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Divi vs Avada: Which is the Best WordPress Theme in 2024

Updated on January 23, 2024

13 Min Read

WordPress themes have practically made website coding redundant, thanks to their pre-built functionality and ease of use. Unless you want something specific or purely customized, you’re fine with a pre-built theme.

Both Divi and Avada are considered excellent options and rank among the best WordPress themes. They’re popular, reasonably priced, support WooCommerce, and have many other benefits. But which one should you choose to build your site upon?

Let’s go through the article below and find out. I’ll compare both themes on various variables to help you better understand which one will better suit you.

Let the theme battle begin!

Divi vs Avada – A Quick Glance

Details Avada Divi
Developers Avada is a product of  ThemeFusion.  Divi is a product of Elegant Themes.
Ease of Setup Slightly easier than Divi.  Easy to set up.
Backend Page Building You can access and edit the backend using the theme’s native “Fusion Builder”  Drag-and-drop page building makes it easy to understand and use.
Frontend Page Building Fusion Builder live is Avada’s frontend builder  Divi Builder is Divi’s frontend builder
Support and Documentation Dedicated support is available, and a huge community following that is always ready to help the users. Dedicated support available. This theme also has a huge community following ready to help users.
Content Layouts 94 theme layouts available to import once you activate Avada. 2300+ layouts available and ready to use.
Full Theme Building Support You can customize the theme in whichever way you like. You can customize the theme in whichever way you like.
Speed and Performance Reasonable performance. Will need some external optimization via plugins and fast hosting. Little faster than Avada but still needs external performance optimization.
Customization Highly customizable.  Highly customizable.
Webshops Compatible with WooCommerce Compatible with WooCommerce

A quick glance at the table above shows that both themes are neck to neck with each other. If one lacks somewhere, it supersedes the other somewhere else.

So, it’s a battle worth further exploration. Let’s dive a little deeper and look closely at Divi vs Avada.

Divi Theme – An Overview

The Divi WordPress theme is developed by Elegant Themes, a leader in WordPress themes and templates. Known for its flexibility and versatility, Divi is equipped with a built-in drag-and-drop builder known as the Divi Builder.

The theme enables users to build almost any type of website without coding knowledge. Let’s now briefly surf through the pros and cons of Divi below.

Pros Cons
Beginner-friendly drag-and-drop interface. Divi leaves many shortcodes behind, which may break your pages if you switch themes.
Highly customizable. There’s hardly any feature that you’ll not find when working with Divi. While Divi is user-friendly, it also has many features that can take some time to master. (Not a major downside, though).
Developers constantly improve and update it, keeping it compatible with the latest WordPress version. Divi can be heavier than other themes because of its feature-rich nature. This might affect the performance of your website, particularly if you’re on lower-tier hosting.
Pre-made layouts make it easy to have a starting point for the site. You can tweak the design to customize it for your brand further. Divi is not free. Some users might find this pricing model expensive, especially if they plan to use the Divi theme only.

Divi’s Features:

  • Divi builder
  • Pre-made layouts
  • Customization
  • Responsive editing
  • Split testing and SEO tools

Divi + Cloudways = Easy setups and speedy websites

Divi is a Cloudways partner and offers 1-click installation with Cloudways. This means you’ll have beautiful websites ready within minutes.

Avada Theme – An Overview

Avada is a product of ThemeFusion. This WordPress theme gives you high flexibility and customization options with easy drag-and-drop functionality. Also, it comes with its own dedicated page builder for page and post designing, called Fusion Builder.

The Fusion Builder allows you to build column layouts with responsive containers and design elements like headlines, images, text blocks, and sliders. Basically, you can create almost any type of website design via Avada.

Let’s review Avada’s pros and cons now.

Pros Cons
User-friendly interface that makes designing easy, even if you don’t have a background in web design. Avada can be overwhelming for beginners because of its many customization options.
Avada comes with a lot of customization options. Avada’s features can potentially slow down your website if not properly optimized.
Its responsive design adjusts to all screen sizes, from desktops to mobile devices. Requires regular updates for the theme and its plugins. Failure can malfunction the website.
ThemeFusion offers excellent customer support for Avada users, including documentation, a community forum, and support tickets. Avada has some limitations when it comes to customizing the header and footer compared to some other themes.

Avada’s Features:

  • Fusion Builder
  • Pre-built Websites & Page Templates
  • Responsive Framework
  • Easy and beginner-friendly setup

Divi vs Avada: Features Comparison

We’re done with the brief comparisons above. Now let’s cut open the themes and analyze in detail what each theme offers. Ready? Let’s go!!

Pricing Comparison

Pricing is one pain point that can be a make or break for people. Let’s see which among Divi and Avada is a more affordable option.


divi pricing

Pricing for Divi starts at $89/year. But to avoid the hassles of annual payments, you can opt for their lifetime plan for $249, which also covers lifetime support.


avada pricing

Avada has a simpler pricing model, and its regular license costs $69. But the regular plan offers support for 6 months, and you’ll have to pay extra for continued support. Currently, the developers offer extended support for a discounted price of $21.38.

Final Verdict: Depends on your needs. Divi is the clear winner in pricing terms if you rely on support. However, Avada should be your obvious choice if you don’t need the support.

Ease of Setup

Before working on any theme, you’ll have to set it up. And the easier the process, the quicker you can finish the menial tasks and start developing. So, let’s see how easy it is to install each theme.



Here are the steps to set up Divi theme:

  • Create an account, pay for the theme, and start your 30-day free trial.
  • Download the Divi theme file.

divi download

  • Go to the WordPress dashboard and navigate to “Appearance” > “Themes.”

divi download 2

  • Click on “Add New” and then select “Upload theme.”

divi add new

  • Click on “Choose File” and select the Divi theme zip file you downloaded.

divi choose file

  • Once the file is selected, click “Install Now.”

divi install now

  • After the installation is complete, the page will refresh, and you will see an “Activate Theme” link.
  • Click on the link and follow the instructions to finalize the installation of the Divi theme.

That’s how easily you can set up a Divi theme. But if you want to dodge all the steps, you can take advantage of the 1-click Divi installation on Cloudways and have your theme ready in minutes.



With Avada, the process is almost similar to that of Divi with a few changes here and there. Let’s see how you can install Avada on WordPress:

  • Sign up on ThemeForest and pay for the theme.
  • Download the zipped file.
  • Choose “Installable WordPress file only” and then wait.

avada download

  • Once you have the file proceed to the next step.
  • Go to your WordPress Dashboard.
  • Click Appearances Themes.

avada install

  • Click “Add New” > “Upload theme” > “Choose File”.
  • Next, upload the zip file that you downloaded. You’ll see the “Install” button. Click it.

avada installation

  • Once the process is complete, you’ll get a link. Click it and follow the instructions. You’re set!

There are 2 other ways to install Avada as well, but they are a bit complicated compared to the above method:

  • Installing the complete File and Documentation, extracting a secondary Avada zip file, and installing it.
  • Installing it via FTP.

Final Verdict: Divi wins for 2 reasons. First, there is only one simple way to download and install the theme. Second, with Cloudways 1-click installation, you can avoid all the hassle and install Divi in minutes.

Development Interface

Development interface refers to how you can build pages using both themes. In this domain, it’s usually the developer’s preference for the most part. Both themes, however, offer a fairly intuitive drag-and-drop platform. Let’s have a look at both of them now.



Divi has an easy-to-understand interface that lets you edit pages via drag-and-drop options. You can choose the elements you want on the page and drop them on your desired locations.

Also, Divi allows easy customization via HTML and CSS by going into the advanced settings, as shown in the picture below.

divi editing

If you want to go completely custom with the development, then a backend editing option is also available. You can access it by clicking on Wireframe View, as shown below.

divi customization

This backend editor lets you manually adjust every element on the page and has a little old-school feel to it, but that’s what attracts several developers.

The only downside here is that you can’t review the changes at the given time, but it makes the process fast. Once you are done editing, you can preview the pages and make the necessary corrections.

With Divi, there’s a live demo option available, so you can explore the interface thoroughly before deciding whether you want to purchase the theme or not.


Avada has a developer-friendly interface as well, it’s simple drag and drop like Divi and quite easy to understand as well.

avada editing

ThemeFusion offers you a live tour of the interface, as shown above. You can see different elements there and learn how to use those to edit your website pages.

Avada’s Fusion Builder simplifies theme customization. Once you activate the Avada theme, the Fusion Builder plugin is automatically activated, allowing you to use it right away for seamless editing. The image below demonstrates how the backend looks like:

avada page builder

And you can explore the options from the WordPress backend, as shown in the picture below.

fusion builder

Overall, Avada’s development interface is one of a kind and easy to use as well.

Final Verdict:

Both themes stand almost equal in this regard. I also can’t take sides because I liked a few features of both themes. So – it’s a tie.

Support & Documentation

Support and documentation are super important to have a good user experience. Because no matter how technically sound you are, you may need support every now and then, and any plugin or theme with adequate support and documentation will come in handy.

Thankfully, both Avada and Divi offer their customers excellent support and documentation. Plus, they both are popular with a very active community that’s there to help fellow users.

That said, let’s see how these two compare in this area.


divi support

Divi has exceptional support and documentation available. Their documentation is thorough so you won’t likely face much issues even when managing everything on your own. And if you still face something to which there’s no answer available, you can always refer to the community.

But, if you want the answers quickly, you can chat with their 24/7 available support team, which usually replies within a few minutes.


avada support

Like Divi, Avada also has a top-notch support team and material available. Above are all the ways provided that you can use in case you get stuck somewhere.

If you are a customer, you can directly submit a ticket at any time of the day. The team is super responsive as well. Plus, there’s enough material available that covers the routine issues, and you may not even need additional support.

Final Verdict: It’s a tie. Both themes are equally good in this domain.

Content Layouts

Content layouts play a crucial role in enhancing the usability of themes. While these themes are user-friendly, they also provide prebuilt layouts tailored to different purposes.

Each layout serves a specific use, catering to the diverse needs of businesses. For most companies, a readily available layout can be imported, customized with a few adjustments, filled with content, and quickly transformed into a fully functional website.

Now, let’s compare the content layouts of two popular themes.


Divi stands out with an impressive collection of 2300 content layouts. With such vast options, you will always find layouts that perfectly match your website requirements. And you can have your website up and running in no time by making a few tweaks.

Moreover, Divi provides numerous design widgets, making it effortless to transform a generic theme into a distinctive and unique website.


Avada offers 94 readily importable layouts. You can explore all of them and discover the one that best suits your needs, considering the design pattern, functionality, and purpose.

Once you have chosen a layout, customize it to align with your business identity.

The 94 available options generally satisfy the needs of most users. Additionally, Avada provides access to over 120 design elements, ensuring you can easily incorporate desired features into your pages.

Final VerdictDivi emerges as the winner in the content layout game due to its extensive volume of options. While 94 layouts are substantial, Divi’s collection of 2300+ layouts ensures you will always have choices.

However, deciding on the perfect layout might become challenging with such a vast selection.

Full Theme Building Support

Building a theme from scratch requires many elements that truly supports your creative vision. Now, let’s delve into how these two themes perform when creating a masterpiece from the ground up.


divi theme option

When it comes to starting from scratch, Divi is an exceptional choice. It empowers you to craft a tailor-made theme using its extensive design elements. If you possess coding prowess or fancy yourself a developer, you can even sprinkle your pages with HTML and CSS magic.

The image above shows a a glimpse into the world of limitless possibilities offered by Divi’s theme options.

And fear not, for assistance is never far away. You can get help from their learning materials, seek guidance from their community, or enlist the theme developers’ support. They’ve got your back throughout your theme-building journey.


avada theme option

Avada has also earned stripes when constructing themes and pages from scratch. With an impressive arsenal of page-building elements and customization options, you have all the tools to bring your vision to life.

But hold on; the support doesn’t end there. Avada also provides ample guidance to help you realize your theme goals. You can get their community support, read its comprehensive documentation, and get the assistance offered by the dedicated theme developers.

Final Verdict: As we gaze upon these contenders, it’s evident that they stand toe-to-toe in this realm. Their commitment to empowering your creative journey is unparalleled, resulting in a tie that leaves us in awe of their full theme-building support. Now, the choice is yours to make.

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Speed & Performance

Every website owner prioritizes speed and performance for their sites.

Let’s face it, both themes weren’t exactly born with a need for speed in mind. They carry a certain weightiness that, if left unoptimized, can weigh down your website’s loading time.

However, fear not, for Divi had a grand update in 2021 that nudges it slightly ahead in the performance race compared to Avada. But hold your horses, as the need for optimization still lingers if you desire blazing-fast loading speeds.

Here are three exhilarating ways to rev up your website’s performance:

  • Use the right plugins: There are several plugins that can enhance your website performance. Some of them are WP Rocket, Nitropack, Autoptimize, etc.
  • Lighten the content and scripts: Using shortcodes, compressed pictures, etc., can make your website load at supreme speeds.
  • Get a fast WordPress hosting: With Cloudways, for example, you can have your WordPress website load in seconds.

Final Verdict: Divi emerges victorious, thanks to its performance updates. Yet, let us remember that both themes carry their own weighty baggage. To achieve lightning-fast speeds, you must enlist the aid of plugins and seek refuge in the arms of swift and reliable WordPress hosting like Cloudways.


Both themes are completely compatible with the most common Ecommerce plugin for WordPress – WooCommerce. You can set up the shops with multiple functionalities.

Indeed, these two themes reign supreme when it comes to orchestrating ecommerce activities. They provide the canvas upon which you can weave the tapestry of beautiful WooCommerce stores. However, remember that these themes are heavy, which happens to be a downside for many ecommerce store owners.

So, you must ensure your website is optimized to its full potential and is backed by a reliable hosting provider. Only then can you safeguard your precious conversions.

The Conclusion – Which One Should You Use?

Okay, it’s really hard to take sides. Both themes are lovely in their own right.

But I’ll side with Divi for three major reasons. I found it’s development interface slightly more convenient to use, and you can get the work done faster with its builder.

Second, Divi is slightly more performance-oriented compared to Avada. And I like my websites fast.

Third, setting up Divi is so convenient with Cloudways. All the time-consuming processes are circumvented, and you can get to work straight.

That said, this one is really a tough call because of are industry favorites. And my concluding statement will be – you can’t go wrong with either of them.

If you are interested in more, checkout the following comparisons blogs:

Q.What are the differences between Divi and Elementor?

A. Divi is a theme with its own page builder, while Elementor is a standalone page builder compatible with various WordPress themes.

Q.Which is better Divi or Avada?

A. Divi offers better performance and over 2300 design layouts, making it a preferred choice. However, Avada has its own strengths. Ultimately, the decision depends on the developer’s preference, and both themes are highly regarded.

Q.Should I use Divi or Avada for my WordPress site?

A. If you prioritize more layouts, faster speed, and lifetime support, Divi is recommended. However, if lower pricing is a priority, Avada can be considered.

Q.Is Divi more price-friendly or Avada?

A. Avada costs $69 with additional fees for extended support, while Divi costs $249 with lifetime support. If you don’t require extensive support, Avada is more cost-effective. For ongoing support, Divi’s lifetime option is valuable.

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Abdul Rehman

Abdul is a tech-savvy, coffee-fueled, and creatively driven marketer who loves keeping up with the latest software updates and tech gadgets. He's also a skilled technical writer who can explain complex concepts simply for a broad audience. Abdul enjoys sharing his knowledge of the Cloud industry through user manuals, documentation, and blog posts.


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