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How to Write a Product Review – 7 Steps to Follow

Updated on March 3, 2021

7 Min Read

Writing a product review is not as easy as most people think. In order to write an effective and powerful product review, you have to first make sure that you test the product carefully. Remember, when it comes to writing a product review, you have to keep an open mind. You will be writing this review for a diverse audience, and depending on the nature of the product, its uses are going to vary.

If you are wondering how to review a product in the right manner, we have a set of tips to help you out. Remember, it’s not just about good writing; you have to be careful that you understand your audience first. As an affiliate, quality product reviews can help you establish authority in your niche, and more importantly drive traffic that will ultimately boost your commission. So, without further ado, let’s get into it.

What Are Product Reviews?

In the world of eCommerce, a product review is simply the portrayal of user-tested information. People are becoming more and more careful about shopping online, and they are probably going to check for a review before they decide to purchase a particular product. So, if you are going to write a product review, you need to know how to do it.

A product review is written by someone who has used the product thoroughly and tested it. As a result, they are in a strong position to state their likes and dislikes and share their opinion about the products they are selling. More importantly, a product review gives you an effective marketing opportunity; if the product is doing well, you can drive more sales to the merchant.

Product ReviewSource: Commission Factory Blog

Why Should You Write Product Reviews?

Now, there are a number of different reasons why an affiliate should consider writing product reviews frequently and share them regularly. It is important as an affiliate that you try to engage with your audience from time to time, and writing product reviews give you the unique opportunity to show that you know what you are talking about. Here are a few reasons why you should write product reviews.

People Read Them

One of the simplest reasons because of which you should write a product review is because people read them. If your website is full of pointless ads and doesn’t provide any kind of value, people won’t really bother logging on. By providing product reviews, you will be able to attract more traffic to your website. It is also a fantastic way to engage with your audience because they can leave comments on your posts too.

As an affiliate, you will only make money through commissions, and writing a product review is a great way to do just that. Not only will you be able to attract more viewers, but people will start to pay attention to what you are selling.

Remember, you have to connect with your audience if you want to make more sales. The best way to do that is by being as authentic as possible about what you are selling. Tell your readers about the cons, and do mention how the pros outweigh them.

Many affiliates have talked about how they made their first $1,000, and quite a few of them say that they began to think outside the box.

Improve Your Authority

The more product reviews you write, the more authority you will generate in a particular niche. People will understand that you know what you are talking about, and it’s going to improve your credibility within the niche as well. This is imperative for affiliates that are looking to stay in a particular niche for a longer period of time.

Improve Sales

By writing a quality product review, you might be able to convince more people to buy a particular product. You can add affiliate links, and this will just help you improve your sales commission. A well-written review will automatically compel more people to buy the product, provided that the review is positive.

ReviewSource: Tweak Your Biz

Why Are People Interested in Reading Product Reviews?

But why are product reviews so interesting to people? The answer to that is pretty simple: people want engaging content. In fact, you might notice that many people who visit your website and read your product reviews might not even be interested in the product you are reviewing.

It’s just how it is. Consumer behavior is unpredictable, especially in these COVID times, and people like to read or view videos, so you can put up product reviews in both written and recorded formats. The more obvious answer is because people want to do their research before they put their money on anything.

For instance, people want some sort of reassurance that the product they are buying has been tested, and that’s where product reviews come in. By providing product reviews, you can enhance consumer confidence and make it easy for a person to make up their mind to buy a product.

How to Write Product Reviews

In this section, we shall discuss a few tips to help you write product reviews that will improve your position and give you more authority.

1. Use the Product First

ReviewsSource: TechnologyAdvice

Before you write a product review, it is important that you use the product and then understand all of its features. Make sure you take down notes along the way so that you can revisit them during your review. It is of incredible importance that you carefully use the product for at least a couple of days so that you are able to understand all of its features.

2. Be Honest

First and foremost, you have to be honest. Remember, when it comes to writing a product review, you can’t just make stuff up out of thin air. It is recommended that you be honest when writing a review. Remember, it won’t take long for a person to understand that you are lying about the product if they buy it based on your review. They will call you out, and your credibility will take a hit.

3. Know About Competitors

You also need to be aware of other alternatives related to the product and understand how they compare to the product. Talking about competitors in your review will lend it more credibility and will show that you have done your research about the product before you decided to review it.

It might be a wise idea to check a few product review samples first. By going through different product review samples, you will be able to get a better idea about what others like and dislike about a product. If you want to learn how to write a product review, the best way to begin is by checking what competitors are doing. Additionally, exploring hosting reviews can provide valuable insights into what users appreciate about different hosting services.

4. Charts

ChartsSource: BradEdgar

Data related to the product, such as demand or features or other things should be shown using infographics or charts. It’s a great way to add some graphical elements to your reviews. Instead of just writing patches of text, you should always consider mixing up your reviews by showcasing infographics and charts.

5. Evaluating the Product

More importantly, you need to carefully evaluate the pros and cons of the product and list them down. A cutthroat analysis works better because it will show your readers or viewers that you are honest about the product, and not just interested in making affiliate commissions.

Obviously, it’s important for you to make sure that you highlight why you are endorsing this product and trying to sell it, so the number of pros will obviously be higher. Remember, as an affiliate, your primary

job is to sell, and the best way to do that is by highlighting the pros of a product.

Be genuine about it, and you will be able to get a lot of positive returns from your review! Also remember about the writing style, grammar, and punctuation. Your product review will not look trustworthy if you have typos in it. Proofread several times or hire an editor from TopEssayWriting. Their experts will ensure that your product reviews are flawless.

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6. Listen to Feedback

Be very open about criticism; make sure you listen to what your readers and viewers are saying and integrate their suggestions in your reviews. Feedback is a great way of improving your future product reviews because you have a better idea of what the audience wants and how you can meet their expectations.

7. Exclusive Promo Offers

OffersSource: Credibly

One thing you need to do is to set your review apart from the rest on the web. To do this, it would be a wise idea to include a promo offer for the product you are reviewing. Remember, the reason why you are promoting a particular product is to get more conversions, and adding a promotional offer will help you with that.

If you have a promo offer from the marketer or manufacturer, offer it to your viewers or readers at the end of the product review. It will boost sales considerably and will give people a reason to return to your review again and again.


Writing a product review is a great way to showcase your understanding of a particular product and let others know about your knowledge. It will also be quite useful to your readers because they will know that you have experience and an in-depth understanding of different products.

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Usman Dar

Usman is a Digital Marketer at Cloudways- A Managed Cloud Hosting Platform, where he looks after affiliate partnerships and helps digital nomads in generating passive income. He is a foodie by heart, who loves to explore new eateries around his vicinity.


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