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Interview With Nile Flores: “WordPress Needs Better Built-in Search.”

Updated on December 13, 2021

4 Min Read

Through continuous effort, experience, and a humble attitude, one can become a legend. This can be said for Nile Flores, who has a vast amount of experience when it comes to WordPress development and blogging. She is always ready to help fix websites with minor bugs or technical issues to develop an entire website and provide consultation on how to bring useful traffic to your website.

She created and manages a very active Facebook group, namely All About WordPress. She engages actively in discussions and helps the WordPress community out. She can also be contacted through her website and would be happy to assist anyone with queries.

At Cloudways, we are impressed by the amount of knowledge Nile Flores possesses, and at times she has also helped us reach out to the WordPress community through her channels. We hope you will enjoy reading this interview.

Nile Flores interview

Cloudways: When was the first time you started working with WordPress?

Nile: I started working with WordPress when it started. Actually, I’d like to clarify myself. I’ve been using WordPress when it was b2/cafelog. It was the blog platform from where WordPress was forked.

Cloudways: What were the reasons that you became passionate about WordPress and decided to build a career out of it?

Nile: I’ve always been passionate about writing and anything creative. I also love to help people. I love to write sci-fi and fantasy fiction, and I love to write poetry. I got extremely involved with online communities—and web design—that not only did I go back to school to study web design, but I chose to exclusively design and develop websites with WordPress. Designing and developing with WordPress satisfies my love of creativity, while blogging satisfies my love of writing.

Cloudways: You manage a very active WordPress group on Facebook, “All About WordPress”. Have you made notable friends thanks to this group?

Nile: Most of the people that I know as friends, I’ve already known prior to creating All About WordPress. However, I’ve met a lot of WordPress users eager to discuss, learn, and, overall, have fun in the group.

Cloudways: What feature do you wish was available in WordPress core?

Nile: Better search. Although there are plugins out there that help, they really won’t suffice. I’ve never been happy with the search in WordPress. (Editor’s note: Neither are we!)

Cloudways: Which framework do you prefer to work with?

Nile: I have my own framework, but I enjoy working with is StudioPress Genesis too. Frankly, I can work with a lot of themes as my philosophy is that a theme is what you make of it.

Cloudways: Which best WordPress plugins do you use the most?

Nile: WordPress SEO by Yoast, W3 Total Cache, and Optin Monster

Cloudways: Would you like to share your reviews about WordPress 3.9?

Nile: WordPress 3.9 was a great attempt for a major release but missed a lot for many users. It was also the one version I had a complete upgrade failure in the entire 11 years that I’ve been using WordPress. The last time I had a slight problem was around WordPress 2.7, and it was just a minor issue.

Cloudways: According to you, what will be the biggest challenge that the WordPress community can face in 2014?

Nile: I think some of it is buckling down on getting people to play nice with each other. This is pretty usual with most communities, but I’ve had to experience this personally. We can’t grow as a community if people aren’t truly asking for help and accepting help.

However, outside of the social aspect of the WordPress community, it’s got to be getting key people to step forward to contribute better documentation and tutorials. There are so many websites that have WordPress tutorials, but 95% of them lack a thoroughness that can entice beginner, intermediate, and advanced users all in one.

Cloudways: What is your golden advice to make WordPress more search engine friendly?

Nile: It’s not about making WordPress more search engine friendly. WordPress is a tool that is built with semantic markup right out of the box. It’s what you put on your website that makes the difference. So, going forward, make sure your content is better than the rest.

Cloudways: What are your procedures to make WordPress-powered websites more secure?

Nile: There are some great tutorials out there on hardening WordPress. Rather than me telling you how to secure your WordPress site, here’s my own article.

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Cloudways: Finally, what is your expert advice to WordPress beginners and bloggers?

Nile: My advice to WordPress beginners is to not be intimidated by it. Surf around a WordPress backend. Play with it, and then start blogging.

As for new bloggers, don’t hesitate to start blogging. If you know what you want to write about, go for it. Don’t wait for the perfect time (or for someone to finish designing your site’s theme). Just write. You can always change the focus of your blog or even modify your posts in the future. And above all, blogging isn’t perfect. You’re not going to be the best writer in the world. Just be yourself, proofread, hit publish, and you’ll be fine. 🙂

You can follow Nile Flores (@nilefloresmedia) on Twitter.

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Owais Khan

Owais works as a Marketing Manager at Cloudways (managed hosting platform) where he focuses on growth, demand generation, and strategic partnerships. With more than a decade of experience in digital marketing and B2B, Owais prefers to build systems that help teams achieve their full potential.


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