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Cloudways Partners with Object Cache Pro For Enhanced Performance

Updated on November 25, 2021

8 Min Read
wordpress object cache

Cloudways and Object Cache Pro have partnered up to bring our valued customers unparalleled performance! That’s right, you can now leverage this cutting-edge Redis-powered caching technology to speed up your applications with minimum load on your server resources, even as your traffic grows.

What is Object Cache Pro?

Object Cache Pro is a caching plugin that eases the load on your database and server hardware to deliver queries faster, and thus speeds up your applications.

Who benefits from Object Cache Pro?

For a while, there’s been a perception that Cloudways customers have to allocate more of their budgets to seamlessly host large ecommerce and mission-critical sites. Those customers faced two challenges with sites using an object cache: CPU overhead and network saturation.

Well, Object Cache Pro’s cutting-edge caching and compression technologies (ZF, LZ4, and ZSTD) resolve those problems with ease, so your website reduces its dependence on hardware. And that translates to exciting cost savings for customers – you get to save on your servers and re-route your budget allocation towards scaling. It’s a huge win, especially for ecommerce store owners and high-traffic websites!

Why Use Object Cache Pro Instead of the Free Redis Plugin?

The free Redis version is available on Cloudways for all users – just use the UI to enable it and install the plugin on the WordPress admin panel.

That said, the free version simply does not compare with the Object Cache Pro – a premium, $95 plugin that will be available for free for 2GB and above users!

Speed-Up your WordPress Website

Slow-loading websites are the biggest turn-off for your visitors. Accelerate your sites with Cloudways+Object Cache Pro (FREE).

Object Cache Pro is a confident solution for WordPress and WooCommerce users to host mission-critical, business, and ecommerce sites on Cloudways with stability and excellent uptime, even as traffic soars. Here’s a look at just some of the benefits of this technology:

Tried and Tested Performance

Object Cache Pro has been designed with raw performance as the primary focus. It has been tested repeatedly, with more than 1200 test cases, and it’s also been optimized for WooCommerce.

API-compliant and Seamless Integration

Object Cache Pro is in absolute compliance with the WordPress Object Cache API, so there are no error value returns. In fact, it is seamlessly integrated with WordPress itself for easy interactions.

Caching Comparison Chart

W3 Total Cache* LiteSpeed Cache* WP Redis Redis Object Cache Object Cache Pro
Batch Prefetching Cross Cross Cross Cross Tick
Data compression Cross Cross Cross Cross Tick
Cache priming Cross Cross Cross Cross Tick
Asynchronous flushing Cross Cross Cross Tick Tick
Cache Analytics Cross Cross Cross Tick Tick
Secure connections Cross Cross Cross Tick Tick
Highly customizable Cross Cross Cross Cross Tick
Logging support Cross Cross Cross Cross Tick
Cluster support Cross Cross Cross Tick Tick
Replication support Cross Cross Cross Tick Tick
Mitigates race conditions Cross Cross Cross Cross Tick
Extensively unit tested Cross Cross Cross Cross Tick
WooCommerce optimized Cross Cross Cross Cross Tick
Query Monitor integration Cross Cross Cross Basic Advanced
WP CLI integration Basic Cross Basic Basic Advanced
Site Health checks Cross Cross Cross Cross Tick
Batcache compatible Cross Cross Cross Tick Tick
Relay integration Cross Cross Cross Cross Tick

*W3 Total Cache and LiteSpeed Cache are great plugins with extensive feature sets, such as browser and page caching, asset modification, and dozens more. The above comparison focuses solely on object caching specifically.

Source: Object Cache Pro

How to Set up Object Cache Pro [Screencast]

Before you install Object Cache Pro on your server, here are a few requirements that you need to see for  a smooth transition:

  • 1 GB or higher server
  • Minimum PHP 7.3

The setup is simple for both new and existing users. Before starting the video tutorial, let’s look at some use cases for installing and checking Object Cache Pro on the platform.

Case 1: When users launch a new server and application

Users launching new servers and applications will have Object Cache Pro pre-installed, so they don’t have to enable it on their servers through their settings.

To check if Object Cache Pro is installed on your server, navigate to WordPress dashboard > tools > site health.

On the platform, you can look up Object Cache Pro from Server Management > Tools > Site Health.

Case 2: Users with existing servers and applications

Customers with existing servers and applications on Cloudways will have to install Object Cache Pro from the platform. Navigate to the Cloudways Server Management Panel > Setting & Packages > Packages and click Install Redis.

Note: Users who already have Redis installed on their servers will have to disable Redis and enable it again.

For more details, please look at this knowledge base article.

To Conclude

As your site scales to meet your growing needs, you’ll need to utilize the most cutting-edge caching and compression technology to ensure there are no fatal flaws like slow speeds or downtime in the way.

Luckily for Cloudways users, speeding up their applications just got a whole lot easier. Don’t wait around for traffic spikes to slow down your website before boosting it with Object Cache Pro.

Will it work if someone moves from 1GB to 2GB to get Object Cache Pro?

Upgrading to 2GB lets you use Object Cache Pro (works on 1GB, too). But for best performance, 2GB+ is recommended.

What will happen to Object Cache Pro if someone downgrades from 2GB (or higher plan) to 1GB?

While Object Cache Pro can function with a minimum server size of 1GB, downgrading from a 2GB (or higher) plan may impact performance.

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Owais Khan

Owais works as a Marketing Manager at Cloudways (managed hosting platform) where he focuses on growth, demand generation, and strategic partnerships. With more than a decade of experience in digital marketing and B2B, Owais prefers to build systems that help teams achieve their full potential.


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