve by prioritizing accessibility and aiding content creation and management through collaborative editing and AI-assisted content creation.

5. Ilya Zolotov

– Full-Stack and WordPress Expert (@fnpen)

WordPress has evolved from a basic blogging platform to a foundation capable of supporting complex websites. It has broadened my horizons and enabled me to deliver solutions ranging from simple blogs to intricate e-commerce sites. High-traffic site migrations are particularly complex tasks, but with meticulous planning and the robust capabilities of WordPress, these challenges are not insurmountable. The future of WordPress appears to be steering towards advanced block-based editing and the integration of AI and ML technologies.

6. Kostas Vrouvas

Kostas Vrouvas

– Web Developer (@kosvrouvas)

WordPress has evolved from a simple blogging platform to a versatile CMS that powers millions of websites. Its flexibility has allowed me to create many websites and expand my portfolio. One challenging project was developing an LMS during the pandemic, but with WordPress’s user-friendly interface, we could accelerate development time. I anticipate that WordPress will continue to focus on enhancing its Gutenberg editor, and the adoption of headless WordPress installations will increase.

7. Mario Peshev

Mario Peshev

– CEO, DevriX (@no_fear_inc)

I’ve followed WordPress’s journey from an 11% market share to nearly 44% of all online websites. I’ve transitioned from enterprise engineering to building business solutions on top of WordPress. Some highlights include publishing websites serving 100M+ monthly page views, user-facing banking software for 3 different banks, and a multisite network with over 100,000 real estate agents and brokers’ subsites. I anticipate better user experience on the full site editing front and further improvements in streamlined site development.

8. Takis Bouyouris

Takis Bouyouris

– Web Developer (@takisbig)

WordPress has evolved into a full-featured CMS with a huge ecosystem. Its community aspect is unprecedented. In my web agency, we have tackled many different projects, from corporate online presences to multi-million pageview news portals. WordPress provides the versatility and tooling necessary to handle them all. The block editor, a paradigm shift in content editing, is the WordPress ecosystem’s biggest change. AI will also play a big role in the future.

9. Mike Andreasen

Mike Andreasen

– Performance Engineer (@wp_bullet)

WordPress is versatile and attracts diverse projects and websites. One of our favorite challenges was load testing a WordPress site for a major US retailer to handle 100K visits per hour during Black Friday. We built them into a multi-regional cluster that would easily handle the traffic. The performance will matter more and more, with companies deciding the competition by making smarter decisions and budgeting for performance, scale, growth, and maintenance.

10. Rayhan Arif

Rayhan Arif

– AVP, Business Development (@rayhanarif07)

I’ve been a part of WordPress for over 8 years and have attended many meetups and WordCamps. Speaking at WordCamps has been my best experience. I work with products like Tutor LMS, which helps people run their businesses online. We are releasing another groundbreaking product, Droip, a true no-code website builder in WordPress. With AI coming into the spectrum, it is logical to think that people will implement AI in their products. Companies should consider offering compact solutions rather than taking different solutions from different companies.

11. Laura Nelson

Laura Nelson

– Content Marketer, WooCommerce (@Laura_Nelson_)

WordPress has evolved to become a powerful CMS for medium to large businesses, creating opportunities for agencies and product teams to grow and adapt their offerings. Being a woman and a non-developer in this space has sometimes been isolating and difficult. The rapidly evolving field of AI will change how we work and how our users think and want to use our products. Their expectations around automation and personalization will increase, and businesses must recognize and act on that soon enough.

12. Milana Cap

Milana Cap

– WordPress Engineer (@DjevaLoperka)

The community is more aware of documentation’s importance. Projects with custom block development and FSE involved. I overcome WordPress challenges by keeping custom code as minimal as possible. I think developers, agencies, and businesses should put energy into shaping those changes, not waiting for changes to happen and then adapting.

13. Adam Connell

Adam Connell

– Founder, Blogging Wizard (@adamjayc)

I discovered WordPress in 2009 while searching for an easier way to build websites. As WordPress has continued to grow and develop, my business and career have done the same. Transitioning from page builders to Gutenberg was challenging but worth it in the long run. I can see AI becoming a more integral part of the WordPress ecosystem in the near future. Gutenberg has come a long way, and as FSE continues to develop, we could see more users move away from dedicated page builder plugins.

14. Afshana Diya

Afshana Diya

– CMO, WPDeveloper (@AfshanaDiya)

WordPress has evolved from a simple blogging platform to a robust CMS. As the CMO of WPDeveloper, we have experienced the impact of WordPress’s growth on our products. Building a block plugin during Gutenberg’s early phase was challenging, but we overcame the limitations by building a dedicated React team. AI will play a more crucial role in WordPress in the next five years, and the Gutenberg block editor will continue to evolve. Developers, marketers, and agencies should focus on embracing AI and understanding Gutenberg deeply.

15. Andrey Niskilov

– Linux Server Admin (@StansLinux)

Creating and sharing content with WordPress has never been easier. All the functionalities I’ve needed for my own sites and my client’s sites have been easy to set up. In most cases, clients had trouble connecting 3rd party services with WordPress, but most services have an integration. I foresee many AI plugins that will help build whole websites and automate most of the work. Agencies can prepare by learning what AI can do right now and exploring the current AI options with WordPress.

16. Anne-Mieke Bovelett

Anne Bovelett

– Accessibility Advocate (@Bovelett)

WordPress has evolved into a full-blown CMS, and diving deep into the community has boosted my career. The most challenging projects have been those I inherited, usually with event management plugins and/or WooCommerce. I see three things: companies are beginning to understand that making their webshops, sites, and apps accessible is profitable; AI will be increasingly integrated to create templates, designs, full sites, and content; and the WordPress Site Editor is evolving faster and better than anyone anticipated. Developers have a commercial opportunity by creating free and pro versions of single blocks that work seamlessly with the core.

17. Sujay Pawar

Sujay Pawar

– CEO, Brainstorm Force (@sujaypawar)

WordPress has evolved from a simple blogging platform to a powerful CMS. As the CEO of Brainstorm Force, I’ve seen how WordPress has transformed our ability to provide innovative solutions. Finding the right balance between customization and ease of use is often difficult, but we prioritize understanding our users and their needs through research. With technology becoming more accessible, specialization and offering deep solutions will be key to success. Developers, agencies, and businesses should focus on honing their expertise in specific areas.

18. Per Esbensen

Per Esbensen

– Co-founder, CEO (@per_esbensen)

As the big cheese at Codeable, I’ve seen WordPress blossom into a top-tier CMS. It has been vital to the success of our business, giving us access to a massive global network of skillful developers. We’ve tackled significant challenges, like websites with customizations and integrations or developing custom plugins. We see two major trends affecting the platform: AI and Blockchain technology. User experience and security will remain top priorities, and ecommerce will continue to be a significant growth driver for WordPress.

19. Julio Potier


– Web Security Consultant (@JulioPotier)

WordPress has evolved from a simple blogging platform to a powerful CMS. Its extensive plugin ecosystem and active community have contributed to its growth. Some of the most challenging projects in WordPress development can include complex customizations and security hardening. Overcoming these challenges often requires in-depth knowledge of WordPress and problem-solving skills. WordPress will evolve with trends such as Full Site Editing and Headless WordPress over the next five years. Developers, agencies, and businesses should focus on continuous learning and staying updated with the latest WordPress releases.

20. Igor Benić

Igor Benic

– Developer (@igorbenic)

WordPress has evolved from a PHP project to a PHP+React project with the Block Editor. This pushed the author to learn React and opened more work opportunities. WordPress helped the author grow as a web developer and understand that a product business requires more than coding. The author worked on challenging projects such as creating a system for selling book covers and building custom shipping solutions with WooCommerce. WordPress may change significantly in the next five years with the rise of AI and the Gutenberg project. Developers and agencies should prepare for these changes and help clients make good content.

21. Michael Sumner

Michael Sumner

– Senior Web Engineer, 10up (@MichaelSumner)

WordPress has kept up with the latest web standards and technologies, such as adopting React for the block editing experience. The most challenging project for the author was integrating a new customer experience with a new brand identity while re-hauling the back end. With the pace of AI and cloud solutions, major advancements in interactive and reading experiences will shape how we use the internet. Developers, agencies, and businesses must prepare by making the user the first priority and gathering feedback directly from them. Social media may grow even more important.


WordPress has left an incredible mark on the digital landscape, from beginning as a blogging platform to becoming the powerhouse of website creation. Throughout its history, WordPress has empowered countless individuals and businesses to build their online presence.

Join us in celebrating 20 years of WordPress, a journey of innovation, community, and limitless potential. Reflecting on its history, impact, and the dedicated individuals who make it all possible, we invite you to embrace the spirit of WordPress and be a part of its exciting future.

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Mansoor Ahmed Khan

Been in content marketing since 2014, and I still get a kick out of creating stories that resonate with the target audience and drive results. At Cloudways by DigitalOcean (a leading cloud hosting company, btw!), I lead a dream team of content creators. Together, we brainstorm, write, and churn out awesome content across all the channels: blogs, social media, emails, you name it! You can reach out to me at [email protected].


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