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How To Add reCAPTCHA to Symfony 3 Forms

Updated on December 8, 2021

4 Min Read

Previously, I discussed how to build a REST API for use in your Symfony 3.1 projects.

Websites use different techniques and methods to validate contact, login and user registration forms. Some opt for custom validation methods while a large majority deploy third-party validation techniques.

add recaptcha in symfony 3

Google provides a well known and proven validation tool known as reCAPTCHA. In this tutorial, I will demonstrate how to add Google reCAPTCHA to a Symfony 3 registration form. Hence, if you’re looking for a Recaptcha Symfony union, you’ve got it!

Let’s get started by creating a PHPStack server on Cloudways first.

Create PHP Application and Install Symfony

The first order of business is to create an application on the web server. To make things easier to follow, I have created the following GIF of the process.

DO installation

Once done, login to SSH terminal by using the Master credentials. Move to public_html folder using the following command

To install Symfony 3, run the following command in the SSH terminal:

You need to add database configurations between installations. Go to application access area and find db credentials.

In case of any issues, follow this excellent guide on Symfony 3 installation process.

Creating a Google reCAPTCHA Application

The first step is to build a Google reCAPTCHA application through the official website. Sign into the account by clicking get reCAPTCHA button, and a website registration form for the website would appear.

reCaptcha Registration

Enter an easy to remember label and the domain name(s) of the site. For the purpose of this tutorial, I will use the following staging URL of the application in the space for domains. Do not add Https:// or Http:// before the domain name. Click on Register button to get API Keys.

Site key

secret key

The site key is the public key that will be used in the frontend HTML code. The secret key is the private key required for communicating between the app and Google servers.  Both keys are required to call reCAPTCHA in the application. Google also provides a script and a div for embedding in the app. Following are the screencaps of both the script and the div respectively.

reCaptcha script

reCaptcha div

Creating a Simple ToDo Form

I will now create a simple form for adding to-dos in the database.

Create the User Entity

The User entity will save a user’s name, email and password. Since I’m already signed into the SSH terminal, I will run the following command to start Symfony’s Entity Generator:

Enter the entity name AppBundle:User and hit Enter and select yml as the default annotation. Now enter name, category and description in the entity fields step by step. Hit Enter to generate the entity.

generate entity

To populate the database and add a table, run the following command

Create the View for Controller

It’s important to initialize the form in the view file for the controller to recognize and render the form on the screen. Go to app/Resources/views and create form.html.twig file in it. Add the following code to add reCAPTCHA and initialize the form.

Create the Controller

The second step is to create the controller. Go to src/AppBundle/Controller and open DefaultController.php. Add the following code to the file:

Note that I have created a separate method captchaverify() to call reCaptcha response from the server and return it. After that, I have used the response to validate the form. You will see the Flash messages on top if records are sent with or without reCaptcha.

Stop Wasting Time on Servers

Cloudways handle server management for you so you can focus on creating great apps and keeping your clients happy.

Test the Application

The basic architecture of the reCAPTCHA application along with the entity, controller and view are now ready for testing. Enter the URL of the application in the browser. I will use the following URL:

The following form will appear:

recaptcha form in symfony 3

When it comes to building complex user-validation scenarios, having a reliable hosting solution is crucial. This is why it’s important to find the best hosting for PHP when developing applications like the one described above. The application itself is a basic one, designed to test the addition of records with reCAPTCHA validation. By ensuring that records are only added when reCAPTCHA is validated successfully, this app can serve as a foundation for more complex user-validation scenarios. Whether you’re building a simple app like this or a more advanced one, having a reliable PHP hosting solution is essential for ensuring that your application runs smoothly and efficiently.


Now, reCAPTCHA Symfony should be easy for you. If you have any query about the tutorial, please feel free to comment below. In the upcoming installment of this series, I will discuss asset management in Symfony 3.1. Here is a short introduction and list of major topics in this Symfony 3.1 series.

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Shahzeb Ahmed

Shahzeb is a Digital Marketer with a Software Engineering background, works as a Community Manager — PHP Community at Cloudways. He is growth ambitious and aims to learn & share information about PHP & Laravel Development through practice and experimentation. He loves to travel and explore new ideas whenever he finds time. Get in touch with him at [email protected]


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