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10 Thank You Page Examples and Ideas to Boost Conversions in 2023

Updated on November 4, 2021

12 Min Read

You are here! This means your customers now trust you, and are buying from your eCommerce store. Heartiest congratulations! You have successfully achieved what you had dreamed of when you first began selling on your online store.

Now that you have successfully established yourself as a credible seller, you can expect clients to keep purchasing from you. To add value to your customers’ experience, each time a purchase is made, you should lead them to your Thank You landing page!

Apparently, this is your chance to leave an impact on your customers. So, continue reading our blog post to learn the Thank You page best practices and examples that will impress your customers and increase your conversion rate.

So what exactly is a ‘Thank You page,’ and what intent does it serve?

What Is a Thank You Page?

A Thank You page is a page on your website where your customers are redirected to right after they are through the checkout page.

The main intent of having a Thank You page might seem obvious to you – showing your gratitude and appreciation, and confirming the order. However, it goes way beyond it.

A Thank You page is a critical point that not only ensures you retain existing customers who buy from you, but also helps you win over new potential customers. The overall composition of a Thank You page ultimately increases sales, as well as creates growth and engagement for your Ecommerce business.

Let’s go over the best practices for creating an Ecommerce Thank You page to boost conversion rate in 2021.

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10 Best Thank You Page Examples to Increase Your Conversion Rate

Because there is so much noise on the internet and so many ecommerce stores competing with each other, you have to come up with ways you can improve customer retention and customer acquisition to increase sales. Here are some ideas on how you can create one of the best Thank You pages to optimize your store’s conversion rate. You will also find the best Thank You page examples as you read through our blog post.

1. Ask for Referrals

As Mark Zuckerberg puts it, “People influence people. Nothing influences people more than a recommendation from a trusted friend. A trusted referral influences people more than the best broadcast message. A trusted referral is the Holy Grail of advertising.”

Asking for referrals is a major customer acquisition channel that works and boosts conversion rate for many Ecommerce businesses.

Nielsen reports that 92% of consumers believe suggestions from friends and family more than advertising.

Here’s an example of such a Thank You page. Look at how it subtly asks the users to refer a friend to get a discount.

Ask for ReferralSource: Referral Rock

You can also ask for referrals when someone joins your newsletter. A template like this might give you a better idea:

Thank You for Subscribing!

Get 10% off on referring our newsletter to your friends and family, and share the latest updates on the products in our store.

Enter your friends’ emails below.

Send and Get a Discount

There are many other creative ways in which you can ask for referrals to increase the conversion rate of your online store. Brainstorm unique ideas and always remember to give your customers something in return before asking them for a referral.

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2. Social Sharing Buttons + Call-to-Action

The power of using a strong CTA with social sharing buttons should not be underestimated.

According to Joe Chernov, Chief Marketing Officer at, “Good marketing makes the company look smart. Great marketing makes the customer feel smart.”

So, when you give your customers social sharing buttons on the Thank You page, you are validating their choice of products, and giving them a chance to share their passion for those products with the world.

However, according to Adweek, Moovweb studied 61 million mobile sessions and discovered that 99.8 percent of mobile users never engage with social share buttons. In fact, mobile users are 11.5 times more likely to click ads than they are to click social share buttons.

On the other hand, Desktop users click on social sharing buttons more often, according to Moovweb (about 35% more often) but they still prefer sharing links their own way, rather than using these buttons.

So, social sharing buttons alone might not be that effective. But if you support them with a strong CTA, it might change the game for you.

Here’s a good example of Social sharing buttons done right with a “Tell the world” CTA:

Social Sharing Buttons + CTAsSource: Rejoiner

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3. Conduct Survey

Ask one or more questions on the Thank You page to know the preferences of your customers. Find out what convinces them to buy, so you can better personalize content for them and target them to boost conversions.

As Lisa Stone, Co-Founder and CEO of BlogHer, says, “Wonder what your customer really wants? Ask. Don’t tell.

You have to address your customers directly to grow your Ecommerce business, and as you know, one size doesn’t fit all.

According to hrmarketer’s review report, 52% of senior managers think surveys provide a very accurate assessment of reality.

Hence, you can include survey questions on your Thank You page such as following:

What is one thing we can improve about our website experience?

Or “What other products would you consider buying from us?” And it could also be, “What other products would you be excited to see in our online store in the future?

Below is a customer survey that fits perfectly on the Thank You page:

Conduct SurveySource: GetResponse

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4. Show Credibility by Demonstrating Authority

Ryan BeMiller, Director Web and Digital Marketing at Concentrix says, “Establishing yourself as an expert in your niche is one of the primary ways for you to gain credibility. If folks look to you for your expertise and insight, they’re going to be more likely to buy the products you’re selling.”

This signifies the importance of showing authority by displaying media mentions and any featured interview or review from an authoritative website like The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, CNN etc.

According to Sprout Social, businesses are averaging $6.50 for every $1 spent on influencer marketing, with the top 13% earning $20 or more. It has also found that 40% of people say they’ve purchased a product online after seeing it used by an influencer on social media.

Hence, don’t forget to include these important elements on your Thank You page.

Here is a template to show how you can demonstrate authority and build credibility:

Thank You for Shopping With Us!

Now, keep an eye on your inbox for updates and new products. We’ll be sending you all the updates about the order status and delivery.

In the meantime, have a look at what X celebrity says about their shopping experience on our website in this video:

[Attach a video]

Demonstrate AuthoritySource: GetResponse

5. Offer a Discount or a Promo Code

According to Conversio, 57% of shoppers say they would not have made a first-time purchase from a new retailer without a coupon. And 91% of coupon redeemers say they will revisit a retailer after being offered a coupon.
Hence, we are sure you wouldn’t want to miss out on such a large proportion of your potential customers by not offering discounts, coupons, or promo codes on your Thank You page.

Your Thank You page copy can look like this if you want to offer a coupon:

Thanks for Choosing Us!

You are eligible for an X% discount the next time you shop from our store. Use the coupon code “FAVE-PRODUCT” while checking out on your next order.

Coupon validity: xx-xx-xx

Continue Shopping

Here is an example of a Thank You page that offers coupon code on purchase.

Offer a discountSource: OptinMonster

When you are offering a discount, coupon, or promo code, your Thank You page design also matters. Make sure your Thank You page design includes bold colors and fonts to make the offer stand out.

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6. Qualify and Nurture Leads

The importance of qualifying and nurturing leads is summarized by Anthony Lannarino, President and Chief Sales Officer at SOLUTIONS Staffing. About lead

generation, he says, “It’s about caring enough to create value for customers. If you get that part right, selling is easy.

Another important statement is by the famous American author, salesman, and motivational speaker, Zig Ziglar, who said, “If people like you, they’ll listen to you, but if they trust you, they’ll do business with you.”

Every visitor on your website is at a different point in the buyer’s journey. Some are seeking awareness, some have already identified their problems and are seeking solutions, while others have already made a decision and are ready to buy from you. You have to qualify and nurture each of these visitors and grow your email list to do it better.

You can grow your email list by either asking your customers to sign up for your newsletter, through the contact form, or through the personal details form fields they fill out on checkout. On checkout, one additional inbound marketing content that you can use to support your Thank You page are Thank You confirmation emails.

MLM Leads says, “By far the most efficient approach to deal with your leads is always to use a process that automatically brands you, supplies worth to your prospects, follows up with them and sorts out the uninterested people.”

Hence, you should not forget about qualifying and nurturing leads on your Thank You page. A research by BrightTALK suggests that 53% of marketers spend half or more of their budget on lead generation. This is how important it is to have a lead generating strategy on your Thank You page.

A simple Thank You page lead generation copy can look like this:

Thank You for Your Purchase!

We have a gift for your next purchases in our store. Download this pdf with a free gift voucher and a coupon code with 10% discount.

Enter Your Email Address -> Download Gift Voucher Now!”

Here is an example of a Thank You page using lead generation strategy:

Qualify and Nurture LeadsSource: StableWP

Once a user creates a shopping account on the store, it would be much easier to understand their buying impulses, buying power, tap into their wishlist, and more. This is how you can send them relevant and personalized emails, with product news and updates specific to their needs and choices. And this is how you continue to nurture leads after qualifying them.

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7. Personalized Content Recommendation

Ann Handley, Chief Content Marketing Officer at MarketingProfs, said in a podcast, “When we create something, we think, ‘Will our customers thank us for this?’ I think it’s important for all of us to be thinking about whatever marketing we’re creating; is it really useful to our customers? Will they thank us for it? I think if you think of things through that lens, it just clarifies what you’re doing in such a simple, elegant way.“

This clearly explains why it is important to link relevant, personalized, popular, and helpful content on your Thank You page. It is highly important that the content fits perfectly into the lives of your customers, making it easier and better. You may also take the help of educational content and how-to videos to do so. Just make sure your popular posts make their way into the featured posts of your Thank You page.

Moreover, a survey by Accenture suggests that 91% of consumers say they are more likely to shop with brands that provide offers and recommendations that are relevant to them.

Here is an example of how this store provides its customers relevant content surrounding its product. They can extract value and help out of the Thank You page after their purchase, which is likely to make them return for another.

personalized content recommendationSource: CXL

Look at how it sells Matcha tea and then on the Thank You page links a video on how to make it for its customers.

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8. Upsell or Cross-sell Products

Brian Tracy, best-selling author and CEO of Brian Tracy International, says, “Keep Your Sales Pipeline Full By Prospecting Continuously. Always Have More People To See Than You Have Time To See Them.

You should be able to upsell and cross-sell products in a way that your customers feel they are deriving some value out of the offer.

According to Invespcro, cross-selling contributed up to 35% of total revenue at Amazon. While according to SUMO, upselling increases revenue by 10-30% on average.

Here is how you can include upselling/cross-selling on your Thank You page:

upsell or cross-sell productsSource: StableWP 

Look at how Stily is cross-selling on its Thank You page.

You can also upsell on your Thank You page in a similar fashion. We have talked about 10+ upselling techniques in detail in one of our other blogs. For now, here is how:

upsell after checkoutSource: eCommerce Fastlane

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9.  Add Testimonials

Testimonials are a great way of showing how many people have tried your products and trust you. When customers are happy, they leave great reviews so don’t forget to feature those important customer feedbacks on the Thank You page.

Adding testimonials creates social proof and the odds are that they will only drive up your conversion rates. These social proofs will validate the buying decision of your customers, making them feel confident about their purchase.

As Heather Williams, CEO at Prairie Sun Brewery, puts it, “Revolve your world around the customer and more customers will revolve around you.”

According to Strategic Factory, using customer testimonials regularly can generate approximately 62% more revenue for your business.

To make the best use of testimonials and customer reviews you receive, display them below the main copy of your Thank You page in the form of a slider. Here is how the bottom part of your Thank You page should look like:

add testimonialsSource: B3 Multimedia

10. Inspire Engagement

It is critical that you encourage your customers to engage with you and build a community on social media platforms. This is where you can build long-term customer relationships and start meaningful conversations. Your Thank You page can serve as a way to inspire your customers to come together and engage with your brand on your digital platforms.

Coretta Scott King, American author, civil rights leader, and wife of Martin Luther King Jr., said, “The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.

According to Sprout Social’s statistics, consumers continue to engage in various ways after following a brand on social media – 91% percent visit the brand’s website or app, 85% will recommend the brand to a friend or family, and 89% will buy from the brand.

There are many ways in which you can inspire your customers to connect and engage with you on social media. And here is an example of page that is doing it well:

inspire engagementSource: Rejoiner

Bonus Tip: Add the Option to Continue Shopping

Don’t forget to include the “continue shopping” button on the Thank You page to improve your store’s conversion rate and drive more sales. The button will have your customers land back to your home page, and who knows, they might spot something else to buy for themselves.

If you have a WooCommerce store, you can easily add this button to your Thank You page. Here is how it may look like for you:

Option to continue shoppingSource: themelocation

Adding this kind of navigation menu opens you to a door of new possibilities and increases customer lifetime. After all, using this navigation menu, they can explore everything else that they might like and also later choose to buy from your online store.

If you have upcoming webinars, you can also use a countdown timer on the bottom part of your Thank You page with a webinar registration form.

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Time to Nail Your Thank You Page!

You must remember to add value to your customer’s experience with your Thank You page, creating an impact and leading to more conversions. It should be valuable enough to remember, and engaging enough to want to experience again.

By following the above tips and using strong, well-placed CTAs, you cannot only drive more sales, but also increase your customer base!

Remember, a well-planned buying process + checkout process = a profitable conversion process.

Feel free to pitch in your Thank You page best practices and unique Thank You page ideas in the comment section below!

If you found this blog post valuable, you can check out our blog on how to create product pages that convert and 36 Ecommerce growth hacking strategies to take your game to the next level!

Q1. Why do we need a Thank You Page?

We need the Thank You page to qualify and nurture leads, collect feedback about our products, as well as more information about our customers through conducting surveys. We can also use the Thank You page to inspire our leads to connect with us on social media, and build a community where they feel heard and supported. We can also link them to helpful and educational content that might help them utilize their purchased product in a more efficient manner.

Q2. How do you upsell on the Thank You Page?

You can easily upsell on your Thank You page by displaying products that will make the sale bigger. For e.g. if you are selling shoes, you can display a shoe cleaning kit, shoe polish, extra laces, etc. on the Thank You page to make the overall sale bigger. Your customer will buy more products this way.

Q3. How do you thank someone for visiting your website?

You can use a popup on your landing page to thank your potential customers on visiting your website. You can even send an email to your visitors if they are already on your email list with new products and product offerings relevant to them.

Share your opinion in the comment section. COMMENT NOW

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Mansoor Ahmed Khan

Been in content marketing since 2014, and I still get a kick out of creating stories that resonate with the target audience and drive results. At Cloudways by DigitalOcean (a leading cloud hosting company, btw!), I lead a dream team of content creators. Together, we brainstorm, write, and churn out awesome content across all the channels: blogs, social media, emails, you name it! You can reach out to me at [email protected].


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