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How to Install Laravel on Google Compute Engine

Updated on December 8, 2024

6 Min Read
laravel on google cloud

Robust infrastructure is critical to hosting a high-performing Laravel PHP website. Laravel on Google Cloud Engine offers one of the most reliable and powerful infrastructures to host your site, with 99.99% uptime, lightning-fast speed, and brilliant performance.

But it can be a cumbersome task to host your website on GCE, especially if you do it all yourself. That’s where Cloudways comes in handy, as it takes over all server-side management tasks, with Google Compute Engine integrated into its managed cloud hosting platform.

With Cloudways in the picture, you can focus on simply building and marketing your awesome websites.

Why Use Google Compute Engine

The Google Compute Engine is an Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) offering within the Google Cloud Platform. Instead of procuring and managing server equipment and resources all by yourself, you can use the Compute Engine and run capable VMs on Google’s public cloud. Google Compute Engine offers an ideal solution with respect to throughput, stability, pricing, backups, and security.

Excellent Speed and Performance

With GCE cloud servers, you get the maximum service speed for your websites. GCE servers are optimized for astonishing speed during peak times, and they guarantee 99.99% uptime as well.

Security Services

Another big advantage is security. All data is encrypted, and it travels between Google, the clients, and data centers – this includes the data present in all of the Cloud Platform. Demands from other components have to first be confirmed and authorized.

Global Data Centres

Google Cloud Stage comprises a set of physical servers, as well as virtual assets like virtual machines (VMs) that are contained in Google’s data centers around the globe. Google Cloud Platform’s multi-regional deployment mode allows you to select a diverse information center for each of your PHP web applications.

Nothing as Easy as Deploying PHP Apps on Cloud

With Cloudways, you can have your PHP apps up and running on managed cloud servers in just a few minutes.

How to Host your Laravel PHP website on GCE with Cloudways

Hosting your PHP website on Google Compute Engine infrastructure using Cloudways is really easy. In fact, it takes only a few steps and a couple of minutes to start your PHP based server on Cloudways. Let me take you through the step by step process on how to host PHP on Google Compute Engine using Cloudways.

But first of all, you need to sign up on Cloudways for a trial account. Remember, you get a 3-day free trial for GCE on Cloudways to host Laravel or in this case any application.

Now, let’s get started!

Step 1: Select Your Application

Sign up for a Cloudways Account. After the sign up, you will be taken to the Console. From the application dropdown, choose Laravel from the list of available applications.

select cloudways application

Name your application, server and select the project from the drop down menu.

Step 2: Select Cloud

Select Google Cloud Platform from the available list of infrastructure providers.

select app

Step 3: Select Server Size
Select appropriate server size

select server size

Step 4: Select Bandwidth
Select expected bandwidth usage for your Laravel powered website.

Select Bandwidth

Step 5: Select Storage/Disk size
Next, select the appropriate storage sizes for the database and application files separately.

Select Storage/Disk size

Step 6: Select Your Server Location
Select the server location. This choice affects server latency so choose the location closest to your target audience in order to provide the best experience to the visitors.

Select Your Server Location

Step 7: Launch it
Check the cost of the server and then click the Launch Server button to complete the setup.

Launch it

Why Use Google Compute Engine on Cloudways

Hosting your Laravel on Google Cloud server comes with numerous advantages, as we’ve already seen. Using the Cloudways platform for this multiplies those benefits multifold.


The servers launched on Cloudways have dedicated resources. Information is encrypted in transit between Google, the clients, and information centers; as well as the information in all of the Cloud Stage administrations. The layers of the Google application and storage stack require that demands coming from other components are confirmed and authorized. Cloudways offer different types of security services as add-ons such as SSL, SSH, and Cron Job Managers to give enhanced security service. Cloudways’ custom-built “thunderstack” combines advanced technologies like Nginx, Apache, Varnish, Redis and more to facilitate incredible speeds. Websites hosted on Cloudways experience an uptime of 99.99%, and loading times of 300 to 400 milliseconds.


Cloudways employs dynamic security practices to keep your servers and applications safe. These include firewalls for all servers to keep out intruders and dangerous traffic, regular security patches to prevent vulnerabilities, SSL certification for website security, and more.
With firewalls dedicated to every individual server, All Cloudways hosted servers are protected by OS-level firewalls that filter out malicious traffic, Cloudways perform regular OS patches on your server. This ensures a secure managed cloud server and avoids vulnerabilities.

Managed Server

Cloudways has plenty of features that remove the hassles of server management so you can focus on your business. The server settings are easy to use and manipulate through the intuitive UI, as are the app settings. Powerful options allow you to control a number of server parameters and deploy applications and upgrade packages on the server. It’s also quite simple to monitor your application and resources through the control panel. And there’s the CloudwaysBot, which sends insights into performance and issues in real time. Being a Managed hosting provider Cloudways offers on-demand backups that create at an offsite location and can be restored with 1-Click. You can even revert it just on a 1-Click

Server Scaling

With Cloudways, scaling your servers involves just a click that lets you increase your RAM, CPU and storage capabilities seamlessly. As your business grows, so can your website resources.


Cloudways’ support team offers round-the-clock support through its live chat feature, with a team of experienced experts that’s ready to answer any of your questions or troubleshoot your issues. The support team can also help you make any changes to the caching and server configurations, or deploy PHP packages. For continues support to your application Cloudways provice an AI-based smart assistant that sends you real-time performance insights to help optimize servers and apps, keeping you integrated with Slack, emails


You cannot disregard effective server administration and management, especially when your business is moving forward. Hosting Laravel on Google Cloud Engine alongside Cloudways, you can sidestep many potential issues, and grow your business.

How to deploy Laravel to Google Cloud?

A) Steps to Deploy Laravel to Google Cloud

  • Set Up a Google Cloud Project
  • Download and install the Google Cloud SDK.
  • Authenticate by running gcloud auth login and select your project with gcloud config set project [PROJECT_ID].
  • Make sure your Laravel app is ready for production by running php artisan config:cache and php artisan route:cache.
  • Update the .env file with appropriate database and app settings.
  • Connect Laravel to the database by configuring the .env file with the database credentials.
  • Include your Laravel app dependencies in the composer.json file.
  • Run gcloud app deploy to deploy your Laravel app to Google App Engine.
  • After deployment, you’ll receive a URL. Visit the URL to access your Laravel application.

Does Google Cloud support PHP?

A) Yes, Google Cloud supports PHP through App Engine, Compute Engine, and Cloud Run.

Does Azure support Laravel?

A) Yes, Azure supports Laravel. You can deploy Laravel applications to Azure App Service or Azure Virtual Machines.

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Shahzeb Ahmed

Shahzeb is a Digital Marketer with a Software Engineering background, works as a Community Manager — PHP Community at Cloudways. He is growth ambitious and aims to learn & share information about PHP & Laravel Development through practice and experimentation. He loves to travel and explore new ideas whenever he finds time. Get in touch with him at [email protected]


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