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Get More Sales With This Ecommerce Content Marketing Guide (2020)

Updated on June 16, 2021

7 Min Read
Ecommerce Content Marketing

[UPDATED] Hello ecommerce entrepreneurs and marketers! It’s always a pleasure to discuss how to grow your online store in terms of sales and traffic. Today, the answer is Ecommerce Content Marketing!

In this article, we will discuss some effective strategies for content marketing for ecommerce entrepreneurs. Unless you have been living under a rock, you must be aware of what ecommerce content marketing is all about.

Today, we will highlight which ecommerce content marketing strategies you should implement in order to boost traffic, improve conversions and most importantly, increase sales. But before we proceed, understanding why content marketing for ecommerce stores is important.

Take a look at how Content Marketing Institute defines the term

“Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.”

According to SaleHoo, about 84% of customers search for product reviews on social media before making a purchase whereas 46% of them tend to get influenced by these reviews. Present-day buyers have become smart, so ecommerce store owners need to produce content that can prove to be the driving force behind purchasing decisions.

Moreover, online customers tend to search for directions to their queries. For example, If I’m looking for trending fashion for an upcoming event, I will use keywords such as “Dressing tips for party”. Now, if effective content marketing for fashion ecommerce is in place that entertains my query, it will be easier for the brand to gain my trust.

You can produce content in any format as long as you are helping your potential customers. Your content gives you the chance to present your product to the customer who is only there to find a solution to his or her query.

With that being said, we are ready to take a look at the best ecommerce content practices for 2020? Let’s capitalize!


1. Draft Your Content Marketing Plan for Ecommerce

By now you must have read various articles on how important ecommerce content marketing is and how you can create an effective ecommerce content marketing strategy.

Content is King! To begin with, all you need to do is identify what types of content you will use to showcase your brand and come up with a steady quarterly plan.

Use different ecommerce content marketing strategies to improve on how a search engine sees your website. An effective ecommerce content strategy will allow you to enjoy greater domain authority in your niche, and will help you better connect with your target audience.

2. Create a Content Calendar

A good content marketing strategy for ecommerce includes an updated content calendar. It will allow you to remain focused and help you keep your content in line with your business goals. It not only helps you in planning ahead, but it also ensures that your content remains on schedule.

Furthermore, an effective content calendar helps you cover various topics concerning your campaigns, promotions, or your customer’s needs. We highly recommend to create your content calendar a quarter in advance. Ensure you are on track by covering all the tactics mentioned in your content calendar.

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3. Produce Less, Distribute More!

Ideally, you should spend only 20% of your time creating your content and 80% on promoting and distributing it. There is no point if you have an interesting argument to make, but don’t have anyone to hear it. Similarly, your content is useless if it’s not reaching the right audience.

You can distribute your content via channels like email lists, online forums and communities, Q/A sites, bloggers and influencers, paid promotions, and of course, via social media networks. The choice of channel(s) to promote your content depends on the industry you’re working in. Lets say, if you’re selling Fidget Spinners then Facebook should be your go-to channel!

4. Build an effective Ecommerce Content Strategy

Content marketing is undoubtedly the best way to connect with your target audience. But you need to have an effective content marketing plan in place. An ideal ecommerce content marketing strategy covers all the following factors:

  • Plan – Why do you want to publish and what is your objective?
  • Create – What kind of content will you create?
  • Distribute – Which platforms you will use to distribute your content?
  • Evaluate – Analyze if you have achieved your desired results!

Additionally, try to make your content a point of discussion. Also, your content strategy should be able to answer the following questions:

  1. What are you creating?
  2. For whom are you creating it?
  3. What is the intent behind it?

5. Don’t Limit Your Content

It is a good practice to have an open-ended ecommerce content strategy. Don’t restrict your content to a single format. Instead, make use of resources that are available at your disposal. As an online store, you should produce content in various forms, including but not limited to, videos, blogs, infographics, guides, whitepapers, and case studies. Additionally, you can divide your content into different categories such as product reviews, curated content, testimonials, memes, etc.

6. Repurpose Content

Kill two birds with one stone. Ideally, you should develop content that you can use in a variety of ways. As a matter of fact, why stop at two birds, aim for many!

People tend to forget amazing pieces of content after publication. Come back to articles which you’re proud of. Repackage them and share them more often on different channels. Repurpose your content for distribution and reach fresh audiences.

Let’s say that you had produced an infographic a few weeks ago. Currently, you are producing a video. Check if that infographic can become a part of your video. Or maybe, you can create the whole video based on that infographic afresh.

7. Leverage the Power of Social Media

According to HubSpot:

“There are more than 2 billion active social media users worldwide and this number is projected to grow at a rate of 25% year over year.”

Nobody can deny how important social media is when it comes to promoting and distributing content. Leverage social media in order to identify aspects like when is your audience most active or which channels they engage on the most.

Once identified, develop an effective ecommerce content marketing strategy for social media and tweak things accordingly.

8. Blogging Can Be the Game Changer!

Blogging is perhaps the most convenient method to carry out an effective ecommerce content marketing. It is a tried and tested practice. All you need to do is to produce relevant content which resolves problems and addresses the pain points of your buyers. It will allow you to build a sense of relationship with your audience which can prove to be very fruitful in the long run.

Getting featured on guest blogs also allows you to generate backlinks which ultimately help you to boost traffic and increase your website’s ranking. Apart from that, there are various online guides on blogging and content marketing that you can take benefit from.

9. Attract Buyers With Industry Influencers

Bloggers can help you generate authority for your website. Similarly, social media influencers can help you create hype and execute a successful ecommerce content marketing campaign.

But how to go about it? Relax. It’s not a rocket science. All you need to do is to list out relevant potential influencers from your industry and collaborate with them. Initiate a conversation and build relationship. Share your idea and your content with these influencers. Run a giveaway campaign. Use their followers and reach new audiences.

10. Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the best means for ecommerce content marketing. Did you know that 74% of the B2C marketers use email marketing as their primary approach to distributing content?

If you desire to garner higher returns on investment, then include email marketing in your content marketing arsenal. Create and automate welcome emails, promotional emails, and event emails to target your potential customers.

Also, emailing previous customers is a great way to drive traffic and boost sales. You know that these people already appreciate your product or service and they will be willing to pay you more.

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11. Focus More on Quality

Focus on quality instead of quantity. Avoid syndicated content and add value to the topic that can resolve problems of your customers. Strategically plan your content, don’t just publish pointless articles. If not sure, follow what your competitors are up to.

To make sure your content doesn’t divert to a pointless corner, try to answer the following questions before publishing:

  • What problem is your content resolving?
  • What queries of customers are you answering?
  • How are you providing value?

12. Share User Generated Content

Sharing customers’ success stories is always a wise choice. You’re attracting potential customers with the fact that their peers loved your product or service. Also, you can get valuable content without spending any of your bucks whatsoever. User generated content is as real as it could get. It gives your website an authenticity.

Feel free to share your customer stories about how they are using your product(s) or service(s) and loving it. If your customers have already produced some great product reviews, then reach out to them and ask for additional feedback.

Original inspirational stories work like a charm. Request permission to share your customer reviews or the feedback you’ve got from them. Furthermore, you can create contests and encourage customers to share user stories, pictures, or videos. It will allow you to gather more content that you can use to further promote your product or service.

13. Product Guides

Product guides that allow your audience to experience your product can be an amazing resource for ecommerce content marketing. By educating your readers on how to use your products, you are indirectly guiding them to purchase from you.

Create visually attractive how-to-guides including all the steps for using your product or service. Provide in-depth details, answering all the questions from your readers. By doing so, you can better position yourself as an expert in your industry.

In the world of hashtags, trends on social media change every day. Newsjacking basically means taking advantage of whatever is trending on social media. Keep an eye out for relevant hashtags that are trending and tweak your content accordingly.

Come up with ideas that leverage your business with those trends. Create a YouTube video or an image contest where customers can further engage on the active trend. “Gangnam Style” or the “Harlem Shake” is one of the best examples of newsjacking where different brands came up with their own unique content.

The only rule here is that you must pick trends that resonate with your target audience. There’s no point talking steaks to vegans.

15. Tell a story!

Storytelling is a great way to address your audience. Your content should reflect your brand’s story. By telling a story effectively, you can connect with your prospective customers. Storytelling will also help you generate significant traffic and better conversions.

For ecommerce brands, you should tell stories that sell the lifestyle of your brand. Build your brand’s image the way you like it, and gather customer loyalty. However, before you begin, you should identify what kind of stories you will share. Your story must highlight:

  • Your target audiences
  • Their values and beliefs
  • Your products and services
  • How your product helps your customers
  • Your brand’s message

Adding an emotional element to your story may work wonders and encourage your loyal customers to share their experiences. Feel free to share insights and the mission of your business through storytelling if you want.

That’s it from my end. If you’re looking to explore more ways to use social media for your ecommerce business, I’d suggest reading Effective Ways to Market Your Ecommerce Business using Social Media to increase engagement with your audience.


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Sajjad Shahid

Sajjad is an Ecommerce Community Manager at Cloudways. He loves helping out Ecommerce store owners, merchants and marketers in establishing their businesses and startups. Sajjad enjoys playing table tennis and cricket over the weekend.


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