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Setup Magento Newsletter With This Step By Step Guide

Updated on December 24, 2021

4 Min Read
Magento Newsletter

Magento offers several exciting features that often prove to be very useful for both developers and for merchants. Very few CMSs offers built-in newsletter sending functionality. This functionality can save a lot of time and expense that could be spent on integrating third-party applications and other features for the Magento platform. Magento newsletter is an essential part of the overall customer engagement and retention process.

Magento offers a native newsletter publication functionality that is easy to setup and equally easy to use. There is no need for installing third-party newsletter solutions on your Magento store.  In this article, I will guide you through the process of setting up a newsletter.

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First you need to enable Newsletter in your Magento backend. Go to System > Configuration > ADVANCED > Advanced

Magento Admin Panel

Under Advanced option, expand the “Disable Modules Output” panel and look for Mage_Newsletter option to make sure that this module is enabled.

Note: Magento Newsletter module is builtin, so you don’t have to install any Magento newsletter extension for sending newsletters to the users.

Disable Module Output

After this, you need to configure the newsletter settings. Go to System > Configuration > Customer under the Customer section and click on the Newsletter option.


Under Newsletter option expand the “Subscription Option” Panel and select the Yes option for need confirm field. Click the “Save Config” button. This will help setup Magento subscription extension.

Magento Newsletter Subscription

Create Magento Newsletter Templates

You need to create a newsletter template before you could send it to  your subscribers. For creating the template, follow these steps:

Go to Newsletter -> Newsletter Templates and click on the “Add New Template” button.

Newsletter Templates

You will see several settings related to the newsletter template. Fill in all the necessary fields and click on the “Save Template” button. Make sure that you have filled in the following fields:

Save Template

  • Template Name: Name of the template.
  • Template Subject: Subject of the email which would be sent to the subscribers.
  • Sender Name and Sender Email: Name and email of the sender of the newsletter email.
  • Template Content: This is essentially a text editor that allows HTML codes within the body of the email. Place the newsletter’s content here.

After creating the newsletter’s template, you can send it to the subscribers by queuing the template.

Newsletter Queue

For sending the newsletter to the subscribers, go to Newsletter > Newsletter Templates and select the Queue Newsletter option from the drop down menu.

Queue Newsletter

When you select Queue Newsletter option, it offers several options as shown below:

Save Newsletter

After inserting all the details, click the “Save Newsletter” button. An explanation of the fields in this screen follows:

  • Queue Date Start: Select the date when you are going to start sending the newsletter to the subscribers.
  • Subscribers From: It shows subscribers list of all current and former subscribers to the newsletter.
  • Subject: It specifies the subject of the email of the newsletter.
  • Sender Name and Sender Email: These fields specify the name and email of the sender who will send the newsletter to customers.
  • Message: It provides a text editor where you could compose a message to be sent through the email.

To check whether the newsletter is ready to be sent, go to Newsletter > Newsletter Queue and you could see the newsletter queued up.

Magento Newsletter

The newsletter has been composed and is now ready to be emailed to the subscribers.

Final Thought: Using this tutorial, you can setup and create new Magento newsletter templates through which you could share the latest news and offers with your customers. I hope this tutorial proves to be of service to you. If you face any trouble in setting up the newsletter,  feel free to contact me through the comment section below.

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Abdur Rahman

Abdur Rahman is the Magento whizz at Cloudways. He is growth ambitious, and aims to learn & share information about Ecommerce & Magento Development through practice and experimentation. He loves to travel and explore new ideas whenever he finds time. Get in touch with him at [email protected]


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