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Recipe for Success: Teamwork on the Cloud Platform

Updated on May 4, 2016

3 Min Read

At Cloudways, our main priority is to make your life easy by saving you time, and ensuring at all times, that your Managed Cloud Hosting experience is nothing short of delightful. However, we are only responsible for 50 percent of the job. The rest of all your success depends upon how your team functions. There is no doubt that teamwork is essential to the success of your website. And for a team to function at its optimal level, it needs to collaborate.



Since the past many months, we had been receiving feedback by our users for teamwork features! You can check out the feedback by going on to the following links:

Cloudways is now making it easier for a team to collaborate and manage its team’s access, privileges and responsibilities on Cloudways by making some improvements to the Team Feature of the Managed Cloud Platform to give you more control and better task delegation powers.

Let me introduce you to the changes that will help improve efficiency of your team.

Team Module Improvements

All users who are primary account holders (referred to as super admin) on Cloudways will now have Master Credentials. These credentials will be one per server. The following are characteristics of the Master Credentials:

  • SFTP/SSH access to all applications.
  • Multiple SSH keys are allowed for Master credentials.
  • New optional privilege to allow console users to update/change the credentials.

Apart from this, the super admin can restrict team member’s access to specific applications. This means, if you are managing a team of five persons, you may grant access to each individual according to his or her task related application(s). Team members can then generate Application credentials to have SFTP access to that particular application, and will not be able to access unauthorized applications. The following are the characteristics of the Application credentials:

  • Application credentials (per team member) with SFTP access to specific application.
  • User(s) with access will be able to update/change the credentials.
  • Multiple SSH keys are allowed.

Phased Rollout

Our team of cloud engineers is rolling out the Team Features enhancements in a phased manner to make it easier for the users to adapt. Currently, we are in Phase 1.

Phase 1

Master Credentials for all existing servers have already been generated. These master credentials will replace the current SSH/SFTP credentials in the Applications tab. Although your old credentials will continue to work until Phase 3, we encourage you to begin using your new Master Credentials from now on.

We have emailed a link to your registered email account on how to obtain your Master Credentials. New customers will receive an automated email on their first successful server launch. If you have missed the email, or you are facing any type of issue, contact our live chat support.

Please note that you will be unable to change the Master Credentials until the completion of Phase 2.

Phase 2

The next phase will begin on Thursday, November 26, 2015. The Cloud Console will be updated to reflect the changes described above, in this phase:

  • Master Credentials will be available in the Server Management Tab
  • You will be able to change Master Credentials
  • Application Credentials will be active
  • Multiple SSH feature will be active

It is strongly advised that you only use your Master Credentials from this date onwards. Existing team members with server level permissions will have access to all the apps in the server and the “View Master Credentials” tag, as set by default. Only the account owners will be able to adjust this setting.

Phase 3

This phase will start on Tuesday, December 1st, 2015. In this phase, your old SSH/SFTP credentials will be disabled and you will not be able to use them anymore.

Enhanced Team Collaboration

These changes are only the result of the feedback we had been receiving for a long time from our valued customers. Their goal  is to make sure we are able to serve you even better, and to give you more control than ever before. With these changes to the Team Feature, you will be able to improve team collaboration and task delegation for your projects.

This is not the only update coming your way! There is more!

We are soon going to update the entire Cloud Console and build on these changes. The new console should be completed by the end of December. You do not have to worry about anything, as our DevOps team will make sure that the changes are rolled out as smoothly as possible. If you still have queries, then you can contact our customer success engineers, who are available 24/7 to assist you, via live chat and ticketing system.

These are extremely exciting times for the Cloudways family, and we hope we are able to continually meet your expectations and demands in the future.

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Mansoor Ahmed Khan

Been in content marketing since 2014, and I still get a kick out of creating stories that resonate with the target audience and drive results. At Cloudways by DigitalOcean (a leading cloud hosting company, btw!), I lead a dream team of content creators. Together, we brainstorm, write, and churn out awesome content across all the channels: blogs, social media, emails, you name it! You can reach out to me at [email protected].


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