Lidia Crochet Tricot – Case Study

How a Fabric Firm Uses Cloud to Strengthen Customer Bond

Lidia Crochet Tricot

In Conversation With

CEO at Lidia Crochet Tricot

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Cloudways service speak for itself.
– Stan, CEO, Lidia Crochet Tricot
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Lidia Crochet Tricot is a textile company that sells yarn and accessories directly to the clients. They get most of the traffic through organic searches and two of their YouTube channels. The store is based on WooCommerce and hosts over a thousand products. It has products ranging from raw material like yarn to finished textured fabrics. Stan isn’t tech-savvy, and relies heavily on his web hosting company to improve site speed and resolve server errors. But his previous site hosting company wasn’t meeting his expectations… Find out what he did to turn things around.

Things you will learn:

  • How Lidia Crochet Tricot got the optimum hosting experience by using Cloudways?
  • How Cloudways helped Lidia Crochet build a stronger bond with their customers.
  • Why Cloudways turned out to be the best website hosting solution for Lidia Crochet Tricot?
  • How Cloudways helps ecommerce stores thrive?

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