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Cloudways Sponsors the Longhorn PHP Conference 2021

Updated on December 23, 2021

3 Min Read
cloudways longhorn php event

Longhorn PHP is a regional PHP conference taking place in Austin, Texas. Continuing the trend of successful events, this will be the third time Longhorn PHP will provide a platform for the community to get together.

The conference is being planned by Daniel Abernathy, Blake Gardner, Hunter Skrasek, Ian Littman and Jessica Mauerhan from Longhorn PHP, LLC, consisting of members of the Texas PHP community.

Cloudways, of course, has decided to sponsor the Longhorn PHP conference , and we encourage every developer around the area to be a part of it. To make things interesting for you, have a look at some known names in the business you can meet at the conference:

Taylor Otwell

Taylor Otwell needs no introduction in the PHP community. As the Founder and creator of Laravel, Taylor has developed web applications following the MVC architectural pattern and based on Symfony.

Olivia Liddell

Olivia Liddell is a Technical Curriculum Developer at Amazon Web Services. Olivia is a Certified Ethical Hacker and often talks about social engineering and security awareness.

Taylor Barnett is a Staff Developer Advocate at PlanetScale. Recently, Taylor worked as a Senior Community Engineer at Transposit, where she worked across the organization on Developer Relations.

Adam Culp

Adam is a versatile personality majorly recognized for doing podcasts on RunGeekRadio and live streams Beachcasts on Twitch. He also is a YouTuber (Beachcasts), where he talks about all the happenings in the world of PHP. Adam is very passionate about developing with PHP and contributes to many open-source projects.

Matthew Turland

Matthew Turland is a professional software developer and author based in New Orleans, LA. Turland has been working with PHP since 2002 and has been a part of the software development industry for over 20 years.

Why Join this Event?

As if those names above weren’t reason enough for you to join this event, here’s more that you can expect from the event:

  • If you work with developers or nearby engineers, we’ll exhibit tools and strategies to level up your capacity to unravel the issues you confront each day.
  • The idea is to bring engineers from all over the region, country, and even globally together on one platform. Whether you’re a junior engineer or an experienced software engineer, you’ll be learning alongside your peers.
  • You’ll be able to coordinate with specialists in all perspectives of advanced web development; security, programming techniques, DevOps, architecture, database administration, and more.

Let’s Connect!

Since Cloudways is sponsoring the Longhorn PHP Conference, we’ll be giving out Cloudways swag at the event, so don’t forget to collect them because we’re sure you will love them.

Let us know how many of you will be coming to this event and what sessions, in particular, are you looking forward to the most.

You can share your views and experiences related to this event #LonghornPHP in the comment section below.

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Shahzeb Ahmed

Shahzeb is a Digital Marketer with a Software Engineering background, works as a Community Manager — PHP Community at Cloudways. He is growth ambitious and aims to learn & share information about PHP & Laravel Development through practice and experimentation. He loves to travel and explore new ideas whenever he finds time. Get in touch with him at [email protected]


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