Cloudways Webinar

Advocating for Devs to Build Healthy Software Engineering Teams

Webinar Guests

Founder and CEO at Pinpoint

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About The Webinar

In this webinar, Jeff will explore organizational approaches to developer mental health, specifically as engineering, design and product teams have transitioned to fully remote work for the long-term. This includes how teams are adapting to recent changes, and a discussion of what it means to measure productivity in this era of work.

Measuring productivity should be designed in the service of improving engineering workflow, to make sure it’s healthy for the whole team – prioritizing the right work over long hours on laptops.

Jeff and his team at Pinpoint are building a community and Engineering Operations discipline that improves the full process of making software. This starts by advocating for developers at the heart of the organization.

Things You Will Learn

  • Defining Engineering Operations, and the role of developers within the software organization
  • What are some ways the new work-from-home era is impacting engineers – and what is the effect on companies at large
  • How can managers and leaders create empathetic spaces and advocate for the engineers on their teams
  • What is the use case for tracking productivity, if not as the end-all-be-all
  • What kind of changes in tools, team structure, or communication practices do engineering leaders need to make to prepare for long term WFH
  • What can individual developers do to manage burnout

Meet The Guest

Jeff Haynie, founder and CEO at Pinpoint, helps teams to unlock better engineering operations. Previously, he co-founded and scaled Appcelerator (home to Titanium, a development toolkit used by more than a million developers around the world) to acquisition by Axway in 2016. Jeff is a long-time serial entrepreneur and angel investor. He has worked on numerous standard committees from IETF to W3C, and contributed to several open source technologies including JBoss and OpenVXI.

Founder and CEO at Pinpoint

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