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100+ SEO Tools List To Optimize And Grow Your Business Websites in 2023

Updated on June 14, 2023

34 Min Read

Building a website is the easy part – getting it ranked in search engine results is the real challenge.

For those who don’t know, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process through which you can increase the quality as well as the quantity of the traffic on your website, easily help search engines discover your content and rank higher in search engine results.

SEO has so many aspects that manually handling all the processes and requirements is quite impossible. That’s why there is a huge demand for SEO tools that act as a Swiss army knife in the SEO world.

Which SEO Tool is The Best?

Online marketers, bloggers, and small business owners often wonder about the best SEO tool that would fulfill their requirements. This question has a complicated answer.

First of all, you must understand that every SEO tool works in a different way. Very few tools offer exactly the same feature set and you have to search around a bit to find the best fit.

Secondly,  there may be some online SEO tools that serve the same purpose, the features they will offer will be different and thus, the format of the reports that these tools generate will differ from the reports generated by other SEO tools.

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Many people overlook the fundamental requirement for achieving high SERP rankings – a dependable SEO-optimized hosting solution. Popular options include managed cloud hosting solutions that take away all the hassles of managing cloud servers, leaving the users free to focus on optimizing their websites through SEO tools.

To save you the hassle of trying out SEO tools and selecting the top tool for your online marketing processes, I have compiled an ultimate ecommerce SEO tools list.

1. Google Analytics

Google knows the SEO game inside out, and has created some of the best SEO tools available. Google Analytics is the industry benchmark tool for keeping a close eye on the website traffic. Using Google Analytics, you can:

  • Find out how many people are currently browsing your site
  • Check out where they have come from
  • Check the total number of visitors and page views for your site

google analytics logo

2. Ahrefs SEO Tool

Ahrefs is a very popular SEO tool that provides detailed information related to the backlinks for your websites. The paid version provides detailed reports but the free version is good enough to be included in the list of the best online SEO tools one can take advantage of. In particular, Ahrefs provides information about:

  • Top 100 backlinks of a website
  • Most common anchor texts
  • URL Rating and Domain Rating

ahrefs tool

3. Google Search Console (Webmaster Tools)

Google Search Console is one of the best  SEO tools for discovering (and in many cases, drilling down) the website-related issues. Ask any SEO expert and they will tell you that this tool is a must-have, as it offers comprehensive reports about SEO-related website health and standing of your websites. In particular, Google Search Console is ideal for:

  • Detecting whether your site has been infected with malware
  • Verifying the ownership of your websites

google search console tool

4. SEMrush

Listed among the best SEO tools in the market, SEMrush offers amazing SEO features that help you improve the search engine rankings of your websites. Experts recommend using SEMrush for:

  • Extracting insights about the strategies used by your competitors
  • Performing an in-depth analysis of backlinks
  • Finding out competitors’ advertising strategies

semrush seo tool

5. Linkody

Linkody is a very good alternative to Ahrefs as a backlink tracking tool. It provides exhaustive link profiles with a lot of metrics, but what sets it really apart is all the features that help you keep an eye on your link-building campaigns and link exchanges. Linkody offers:

  • Backlink monitoring 24/7
  • Email report
  • Competitor analysis

Linkody is a great SEO Link checker tool

6. MozBar

Moz is one of the highly-rated SEO tools that help you find important information about your domain and website. It is the recommended tool for keeping track of the Page and Domain Authority of both your and competitors’ websites. The premium version also offers keyword difficulty and page optimization suggestions.

You can use MozBar for:

  • Checking page rank, page authority, and domain authority of your websites
  • Finding (and highlighting) keywords on a page

moz seo tool

7. GrowthBar

GrowthBar is a Chrome extension that can help you perform keyword research, competitive analysis, and track SEO rankings. With the GrowthBar, you can access data points about any website directly from the search engine results pages. This allows you to easily assess your competitors’ performance and view which growth channels, keywords, backlinks, and ads are working for them.

  • Top Keywords and Backlinks: this allows you to see which paid and organic keywords are driving the most traffic for a particular website as well as a list of the most authoritative backlinks pointing to the site.
  • Keyword Difficulty Score: this allows you to quickly assess how hard it would be to rank for a particular keyword based on the strength of the domain authorities of the URLs ranking on page one.
  • Word Count: click to view the word count of any page directly from the SERP
  • Facebook ads: click to see if a site runs Facebook ads and get a visual of what they look like. 
  • Keyword Suggestions: this is a list of related keywords you might want to rank for along with their Search volume & CPCs

8. Sitebulb

Sitebulb is a desktop crawling tool that is often the experts’ choice for comprehensive website audit and reporting. It is a Chrome-based tool that generates accurate reports and visualizations from the reports it generates about your website. It is the perfect tool for SEO agencies that handle a long list of client websites and rankings challenges. By using this tool, you can:

  • Include up to 500,000 URLs in website audit and analysis
  • Get details of the performance bottlenecks and SEO issues
  • Deliver white labeled reports on the clients’ website SEO audits

sitebulb seo tool

9. Wincher

Wincher Rank Tracker is an awesome tool that helps you keep track of your Google rankings. With its focus on user experience and simplicity, you won’t find a better rank tracking experience elsewhere. It offers a 14 day free trial with full access and the paid plans start at €10/month, making it one of the cheapest options available. With this tool, you can:

  • Get daily updates on your own and your competitor’s Google rankings
  • Track any amount of keywords
  • Receive e-mail alerts and reports about important changes

Wincher tool

10. Small SEO Tools

SmallSEOTools is a website that offers a comprehensive collection of free tools for SEO, image editing, text writing, keyword search and much more. By using this website, you can:

  • Check any website’s Domain Authority and Page Authority
  • Determine the number of backlinks for any website
  • Search and analyze keywords

small seo tools

11. SEOquake

SEOquake can be really helpful if you want to find background information about a website. It is an ideal tool for comparing domains and URLs. With SEOquake, you can

  • Get all the information about the internal and external links of a website
  • Easily compare domains and URLs for additional information
  • Get realtime and accurate results

SEOquake seo tool

12. PikToChart

This is an ideal tool for creating amazing infographics in quick time without any fuss. In many cases, you do not have to worry about asking a designer to create infographics for your SEO efforts. PikToChart is a powerful tool that allows you to:

  • Choose from hundreds of templates
  • Add images, animated icons, videos to your charts

PikToChart logo

13. SpyFu

SpyFu is an amazing online SEO tool that provides a detailed and real-time picture of the current search engine rankings for your website(s). Another important benefit of using SpyFu is competitor keyword discovery. In particular, this tool can help you:

  • Find out your website’s SEO rankings
  • Monitor your paid rankings on Google, Yahoo, and Bing
  • Get information about your competitor’s rankings, ad variations, etc

SpyFu seo tool

14. PlagTracker

Plagiarism is something you don’t want to in your website content. Copied content always leads to bad search engine rankings. PlagTracker helps you detect plagiarism in all your website content so that you can increase the “uniqueness” of your content for better SERP rankings. With PlagTracker, you can:

  • Check your website content for plagiarism
  • Check if your competitors are involved in plagiarism
  • Find out if your writers are copying content from other websites

SpyFu seo tool

15. Xenu’s Link Sleuth

If you want improved  SEO rankings for your websites, you have to get rid of broken links. Xenu’s Link Sleuth can do this for you. The tool checks your entire website and highlights broken links. In particular, this e tool helps you to:

  • Check your website for any broken links
  • Work on SSL Websites
  • Displays an updated list of broken URLs and can recheck on demand

Xenu’s Link Sleuth tool

16. Botify

If you want to carry out proper SEO auditing, Botify is the perfect tool for your requirements. An important feature of this SEO tool is evaluating the website speed. With this tool, you can: :

  • See how quickly your site loads
  • Find out the HTML errors on your site
  • Get detailed information about keyword rankings and CTR

Botify seo tool

17. Varvy SEO Tool

Google has set strict guidelines for quality SEO and every website that wishes to ace the ranking game should conform to these guidelines. Therefore, you need something that can alert you if you’re going in the wrong direction. Thankfully, Varvy is here. With  this particular  tool, you can:

  • Check if your site is following Google Webmaster’s guidelines
  • Offer details on how your site is performing
  • Get suggestions for how you can improve your site’s rankings

Varvy SEO Tool

18. The Reaction Engine

The Reaction Engine is a top SEO tool that analyzes the SEO performance of a given URL. Not only this, but it can also provide useful information for improving the SEO rankings of the URL. The tool is also useful for:

  • Analyzing your website quickly without a registered account
  • Getting proper recommendations for improving the overall SEO rankings
  • Discovering technical problems in the website structure

19. Alexa

Alexa is a powerful SEO tool developed by Amazon. This tool helps you understand your audience in a better way. The salient features include:

  • Accurate digital marketing focused results
  • Competitive website analysis, target audience analysis, and SEO analysis
  • Understanding the backlink profile of the website

alexa tool

20. Keyword Density Analysis Tool

Keywords lie at the heart of SEO. The “density” is an important factor that search engines consider an important ranking signal. Keyword Density Analysis Tool helps you properly analyze keyword density and discover important information about particular keywords. In addition, the tool also:

  • Provides operational details about a keyword
  • Helps you find out the keyword density for a certain URL
  • Help you find the keywords used by your competitors

Keyword Density Analysis Tool

21. SEO Crawler

SEO Crawler SEO tool helps you detect website errors that have a negative impact on search engine rankings. In addition to this, it offers amazing features to help you:

  • Monitor your search engine rankings
  • Understand your competitors in a much better way
  • Track your backlink profile to help you boost your rankings

SEO Crawler SEO tool

22. SimilarWeb

SimilarWeb is one of the best online SEO tools that you can use for discovering information about your websites including the traffic. Many SEO professionals use this tool to:

  • Find out accurate website traffic data
  • Formulate appropriate SEO strategies
  • Find out more about your visitors

SEO Crawler SEO tool

23. Visme

Visme is an all-in-one content creation tool that helps its users create educational, informative, and beautiful infographics among many other things. Infographics are a great way to improve link building and SEO, and can help you build a strong brand presence. With Visme, you gain access to:

  • Hundreds of customizable templates
  • Thousands of design elements
  • Easy, drag-and-drop interface
  • Various download formats to share with your audience

visme logo

24. CopyScape

CopyScape is a handy SEO tool that can help you find out duplicate content on your site. This tool can also help you find out if anyone has copied your content. Similarly, you can use this tool to:

  • Verify whether a content piece is copied
  • Know if someone copies your content and publishes it on the internet in their name
  • Improving SEO rankings and your site’s reputation

CopyScape tool

25. Open Site Explorer

Open Site Explorer is a top SEO tool through which you can easily check your backlink profile as well as the domain authority of almost any site. This tool allows you to:

  • Check all the inbound links of a site
  • Get detailed information about your competitor’s backlinks
  • Check the domain authority, page authority, and spam score of any site

Open Site Explorer backlinks tools

26. Remove’em

If you’re worried about anchor text diversity, this tool can help you out. Remove’em is a powerful tool that discovers issues within the website and offers suggestions to resolve these issues and increase search engine rankings. Other features include:

  • In-depth and accurate anchor text analysis
  • Website backlink monitoring
  • Suggestions for avoiding Google penalties

27. Bing Webmaster Tool

Meanwhile, the Bing Webmaster Tool is not as good as Good Webmaster Tool, it is still a useful tool if you want to rank well on Bing. It offers some amazing features including:

  • In-depth keywords research
  • Optimized website elements for better Bing rankings
  • Visitor and traffic analysis

Bing Webmaster Tool

28. SEO Hero

SEO Hero is another amazing tool on this list of SEO tools that have helped millions of people create efficient content strategies. An important feature of SEO Hero is the ‘Suggestions’, it offers content topics and subtopics. The tool helps you:

  • Discover the key terms and LSI keywords you need to add to your content
  • Develop the right content strategy for better SEO rankings
  • Find out the keywords that can help you leverage traffic on your website

29. SiteAnalyzer

SiteAnalyzer generates accurate reports focused on finding out the issues that could hamper the performance of your websites. The best thing about this tool is that it offers a free 14-day trial. With this tool, you can:

  • Find the best keyword for your topics
  • Check your current position in search engines
  • Generate a list of dofollow and no-follow backlinks to a site

SiteAnalyzer seo tool

30. DeepCrawl

If you’re looking for a tool that provides in-depth reports about your website’s crawl status, DeepCrawl is the perfect option. Not only does it crawl millions of web pages, but it also provides information about the competitors’ websites. It helps you to:

  • Customize your crawls
  • Keep track of your site’s performance
  • Create tasks for your employees

DeepCrawl seo tool

31. FirstSiteGuide Lookup Tool

FirstSiteGuide Lookup Tool helps you discover important information related to your website or blog. It offers some amazing features that can help you improve your overall SEO rankings. With this tool, you can:

  • Perform a competitive analysis
  • Keep a track of how your website is ranked in search engines
  • Improve your search engine rankings in an easy way

FirstSiteGuide Lookup Tool

32. Chrome DevTools

Chrome DevTools tool is Google Chrome’s built-in webpage debugging tool. It is still a powerful SEO tool used by millions of people. With this tool, you can:

  • Debug your page speed issues
  • Improve your web page rendering performance
  • Make your website load faster by diagnosing the problems

33. MergeWords

MergeWords is one of the best SEO tool allows you to merge keywords with each other. Not only this, but you can merge up to three sets of keywords. This tool also helps you to:

  • Merge words in a really quick and easy way
  • Come up with different variations of keywords
  • Register your domain, use Google AdWords, and much more

MergeWords tool


BROWSEO helps you understand how Google sees your website. It allows you to see your web pages without any distractions caused by different styles. It helps you:

  • Highlight pages that are relevant to SEO
  • Discover whether Googlebot can properly see important content on your site
  • Evaluate and discover a page structure


35. Robots.txt Generator

The Robots.txt Generator tool helps you with generating a working and well-formatted robots.txt file. This file is important as it helps Search Engines to crawl your website in a much better way. With this tool, you can:

  • Generate a robot.txt file within seconds
  • Create a well-formatted robot.txt file that is free of errors
  • Create a custom robot.txt file

Robots.txt Generator

36. KeywordEye

KeywordEye is yet another amazing SEO tool that provides accurate information about your target keywords. This SEO tool has helped many people with improving their website’s search engine rankings. With this SEO tool, you can:

  • Discover what your customers are searching for
  • Get information about the keywords used by your competitors
  • Rank your website on the first page of Google

37. ClickMeter

If you’re looking for a tool that can help you with marketing, then ClickMeter is the perfect option for you. This tool helps you with monitoring and comparing all your marketing links. In other words, you will have all your marketing links in one place. With this tool, you can:

  • Create a tracking link within seconds
  • Generate helpful reports such as a list of links and search results
  • Analyze all the data and reveals how your marketing campaigns are going

ClickMeter tool

38. GeoRanker

GeoRanker is an excellent tool for handling day to day SEO-related tasks. This tool is ideal for discovering the local citations of your websites. With this tool, you can:

  • Check website rank through the local rank checker and tracker feature
  • Get input for analyzing competitor SEO techniques

GeoRanker seo tool

39. The Penguin Tool

Getting traffic on the websites can become a serious challenge if your website gets affected by Google’s algorithm updates. The Penguin Tool has an important purpose: It helps you discover whether Google’s updates have an impact on your site. In addition, with this tool you can:

  • Get a timeline for all of Google algorithm updates
  • Compare your website’s overall Google ranking with your competitors

The Penguin Tool

40. All in One SEO Pack

The All in One SEO pack is one of the best SEO tools with an enthusiastic community of users. It automatically performs essential SEO tasks and optimizes the site for higher SERP rankings. With this tool, you can:

  • Create and manage XML sitemaps
  • Connect the site to social media accounts with the help of Social Metadata
  • Auto-generate description tags and much more

41. BrightLocal

This tool should become your go-to option for conducting local SEO site audits. The BrightLocal tool is used and recommended by many SEO experts because of its unique features: This tool helps you to:

  • Find out duplicate content online
  • Understand the website performance in search engines
  • Identify any incorrect citations of your site

BrightLocal tool

42. DareBoost

If your website is loading at a snail’s pace, DareBoost tool can help you out. It allows you to discover issues that are slowing down the page load speed. In addition, with this tool, you can:

  • Discover the issues related to your site’s slow loading speed
  • Find out improvements that speed up the website
  • Grade your website’s performance on a scale of 0 to 100

DareBoost seo tool

43. Forecheck

Everyone wants their website to be in the top half of the first page of Google results. Meanwhile this may be a difficult task, the Forecheck tool can help you in this regard by making things easier. There are several reasons why it is one of the best online SEO tools out there. You can use Forecheck to:

  • Analyze the complete website and generate accurate reports
  • Find out all the issues that are preventing your posts from making it to Google’s first page
  • Understand which issues you need to address first

44. Google Mobile-Friendly Test

If you want to improve your search engine rankings, you have to ensure that your site is optimized for mobile. The Google Mobile-Friendly Test is a great SEO tool that benchmarks your website on all popular mobile-optimization metrics. In addition, you can use this tool to:

  • Check your website’s compatibility with mobile devices
  • Submit your site for Google’s mobile test
  • Find out page loading issues that occur during the test

Google Mobile Friendly Test

45. Google PageSpeed Insights

Google PageSpeed Insights is an amazing SEO tool that has become the benchmark for website speed optimization. Since speed is a major ranking factor, this tool should be an essential constituent of any SEO toolkit. By using this tool, you can:

  • Discover whether Google finds your site as fast or slow
  • Get suggestions that can help you with making your site load faster
  • Use three scales of speed to help you understand things in a much better way

Google Page Speed Insights

46. GTmetrix

Another performance tool on our list of SEO tools is the GTmetrix. This tool helps you load your site to test its speed. You can use this tool to:

  • Build an accurate picture of page size and page load speed
  • Get both PageSpeed Score and YSlow! Score

GTmetrix analysis tool

 47. HeadMasterSEO

HeadMasterSEO tool helps you find out the issues within your site’s URLs. This is an important point because URL related issues (broken links and malformed URL) have a serious impact on SEO rankings. You can use this tool to:

  • Find out whether your 301 redirects are set up correctly
  • Check whether the robot.txt files are allowing Google to index your pages properly
  • Check long URL lists

48. Hreflang Tags Generator Tool

The ‘Tag’ is one of the most important elements of the SEO strategy because the incorrect use of tags can seriously hurt your website’s SERP rankings. The Hreflang Tags Generator Tool is a great tool that you can use to:

  • Create Hreflang tags in a really easy way
  • Add additional language/country URL version

 49. Kill Duplicate

Copied content is unfortunately very common on the internet. It can be somewhat difficult to discover which site has copied your web content. Thankfully, the Kill Duplicate tool is here to do this job for you. It is a must-have SEO tool, because, with it, you can:

  • Scan the web for copied content
  • Discover copies of your pages
  • Speed up the content checking process by scanning multiple URLs at once

50. Lipperhey

Lipperhey is a great SEO tool that is ideal for detecting SEO-related issues on different websites. It generates accurate reports about the technical issues that are slowing your websites and letting it down in SERP rankings. In particular, you can use this tool to:

  • Find out all the technical SEO issues
  • Conduct SEO content analysis
  • Get a score-based report to help you understand how much improvement your site needs

Lipperhey seo tool

 51. Index Checkr

IndexCheckr is a new tool any SEO must have in their toolbox. This tool will check if any webpage is indexed by Google. It can check large bulks of pages quickly and accurately. With IndexCheckr you can:

  • Check when your new pages get indexed by Google
  • Check if your backlinks are indexed
  • Check which of your pages are not indexed and require improvement

Index checkr seo tool

52. Map Broker

The ‘XML Sitemaps’ is an important element of your site and you don’t want any issues with it. Map Broker is a top SEO tool that simplifies sitemap management processes for your website. By using this tool, you can:

  • Validate sitemaps
  • Check if the links in your sitemap are working
  • Discover sitemap issues.

53. OnCrawl

OnCrawl tool offers some amazing features that can help you with improving your site’s overall search engine rankings. It is recommended by many SEO Experts because of how well it works. With this tool you can:

  • Get information regarding your site’s HTML issues
  • Discover duplicate content
  • Get an accurate report about your site’s performance

OnCrawl tool

54. Plugin SEO

Want a free top SEO plugin that can help you with solving some serious issues of your site? Then you will love the Plugin SEO. The plugin is ideal for resolving common SEO-related issues that drag down your SERP rankings. In particular, you can use Plugin SEO to:

  • Analyze site-level SEO issues
  • Get recommendations for improving website SEO
  • Check the meta description, heading, images, page title, and filenames of your site

Plugin SEO

55. Raven Tool

Raven is one of the best site auditing tools available, mainly because of the many features that add value to the website auditing process. The tool helps you identify the ways through which you can improve your website’s standing. If you are using the tool, you will get:

  • A list of SEO issues generated by the Raven Tool
  • Suggestions to fix these issues
  • More suggestions for avoiding Panda update penalties

Raven Tool

56. Referral Ghost Spam Removal Tool

Ghost Spam is an issue that can ruin your Google Analytics data. Thanks to this top SEO tool, you can easily overcome this problem and get more accurate results. With this tool, you can:

  • Find out the spam bots targeting your sites
  • Create a segment in GA to ignore the traffic coming from spam websites
  • Improve the quality of traffic you receive on your website

Referral Ghost Spam Removal Tool

57. Screaming Frog SEO Spider

This is a useful technical SEO tool, and many SEO experts prefer using it to their advantage. It helps you get your pages indexed higher in Google’s SERP. With Screaming Frog SEO tool, you can:

  • Identify technical issues that are preventing your page from getting to the first page
  • Generate accurate reports

Screaming Frog SEO Spider

58. SEO Monitor

SEO Monitor can serve as a dashboard for all your SEO-related activities. Not only will it help you in improving the overall search engine rankings, but also help you solve various issues in SEO rankings. You can use this tool to:

  • Merge Google Analytics’ data with your site’s rankings
  • Get suggestions and improvements for your site
  • Find the best keywords for better rankings

SEO Monitor

59. Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is considered one of the best SEO tools available by many SEO experts. This tool can help you with a lot of SEO-related stuff . The Yoast SEO tool can help you:

  • Optimize meta tags and content
  • Generate instant sitemaps
  • Improve your writing by providing you suggestions

Yoast SEO tool

60. Keyworddit

The Keyworddit tool is another top SEO tool that works with Reddit. Using the tool, you can extract keywords from any subreddit. If used in combination with other tools on this list, it can help you extract high worth keywords and rank high on Google’s SERP. With this particular tool, you can:

  • Extract keywords any subreddit of your choice
  • Build a list of the most searched keywords in a specific subreddit
  • Understand the topics and ideas the audience of the target subreddit is interested in

61. LinkMiner

Every SEO expert knows that broken links have a seriously negative effect on your site’s rankings. Removal of these links is often the priority of any SEO initiative.  The LinkMiner is a Chrome extension that can help you find broken links. With this extension, you can:

  • Get a list of broken links in an organized report
  • Export the list of broken links to CSV to use with other tools

LinkMiner seo tool

62. Responsive Design Checker

If your website is responsive, chances are that your website will receive a lot more traffic from search engines.  The Responsive Design Checker is a simple (yet very important) tool for verifying that you have a responsive website. With this tool, you can:

  • Check how your website looks on various devices

63. SERProbot

SERProbot is one of the best SEO tools available and a must-have in a SEO expert toolkit. The tool helps you quickly check out the important information related to your site in an easy-to-read manner and without requiring you sign in to an account. By using this tool, you can:

  • Check rankings of five keywords at a time
  • Check website rankings in multiple regions

SERProbot seo tool

64. SECockpit

SECockpit is one of the best keyword research tools available. It does not only provide essential keyword information but also provides in-depth reports to help you understand how the keywords fit in your SEO strategy. With this tool, you can:

  • Get information about target keywords
  • Build a list of low competition keywords to quickly rank in SERP
  • Find out keywords with low CPC in Adwords

SECockpit keyword tool

65. NightWatch

If you want a tool that presents all the important information about your website on a single dashboard, NighWatch is the perfect option for you. Ask any SEO expert and they have a high regard for this tool. Thanks to the amazing features, it is often included in the lists of the top online SEO tools. With this tool, you can:

  • Get amazing and unique UI
  • Check your current search engine rankings
  • Generate detailed reports on your site’s traffic

NightWatch tool

66. Rank Ranger

Meanwhile, this tool might work just like some other tools on this list, this one has some extra features that other tools lack. From keyword searches to in-depth analysis, Rank Ranger can take care of all activities that make up your SEO task list. With this tool, you can:

  • Conduct on-page audits
  • Research more specific keywords
  • Perform in-depth competitors’ analysis to help you achieve higher SERP positions

Rank Ranger tool

67. Rival IQ

If you want to know what your competitors are up to, the Rival IQ is a great tool for the job. Many SEO and Social Media experts use this tool because of its amazing features. With this tool, you can:

  • Find out the social media as well as the SEO presence of your competitors
  • Find out how your competitor is performing on social media channels
  • Find out if your competitors are trying to get ranked against a specific keyword

Rival IQ

68. Search Latte

Search Latte is another online SEO tool that helps you find specific search results. The best thing about this tool is that you don’t need to activate any proxies or VPNs while using it. With this tool, you can:

  • Check search results of more than 150 international Google versions without restoring to a VPN
  • Select from a number of options before you perform your search

Search Latte tool for seo


69. Can I Rank

CanIRank is an important top SEO tool that helps you quickly find out if your page(s) can rank or not. It provides important information so that you can understand the challenge clearly and come up with a strategy that can get your pages ranked in Google’s results. With this tool, you can:

  • Identify the value of a keyword
  • Compare your site to your competitor(s)

can i rank tool

70. Benchmark Hero Solution

Benchmark Hero Tool is ideal for answering the most important question that every SEO expert asks almost regularly: why isn’t my site receiving the traffic it deserves? This tool is ideal for discovering traffic-related issues with ecommerce sites. By using this tool, you can:

  • Carry out an audit of your business websites
  • Improve the technical performance of your site
  • Discover strategies for increasing traffic to your site

71. SEOptimer

The SEOptimer tool is specially designed to analyze a site and report how well it is performing in terms of SEO. It then offers suggestions to improve your websites even further. With this tool, you can:

  • Perform in-depth website analysis
  • Identify problems that may be getting in the way of higher site rankings
  • Get a list of recommendations to improve your site

seo optimer

72. Pingdom

SEO experts love this top SEO tool because it quickly displays the page load speed (something everyone is concerned about these days!). Pingdom helps you improve the site’s speed. You can use this tool to:

  • Perform the website’s speed test
  • Identify whether the webpage is fast or slow
  • Get knowledge about what improvements to make to help you increase the page load speed of your website

Pingdom tool

73. Hootsuite

Want to manage your social media presence professionally without any hassles? Let me introduce the Hootsuite tool that is ideal for automating your social media management. With this tool, you can:

  • Schedule your social posts
  • Manage your social content without significant time investment on your part.
  • Measure the impact on your social media channels and generate several actionable reports


74. GA Checker

If your site is missing the Google Analytics or Google AdWords code snippets, you are in a lot of trouble. Thankfully, the GA Checker tool is here to help you with this simple yet vital task. This small tool is one of the essential SEO tools that you can use to your advantage. With this tool, you can:

  • Checks your site for missing Google Analytics or Google AdWords code

Majestic SEO Tool

75. Majestic SEO Tool

The Majestic SEO Tool is another amazing backlink checking tool that is ideal for improving the overall website SEO rankings. It offers a huge volume of backlinks data that adds the much needed depth in your site analysis efforts and opens up new action areas for increasing the website’s SERP position. With this tool, you can:

  • Check the backlinks of any site
  • Use the volumes of data generated by the tool for enhancing the backlink strategy
  • Display the rankings of the top one million websites

76. Live Keyword Analysis

This is a simple, yet amazing keyword tool. Live Keyword Analysis can help you find the keyword density of your desired word quickly ( a great help in content marketing). By using this tool, you can:

  • Find the target keyword density
  • See the live feedback on keyword density as soon as you enter the word

77. Google Optimize

Optimize is one of many Google’s SEO tools meant for improving SERP standing of your website. It might seem a little complicated at first, SEO experts use it today because of its amazing features. With this tool, you can:

  • Take advantage of your Google Analytics site data by discovering areas of improvements for your site
  • Get you more accurate results of your experiments through advanced statistical modeling
  • Improve your experience for the visitors

Google Optimize

 78. BuzzSumo

An SEO tool used by several big brands, BuzzSumo helps you improve your search engine rankings. It offers many amazing features that present a consolidated view of how your content is performing on search and social channels. With BuzzSumo SEO tool, you can:

  • Find out the most searched content of the past year
  • Discover the recently shared activity across major social networks
  • Set up alerts to check out whenever an article mentions your keyword


79. Searchmetrics

Searchmetrics is a great tool for optimizing web and mobile SERP rankings of your website. In addition to this, SEO experts use the tool for building ranking strategies for both web and mobile versions. In particular, you can use this tool to:

  • Carry out an accurate analysis of your mobile SEO rankings and traffic
  • Optimize website’s link structure
  • Make your site attractive to search engines


80. Beam Us Up

Beam Us Up is one of the best crawling tools available. Many SEO experts believe that this free tool is as good as several paid SEO tools. Note that the tool is only available for Windows. With this tool, you can:

  • Crawl multiple URLs at once
  • Get a detailed report about the outcome of its crawl cycle

Beam Us Up tool

81. Marketing Grader

At first, you might think that the tool is difficult to use. The fact remains that many SEO experts consider it one of the best SEO tools available. Marketing Grader provides detailed information about your site that can help you come up with extensive strategies for improving the overall SEO rankings. In general. With this tool, you can:

  • Generate a summary of your website
  • Generate detailed reports on social media pages, mobile websites, SEO, etc

82. Netpeak Spider

The Netpeak Spider is an amazing SEO tool that generates actionable reports on the issues that are hurting your website’s SERP rankings. You can then use these reports to deploy measures that eventually improve the sanding of your website in SERP.  SEO experts use this tool to their advantage to:

  • Carry out frequent (as low as daily) SEO audit for your sites
  • Check the website’s incoming and outgoing links for broken/invalid links
  • Discover SEO related issues

Netpeak Spider seo audit tool

83. Boomerang

This is an email related tool that is ideal for anyone who works with email on a regular basis. Many SEOs use Boomerang to reduce their email related workload and free up time to focus on more important tasks. This tool helps you to:

  • Connect to your Gmail account easily
  • Schedule the email to be sent later
  • Keep track of your emails

Boomerang for gmail

84. Keyword Pad

One of the best SEO tools available, Keyword Pad is a powerful keyword manipulation tool, that works only on Windows. It is simple to use and you can get up and running with the tool in just a few tries. You can use the tool to:

  • Remove duplicate keywords from large lists
  • Remove unwanted characters from keywords
  • Search and replace words in large lists

85. Traffic Travis

With the Traffic Travis SEO tool, you can find out technical issues that hamper your website’s SERP rankings. This tool generates a detailed report about your site, helping you understand and take appropriate measures to bolster your web ranking in Google’s SERP. You can use the tool to:

  • Build strategies for outranking your competitors
  • Conduct a full SEO health check of your websites
  • Monitor search engine rankings

Traffic Travis SEO tool

86. ClickTale

The Clicktale SEO tool helps website owners to analyze their customers’ digital behavior throughout their journey, thereby assisting them to make informed decisions about the overall marketing strategy. With this tool, website owners can also keep a track of RoI generated against the tasks performed by the customers. By using this tool, you can:

  • Identify and address the digital experience challenges of your customers
  • Maximize your investment for a better ROI
  • Carry out in-depth website analysis


86. MyBlogGuest

Connecting with other blogs and bloggers tends to be really beneficial in this age. The MyBlogGuest tool helps you in this regard. Whether you are a blog owner or a guest blogger, this tool helps you take advantage of different blogging opportunities in the long run. With this tool, you can:

  • Reach out to a new audience
  • Increase traffic to your blog
  • Earn new links to your site

87. nTopic

With the nTopic SEO tool, you can improve your site content to boost your search engine rankings. It analyzes your website’s content and provides you with suggestions for improvement on your website pages. By using this tool, you can:

  • Improve your existing content
  • Minimize the use of off-topic words
  • Boost your search engine rankings

88. EasyRedir

EasyRedir is a handy SEO tool that helps you with redirecting traffic between different domains with ease. It is a user-friendly tool that provides you all the information about the DNS, to help you manage all of your redirects. By using this tool, you can:

  • Manage the redirection of HTTP and HTTPS links
  • Get an in-depth analysis of your links
  • Handle all migration and post-migration redirection tasks

89. Quantcast

Quantcast is an AI-driven SEO tool that assists you with understanding your target audience. It provides you with detailed information on your audience insights. It is one of the best SEO tools available for brands, agencies, and publishers. With this tool you can:

  • Conduct research about your audience
  • Engage publishers and other website owners
  • Increase traffic to your site


90. Good Keywords

Many SEO experts use the Good Keywords tool to their advantage. It is one of the best SEO tools available that help you:

  • Find new keyword ideas based on recent trends
  • Generate many keywords in quick time
  • Increase your website’s search engine rankings

91. Disavow Link Analysis

This tool helps you with disavowing harmful backlinks for your website. You must be careful while using this tool because a single wrong move can have a negative impact on your website’s performance. With this tool, you can:

  • Get rid of spammy links
  • Identify poor or bad links to your website
  • Take your website’s performance down, if not used properly

92. SEO Toolbar

With the SEO Toolbar, you can carry out many tasks to improve your website’s SEO ranking. It offers some important features to help you take advantage of your website to remain ahead of your competitors. This SEO Toolbar helps you:

  • Gauge a rough estimate of how many links are pointing to a domain
  • Improve the global link authority of a domain
  • Get insights about site links, page links, directory listings, and much more

93. Compare Search Rankings

Have you ever wanted to compare your website’s rankings across multiple search engines? Well, you can simply do it by using the Compare Search Rankings tool. With this tool available, you can:

  • Compare the results from different search engines
  • Get information about the top 50 results
  • Understand which search engine is the most suitable for you to rank your website on

94. Soolve

Soolve SEO tool, you can search across multiple search engines at once. From Google to Bing, this tool offers important features to help you boost your website’s ranking on different search engines. With this tool, you can:

  • Search anything across multiple platforms including eBay, Amazon, etc
  • Use easy-to-use user interface

95. Image SEO Tool

Most people don’t realize that images play an important role in your website’s SEO rankings. With Image SEO tool, you can optimize different images on your website pages. This tool allows you to:

  • Check whether your site is following Google guidelines or not
  • Optimize your webpage loading times
  • Boost your website’s SEO rankings

Image SEO Tool

96. Web Page Test

With the Web Page Test tool, you can test a website’s performance. This tool helps you understand what you should do to improve your site’s performance. By using this tool, you can:

  • Have advanced website performance testing mechanism
  • Set test configuration
  • Increase a website’s performance

Web Page Test

97. SeoSiteCheckup

The SeoSiteCheckup tool provides you with a detailed report about your website site’s SEO status. With this tool you can:

  • Conduct tests for meta titles and meta descriptions
  • Find out the most common keywords on your webpage
  • Identify your competitors against your domain


98. WooRank

This is one of the best SEO tools, you can use to your advantage. It provides an in-depth report about a site’s visitors, SEO, mobile performance, etc. WooRank is a user-friendly tool. With this tool, you can:

  • Find out which keywords your competitors are targeting
  • Track keyword positions
  • Analyze your site to check for any content issues and technical SEO problems, Or check this guide by

WooRank seo tool

99. GoingUp

GoingUp is an analytics and SEO tool that helps you check if your webpage is optimized for search engines. It also provides you with suggestions to optimize your page for the best results. With this tool, you can:

  • Improve your website’s performance
  • Understand how you can optimize your page for better results
  • Work with peace of mind

GoingUp tool

100. Seomator

Seomator is an online SEO tool for analyzing and auditing the performance of your websites. This is also a great option for analyzing competitors’ websites and providing detailed reports on the search engine crawl activity. With this tool, you can:

  • Generate PDF reports for on-page and off-page analysis
  • Automate crawling for maximum impact on your SEO activities

Seomator audit tool

101. SE Ranking Website Audit

If you are interested in identifying errors that are dragging down your search engine rankings, SE Website Audit is a great option. The tool helps you identify issues that your team could prioritize for the best results. You can use the tool to:

  • Build actionable lists of SEO related tasks
  • Generate detailed reports on the SEO health of your websites
  • Get suggestions for optimizing website’s SEO

SE-Ranking tool

102. MySiteAuditor

MySiteAuditor is a great tool for SEO agencies that can be integrated directly into the target websites for the best results. The audit reports are very detailed and available in downloadable PDF format for future reference. You can use this tool to:

  • Identify SEO related bottlenecks and issues
  • Optimize your site to rank higher as per the latest Google Search Algorithm.

MySiteAuditor tool

103. SEO Report Card

In my opinion, SEO Report Card is one of the best tools for quick and detailed SEO analysis of your websites. The tool analyzes the websites on several key metrics and generates detailed, category-wise reports that offer suggestions for website improvements. You can use this tool to:

  • Understand how your website is performing against the competition
  • Find out the details where the website lacks

104. Found’s SEO Audit Tool

Found’s SEO Auditis a powerful tool for online marketers who are looking to find and solve SEO errors. You just need to enter your URL to get an instant report-based on the three main sections, i.e. technical, content issues, and external link analysis. You can then download the report in PDF format for future strategies and planning. By using this tool, you can:

  • Get detailed results on the website errors and performance bottlenecks

105. SERPSTAT Website Audit Tool

This is a website audit tool that is ideal for websites of all types. SERPSTAT tool conducts a detailed analysis of the website and identifies the performance issues and technical areas where small changes could have a huge impact on the website’s SERP standing. The tool is simple-to-use and offers an easy-to-understand report that anyone with basic SEO knowledge can apply for website optimization. You can use this tool to :

  • Identify errors in the header, meta, and related content
  • Understand why you should make the suggested changes to the websites.
  • Add your own logo to the downloadable PDF report


106. SerpWatch

Put your content front and center with the help of SerpWatch tool SERP Checker. This innovative keyword tracking tool allows you to zero in on the information you need, instead of being bloated by features you’ll never use.

Intuitive to use, the simple interface allows you to track keywords across various search engines and indexes. Set your targeted phrases or words, and get a simple, informative report in seconds.

Select global searches or narrow it down to your local area instead.  Get an idea of where you stand now and be advised of algorithm updates.

Use the tool to manage one project or multiple tasks and use the advanced features to amp up your performance.


107. Northcutt Free SEO Tools

Northcutt offers 40+ free SEO tools for online marketers looking to solve simple SEO problems, quick. From a website speed checker to their link analyzers, there is a multitude of tools available at your disposal.

  • Optimize your webpages loading times
  • Analyze your keywords for optimal success

108. Dashword

Dashword is a content marketing tool that helps you write optimized content for SEO. It uses natural language processing to compare your content against the top search results and gives you a detailed report on how to improve it. By using this tool, you can:

  • Get a list of all the topics your content should cover
  • Evaluate your competitors’ content
  • Find the questions you’re readers are asking, to provide them the answers
  • Create content briefs for external writers

Dashword logo on Cloudways


109. Content King

ContentKing provides SEO Auditing and Content Change Tracking in real-time. Easily discover how to improve your search engine visibility and get immediate alerts about technical issues and unexpected page changes, so that you can remedy big problems before visitors and search engines notice and it starts affecting your bottom line. Getting your SEO performance under control has never been this easy!

content king app

110. Rephrase is the most sophisticated AI powered paraphrasing tool available online which is more or less a comprehensive writing solution designed for professional writers and editors. It allows you to paraphrase content in different versions of the same text without disturbing the intent. SEO professionals use this tool to:

  • Content improvement through AI-based writing suggestions
  • With its additional tool find and fix all grammar errors

rephraser seo tools

111. LinkStorm

Do you publish a lot of content that is in need of a good internal link structure? LinkStorm can help you find relevant internal link opportunities. This will save you time, particularly when placing good links from your new pages to your existing content. The tool will crawl your content and come up with a list of links you can add right away. It comes with a free and a paid version:

  • free for up to 100 pages
  • paid with a one-time fee for up to 1000 pages

Linkstorm SEO tool logo

112. Paraphrase Tool uses an Advanced AI-based technology to help you paraphrase sentences for free. Bloggers can effortlessly paraphrase articles, blogs, and website content while maintaining original meaning and context. Experience outstanding accuracy with advanced AI algorithm, meticulously crafted to generate seamless paraphrases that engage readers.

  • Write plagiarism-free content.
  • Reproduces new versions of old text
    seo tool

How to Choose the Best SEO Tool

Each SEO tool works in a different way. The tools mentioned in this blog might offer similar features and work for the same purpose, but each one is unique in its own right.

There are times when small businesses struggle to find the right SEO tool to attain digital marketing goals. In addition, business owners often get confused by the diversity and a huge number of SEO tools available and operate under the assumption that all SEO tools work the same.

This is a common scenario. and I take this time to include answers to some questions that will help you pick the right tool for your particular digital marketing and SERP ranking challenges.

Paid vs Free

First of all, you must understand that not every online SEO tool is available for free. There are some tools that offer their services for free, but you might have to pay a small fee to get more details and actionable tips. Free SEO tools tend to offer limited functionalities and might only work for a fixed number of tries. On the other hand, the paid ones offer more features, and they work in multiple setups. The paid SEO tools usually generate more accurate data because of their reliability and additional features.

Business Lifecycle

You have decided to pay for a SEO tool of your liking, but before making any decision, you must figure out if you actually need it or not. In most cases, if your business is currently in its early stages, you don’t need a paid tool. You might not need all the features that come with paid SEO tools. The best option for you is to go with a few free tools at the beginning, as they will do the job for you just fine. When the business starts to grow beyond a certain limit, you can consider spending money to get an industry-leading SEO tool.

Can You Use the Tool?

The best practice to use tools for SEO is to learn about it thoroughly before using it. If you don’t know how it works and what it actually does, it’s of no use to you. Fortunately, all popular SEO tools come with guides to make sure you can leverage the tool for your business

Do You Know the Purpose of the Tool?

To get your task done, you must choose an SEO tool that gets the job done for you. Keyword Research, Mobile Optimization, Keyword Ranking, Site Optimization, and Crawling are some of the many SEO-related tasks that make up the components of a SERP ranking campaign.

The tools mentioned in this blog are some of the best SEO tools available for small businesses. Many people trust and use these tools to their advantage. These tools help you with completing your desired tasks. If you use them efficiently, you will notice some positive results in quick time.

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Jamil Ali Ahmed

Jamil is an Organic Search Manager at Cloudways - A SEO friendly hosting Platform. He has 14 years experience in SEO, and is passionate about Digital Marketing and Growth Optimization. Jamil is a Minimalist, Observer, Loves Nature, Animals, Food, Cricket & Mimicking :)


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