Cloudways Webinar

Improve Your Online Shop’s Performances With Split-Testing

Webinar Guest

Adam Lacey
Adam Lacey
Founder of Split Hero

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About The Webinar

You can either leave your online store’s fate to gut feeling, or you can lead it to success based on actual numbers and data. Testing allows you to decide between multiple best options you have available and choose the one with the highest conversion rate.

In this webinar, Adam Lacey and the Mavericks will discuss how to get more sales and conversions from your online shop using split-testing. We will cover the common best-practices in Conversion Rate Optimization CRO, how to properly run split-tests and collecting the correct data, which elements to test on your shop, and how much traffic you need to get reliable results from your experiments.

Things You Will Learn

  • What is split-testing and how is it used for e-commerce sites?
  • What elements do you commonly split-test in online shops?
  • What mistakes do marketers often make when split-testing?
  • How much traffic should we run through a split test to get quality results?
  • How do we interpret the data of a split-test result correctly?

Meet the Guest

Adam Lacey

Hey, my name is Adam and I’m the founder of Split Hero. Split Hero was born out of my own agency’s need for a robust, easy to use A/B Testing platform for WordPress. It took 2 years of procrastination and many talks with friends over beers before I decided to move forward with the concept.

Adam Lacey
Founder of Split Hero

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