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Why Do Web Apps Need Their Own Servers?

Updated on January 28, 2017

3 Min Read

Many customers from traditional hosting providers, who have piled up applications on a single server (in many cases, a dedicated large server), come up to us and put forward one simple question: “Can you make our lives easier for us??”

When we assess a bit more, we usually end up finding these common problems:

  • They have placed all their eggs in the same basket. Companies are scared of playing with their servers and prefer to keep all their apps hosted on a single server. It is as if they fear that they will break something or all their sites will go down, which is a valid fear, if you are running a single server.
  • When there are usage spikes on the server resources, they usually have no idea of the applications that are to be blamed and which application(s) should be moved to another server. Basically, they cannot track the shortfalls they are encountering.
  • If the applications they are hosting are for their end customers, then it is difficult to assess as to what should be the charges of the hosted applications.
  • “Heavier” servers increases website loading time. The more you are going to stuff your single server, the more slower it will become which would result in increase in load time.


For these common queries, we come up with these solutions.

  • If you have multiple applications on your server, then you should launch different servers for each couple of the apps.
  • If you are going to deploy one application per server (or at most, a very few) you will then be isolating each application resource usage and act accordingly at the time of a security breach.
  • Multiple server hosted applications can help you to analyze which portion of your server is causing a trouble. You can easily troubleshoot with multiple servers.
  • To ensure speed, scalability, and reliability along with low cost, you should choose a cloud provider that will adjust to these application/end customers needs.

When you take this route of significantly reducing your costs, you will be able to reap the following benefits as well:

  • You isolate applications. This allows you to save your other applications from spikes, security exploits and other errors which you may encounter.
  • Isolated applications are easier to scale, move, transfer and monitor.
  • You can easily calculate the total cost of visibility for each app if you have single servers hosting single applications.

Cloudways has always been at the forefront when taking care of the needs of its customers, And we at Cloudways, allow you to easily implement this approach by:

  • Giving you an interface which makes it extremely easy to deploy a server/application. We also help you clone your servers with just one click.
  • Transferring your applications is also an easy task when you are with Cloudways.
  • Supporting multiple top-end cloud providers offering different plans/features to choose from, including DigitalOcean, Google Cloud Platform, Vultr, Kyup, and Amazon Web Services.

And, most importantly!

I am not discouraging you to install multiple apps on a single server. Instead, I am asking to keep things balanced. Deployment of 100 web apps on a 2GB server is not a wise thing to do.

Furthermore, we have a customer support that is online 24/7 to assist you whenever you get stuck. I am sure it’s hard to beat our customer support!


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Shahzeb Ahmed

Shahzeb is a Digital Marketer with a Software Engineering background, works as a Community Manager — PHP Community at Cloudways. He is growth ambitious and aims to learn & share information about PHP & Laravel Development through practice and experimentation. He loves to travel and explore new ideas whenever he finds time. Get in touch with him at [email protected]


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