Cloudways Webinar

Beyond Plugins: Fortifying Malware Security with Imunify360


Session Host

Anas Moiz
Senior Product Manager @ Cloudways
Muhammad Moeez
Team Lead @ Cloudways

Session Co-Host

Vlad Markevich
Product Manager, Imunify360
Eric Ellis
Senior Technical Account Manager, Hosting

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Join us to explore the evolving cybersecurity landscape and the limitations of traditional security measures. Discover how Cloudways’ new Malware Protection Add-on (powered by Imunify360) provides advanced website security.

Register now to learn about cyber threats and get expert insights on the Cloudways Malware Protection Add-on—your shield against online malware threats.

Here’s What You’ll Learn:

  • The critical cybersecurity challenges SMBs face and the importance of proactive protection.
  • Why traditional security measures and plugin-based solutions are inefficient against sophisticated attacks.
  • Insights into deploying Malware Protection Add-on effectively on your websites hosted on Cloudways.
  • And the comprehensive features of Cloudways Malware Protection Add-on.

About the Session

In this exclusive webinar, focused on the Cloudways’ Malware Protection Add-on, you will discover strategies for securing your WordPress websites against emerging cyber threats. The session will highlight the need to move beyond conventional security plugins and adopt advanced solutions that offer proactive, real-time protection.

Key points covered in the session:

  • Cybersecurity Landscape for WordPress and CMS Platforms: Examination of the current security challenges and the limitations of outdated security measures.
  • Advanced Security Solutions: Importance of adopting robust security solutions like the Malware Protection Add-on (powered by Imunify360), which provides features such as automated malware cleanup, runtime application self-protection (RASP), and comprehensive threat detection and removal.
  • Real-Time Threat Intelligence and Intrusion Detection: How the add-on uses real-time threat intelligence and behavior-based intrusion detection to protect your websites.
  • Proactive Defense Mechanisms: Discussion on proactive defense strategies, including real-time malware detection and removal, and automatic patching of vulnerabilities.

Meet Your Guest Speaker

chris badget

Alexander Yevelev, VP of Sales at, is a seasoned executive known for driving revenue growth and building top-performing sales teams. With expertise in security, cloud technology, and SaaS solutions, he offers valuable insights for our audience.

Alexander Yevelev
VP of sales Hosting

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