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A Quick Chat With Agency Guru Lee Goff, Author of Agency Success Roadmap

Updated on October 22, 2020

4 Min Read
Lee-Goff Marketing Agency Coach Interview

Back when Lee Goff was first getting started in the agency business, he was resolute. He would work hard, network, and make it big, even if it meant 70-hour workweeks, or longer! And eventually, he did build the agency he wanted and then sold it for a handsome amount. But the reward came at a cost he wasn’t prepared to pay – the stress of it all gave him a heart attack, and it badly hurt his relationships.

Today, Lee will stress on the importance of digital agency owners using the right tools to grow, scale, and importantly, enjoy their agencies without burning out. Read on this bite-sized installment of Agency Gurus as Lee chats about his agency journey, mentoring small businesses, and the necessity of automation.

Cloudways: Great to have you with us, Lee. Can you start by telling us a bit about your journey?

Lee: I was working for a company in 2002 and that company was ripped off by an unethical web programming company. I knew I could do it better and that is what I set out to do.

I was on a mission to bridge the gap between big business and small business, you see small businesses did not have the same tools as big business and when I saw the power of the internet, I was all in.

I knew I could change the lives of small business owners and that is exactly what I did for well over 3,000 small businesses across the globe.

The Marketing Agency Coach Lee GoffSource:

Cloudways: You are really passionate about mentoring small businesses. In fact, that’s the reason you decided to leave the agency in 2016. What made you feel your time was better served by working with smaller businesses?

Lee: I want to make things easier for the smaller agencies, it does not have to be as hard as it was when I built my agency. With simple tools and guidance, it can “Change the Life” of an up and coming business owner.

That is what drives me on a daily basis. Making Agency Owners Lives Easier as they attempt to achieve their version of the American Dream.

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Cloudways: The heart attack must have been a dark time. How did it change your outlook about life? What changes did you make to your work ethic after this?

Lee: I only work 35 hours a week now and spend the majority of my time with my daughter. I must keep my stress levels down or I will not be here long enough to make a difference in other people’s lives.

Stress can and will kill you, I had to make wholesale changes to how I viewed my identity in this world.

Cloudways: You’re a big proponent of automation. How does an agency realize that some of its processes should be automated? In your opinion, what are the reasons agencies might be reluctant or slow to automate their processes?

Lee: Yes, in today’s digital world, agencies should think automation first and labor second. Although automation should become the default, you should never take out the personal touch in an agency model.

Reasons, why people are slow to adopt automation, are the complexities, cost and confusion around implementing automation. All of these were true up until a few years ago, but now it is a simple and effective tool to dramatically increase profits.

Cloudways: Prospects or client management is often difficult, especially for growing agencies. What advice do you have to offer to agencies with a growing number of clients to ensure that they don’t end up disappointing their clients?

Lee: They need a “Service Framework” that is guided by a “Service Philosophy”. You have to define the “Why” behind what you deliver and then standardize as much as possible without taking the personal touch out of the process.

It is easier said than done, but when you get it right it is a game-changer.

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Cloudways: As a conversion expert, what would you say is the most common mistake agencies make about the lead acquisition process?

Lee: Lack of lead magnet diversification. They still think that having a “Free Consult” or “Contact Us” form. This is a rookie mistake and should be avoided at all costs.

Cloudways: Content plays an important role for agencies. Tell us about your process for creating content that helps drive leads for agencies?

Lee: I developed a content creation process. I record a podcast one day a month and then the content process picks that up and repurposes that content into hundreds of promotional ready items.

Wonderful system and works great!

Cloudways: You say that pricing is a double-edged sword. What advice would you give to agencies in the current economic climate regarding their pricing?

Lee: Raise your prices immediately. We are about to experience the 3rd Digital Gold Rush and raising your prices will give you the capital/profit to grow.

Cloudways: If you had to give advice to marketing agency owners that are earning between $10k to $100k ARR per month, what would it be?

Lee: Define your niche, product line and lead sources. Without these, you will remain a glorified freelancer in most cases.

Cloudways: Who are the people you look up to the most, the ones who inspire you?

Lee: My stepfather, Clate Mask, Jay Conrad Levinson, Simon Sinek, Jim Collins

Thank you for those snippets of wisdom, Lee! You can contact Lee on his LinkedIn, or get in touch on his Marketing Agency Coach website.  Also, you should check out his Facebook Community called Marketing Agency Success G.P.S.

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Arsalan Sajid

Arsalan, a Digital Marketer by profession, works as a Startups and Digital Agencies Community Manager at Cloudways. He loves all things entrepreneurial and wakes up every day with the desire to enable the dreams of aspiring entrepreneurs through his work!


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