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Ultimate List of Best PHP Testing Tools of 2024 To Deliver Error-Free Web Apps

Updated on June 12, 2024

8 Min Read
php test tools

PHP is one of the foremost used scripting languages used for server-side web development. Different types of PHP applications are used in organizations, particularly for content management sites like WordPress.

In case you’re considering creating a web application using PHP, you should understand the PHP framework and how to test your application with PHP testing tools.

Why Use Testing Tools?

To deliver better code that works as intended without messing up your application, it is crucial to test the generated code. As PHP is used for large-scale websites, there are specific PHP Test tools available that make the tester’s job easier and more precise.

What Kinds of Testing Tools Are Out There?

Different kinds of PHP testing tools support various test activities, including planning, requirement gathering, build creation, test execution, defect logging, and test analysis.

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Test Management Tools

PHP testing helps to organize the end-to-end cycle of the program. These tools improve reusability across the projects. They also enhance the visibility of test cases, the requirements, and issues of the program, and measure progress and productivity.


TestRail makes a difference when you track your computer program testing endeavors and organize your QA division. Its natural web-based client interface makes it simple to make test cases, oversee test runs and arrange your whole testing preparation.


Offers milestones, personal to-do lists, and email notifications
Gives real-time insight into testing progress with informative dashboards and activity reports
Effortless tracking that follows the status of individual tests


Testpad is a less complex and more open manual test tool that prioritizes logic over the process. Rather than overseeing cases one at a time, it uses checklist-inspired test plans that can be adjusted to a wide extent of styles, counting exploratory testing.


  • Easy to use – Simple enough that it can be used by non-testers as well.
  • Drag and drop UI of test plans.
  • It offers Lightweight integration.
  • Keyboard-driven editor with a Responsive User interface.


Xray is an excellent manual & automated test application for QA. It’s a full-featured tool that helps developers to improve the quality of their applications through efficient and effective testing.


  • Traceability between requirements, tests, defects, and executions.
  • Define reusable preconditions and associate them with tests.
  • Organize tests in folders and test sets.
  • Test plans for tracking progress.
  • Along with code, it also tests development environments.


PractiTest is an end-to-end test administration tool. A common assembly ground for all QA partners, it empowers full perceivability into the testing process and a more profound understanding of testing results. Practitest is ideal for QA teams as it is fully customizable & flexible for ever-changing QA needs. You can use it to customize fields, views, permissions, issue workflows, and more.


  • Provides monitoring of your entire testing process, and analyzes test execution in real-time.
  • Reuse tests and connect the output over distinctive releases and products.
  • It uses unique hierarchical filter trees that organize everything efficiently for a quick search process.
  • Visualize data with advanced dashboards and reports.
  • Fast professional and methodological support.

Automated Testing Tools

Test automation is the method of performing program testing activities with small or no human interaction, in order to attain more prominent speed and proficiency. When putting a test automation technique in place, it’s critical for you to keep in mind that usually, the automated portion is the running of the tests.


Kobiton enables testing and development teams to mechanize functionality, execution, and compatibility testing over portable and IoT gadgets. Kobiton is best for phone application testing which helps users create and deliver ideal mobile experiences. It comes with highlights like real device testing and device lab management.


  • Access to real devices in a public or private Cloud.
  • Generates complete open-standard Appium code with every scriptless test.
  • In-depth test session exploration.
  • Access and share analytics around app quality.
  • Access to real devices within your IDE for rapid debugging.

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Selenium is one of the foremost program testing tools for web-based applications, a wide run of stages, and browsers. Selenium is recommended for multi-browser and supportive applications.


  • It is the best QA tool for parallel testing.
  • Selenium needs very few resources as compared to manual testing tools.
  • Test cases prepared using this testing tool can be executed on any OS.
  • It supports a wide range of browsers and platforms Java, Python, C#, Perl, PHP, and JavaScript.


ZAPTEST is an automation solution for an organization that uses software for operations or development. Its functionalities include test and RPA automation of software applications through live interaction, video recording, mock-ups, auto-documentation, parallel execution on cross-platform, UI test automation, and more. It is best for Test Automation RPA (Robotic Process Automation).


  • Have a vast range of optimized functions and performance.
  • Parallel Seamless Test and RPA Software Automation.
  • Offers Cross-Platform Execution (Parallel Execution).
  • DevOps (Mock-ups) Automation.

Quick Test Professional(QTA)

Quick Test Professional (QTP) is a GUI testing tool that permits the automation of user activities on a web or client-based computer application. It is widely utilized in functional regression test automation. It is one of the manual testing apparatuses which uses a scripting language to control the objects and controls of the application under the test. Newbie testers can learn this tool quite easily in a few minutes.


  • It presents a test case in a workflow to the analyzer.
  • Lets you can add conditional breakpoints to see the state of your application at any point.
  • Accomplish more test execution at full speed with parallel testing, cross-browser scope, and cloud-based deployment.

API Testing Tools

API testing is a sort of computer program testing that points to decide whether the APIs that are created meet requirements when it comes to functionality, execution, reliability, performance, and security for an application. API testing is utilized to decide the return value.


SoapUI is one of the most excellent testing tools which is a cross-platform open-source tool for functional testing of Soap and REST, written using the Java language. It’s primarily used to perform functional and stack testing on the API.


  • The User Interface is easy to handle and use.
  • Vulnerability testing helps to secure websites from hackers and viruses.
  • Does a detailed analysis using its reporting feature.
  • Weak areas of the application are identified using SQL Injection.


SOAPSonar is an API Testing tool that targets, decreasing the time and complexity to create test cases. It benefits client applications and groups the test workflow for automation. Additionally, the creation and execution of these test cases require no programming or scripting skills.


  • SOAP, XML, and REST service validation.
  • Functional Testing with Success Rule Framework.
  • Web Service Functional Testing with Success Rule Framework.
  • Web Service Execution Profiling and Concurrent Client Stack Testing.


WebInject is the best API Testing device for automated testing of web applications and web administrations. It can moreover test individual framework components which have HTTP interfacing and can be utilized to perform automated functional, regression, and acceptance tests.


  • No vulnerabilities in dependent libraries.
  • Check the repository for any license declaration and review the terms closely.
  • HTTP response times are analyzed in real-time at runtime
  • Combine versatile desktop GUI tests with web testing.
  • Statistics are calculated and displayed during the execution of the program.


Tricentis is an API Testing tool that helps to manage test cases, reduces testing time, manual effort, and costs by building up and executing test cases. It is widely recognized for reinventing software testing for DevOps and agile environments.


  • API tests are less brittle and easier to maintain.
  • API testing can be modified and executed in each sprint.
  • Tests can often verify detailed “under-the-hood” functionality.
  • Suitable for checking whether each new build impacts the existing user experience.
  • It offers Autonomous SAP Testing.

Security Testing Tools

The objective of security testing is to spot the threats inside the framework, to check the potential vulnerabilities of the framework, and to assist in recognizing each possible security risk within the framework, to help developers in settling the security issues through coding.


NetSparker is a security testing tool that analyzes websites, web applications, and web services for vulnerabilities. It is the only scanner that automatically recognizes and confirms vulnerabilities with verification of concept. Affordable and maintenance-free, it is recommended for enterprise level collaboration.


  • Identify vulnerabilities and seamlessly assign them for remediation.
  • Help security and development teams get ahead of their workloads.
  • Fully configurable.
  • Easily integrates Web Security Scanning In SDLC.
  • Supports Enterprise Level Collaboration.


The Open Web Application Security project helps organizations to create, buy, and keep up web and computer programs that are reliable and trusted.


  • Build security into your improvement process, instead of making it a retrospect.
  • Test your code against security issues, repeatedly executed throughout the development.
  • Use IDE and CI integrations for automated security testing.
  • Identify known vulnerabilities in third-party code to guarantee your program does not depend on insecure dependencies.

Acunetix Vulnerability Scanner

Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner is a top security testing tool. It can find different sorts of security vulnerabilities and shows the least number of false positives. AVS is recommended for enterprise-level users.


  • Identifies vulnerabilities with high-speed, accurate scanning.
  • Most advanced and in-depth cross-site scripting testing and SQL injection.
  • Extensive scanning of Single Page Applications and JavaScript-based websites.
  • Detection of hidden or blind XSS vulnerabilities.

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Unit testing tools

A unit test is a way of testing a unit – the smallest piece of code that can be consistently isolated in a framework. In most programming languages, that’s a work, a subroutine, a strategy or property. The isolated part of the definition is important.


SimpleTest is an open-source unit testing framework for PHP-based Programming Languages. It is a PHP unit test and web test system. Clients of JUnit will be familiar with most of the interface. The JWebUnit style functionality is more complete now. It has support for SSL, forms, frames, proxies, and fundamental authentication. Common but fiddly PHP assignments, such as logging into a site, can be tested effectively.


  • The framework supports SSL, forms, proxies, and basic authentication.
  • The test cases in SimpleTest are extended from base test classes at the side methods and codes.
  • Capable of submitting simple forms and reading default form values.

JUnit 5

JUnit 5 is an open-source unit test framework for Java Programming Language. It is the latest version of the JUnit series. The objective is to make an up-to-date establishment for developer-side testing on the JVM. This incorporates centering on Java 8 and over, as well as empowering numerous distinctive styles of testing.


  • Simplest to code.
  • Supports test-driven environment.
  • Test data first and then insert it in the piece of simple code.
  • Provides comment for test strategy identification.


HtmlUnit is an open-source Java library. It models HTML reports and gives an API that permits you to invoke pages, fill out forms and click links, kind of how you would in your browser. It has fairly great JavaScript support and is able to work even with complex AJAX libraries, simulating Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer depending on the configuration used. It is typically utilized for testing purposes or to recover data from websites.


  • This tool supports JavaScript and provides UI features.
  • Supports testing of web applications that are used within frameworks like JUnit, and TestNG
  • Uses the JavaScript engine, “Mozilla Rhino”
  • Supports protocols like HTTP, HTTPS alongside a cookie, yield strategies like GET, POST, and another intermediary proxy server

Other Testing Types and Tools

Cross-browser Testing Tools

Cross browser testing can become a difficult task for a software tester. This is a sort of non-functional testing that lets you check whether your site works as intended when accessed. Here are some worth mentioning.

  • Browsera
  • SauceLabs
  • GhostLab
  • browserShots

Load Testing Tools

This is typically a sort of software testing in which the computer program component or framework is subjected to expanding load in order to consider its behavior. When the stack is increased beyond ordinary usage designs, it tests the system’s performance at exceptionally high or top loads.

  • Webload
  • Loadrunner
  • LoadNinja
  • Wapt

Mobile Testing Tools

Mobile devices are tested for their functionality, usability, and consistency through either automated or manual testing tools:

  • Espresso
  • Appium
  • Perfecto
  • ExperiTest

CSS Validator Tool

A CSS validator is usually used in the development of PHP web applications to check your Cascading Style Sheets whether they comply with the CSS standards set by the W3 Consortium.

  • W3C CSS validator
  • Telerik studio

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PHP designers have a tendency to not test their code. Most of us started our careers by testing unused features and functions we had just composed within the browser window one by one, and when something went off-base, we’d be clueless. Using PHP Testing tools is a great way to get around this and save some debugging time. You can also get help from the Cloudways webinar on productivity tools for agencies.

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