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How to Install TYPO3 CMS in Just a Few Minutes

Updated on August 3, 2023

14 Min Read

A Content Management System (CMS) is a software application that creates and manages digital content. It is commonly used for Web Content Management (WCM) and Enterprise Content Management (ECM).

You can easily install a CMS on localhost or any server hosting. Speaking of CMS, and specifically PHP-based CMS, TYPO3 comes up as a prominent name popular among developers worldwide as a trusted open-source CMS.

And this blog will discuss everything about TYPO3, starting with its features and versions to its easy installation steps.

TYPO3 works well for publishing digital content over endless mediums because it offers adaptability. It works for support, marketing, and internal projects as well. Let’s find out more about TYPO3.

What is TYPO3?

TYPO3 is a free and open-source PHP-based CMS. It runs on servers powered by Apache and IIS and is also compatible with operating systems like Linux, Windows, macOS, and OS/2. And because of its unparalleled adaptability, it is counted among the most popular CMS solutions worldwide, alongside WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and others.

What separates TYPO3 from other CMSs is its flexibility because you can deal with its backend code & content separately while adding new functions without dealing with any coding lines.

TYPO3 11 LTS The latest version with Long Term Support (LTS), It is available in more than 50 languages. Therefore, users can publish content in multiple languages. Other features include editorial workflow, advanced frontend, maturity, and scalability – making TYPO3 a diverse CMS which can be used by individuals, enterprises, and large corporations that use multiple languages. TYPO3 classifies itself as an enterprise-level CMS.

Release Dates and Support Timeline

The table below represents the latest TYPO3 versions, along with their release dates and primary features.

Release Date Version Primary Focus
4 October 2022 TYPO3 v12.0 New system requirements and breaking changes
6 December 2022 TYPO3 v12.1 Interoperability with third-party systems
7 February 2023 TYPO3 v12.2 Improved backend UI
28 March 2023 TYPO3 v12.3 Feature freeze
25 April 2023 TYPO3 v12.4 LTS-release

Latest Updates in TYPO3 Version 12

Note: This section only covers the latest updates in TYPO3 version 12, particularly, in 12.4 version. If you want to learn about TYPO3’s features in general, skip to this part.

TYPO3 12 was released back in October 2022, with its latest version 12.4 released in April 2023. And it has introduced some really exciting additions. This section covers all the latest features included in TYPO 12, so let’s learn about them in detail.

Enhancements to TYPO3 Backend User Experience

Source: TYPO3 Documentation

TYPO3’s backend user interface has undergone significant improvements, focusing on simplicity and ease of use. The backend layout has been optimized for better organization and clarity, allowing users to navigate through different modules and sections more seamlessly.

The overall design has become more modern and responsive compared to the previous versions, ensuring it works efficiently on all devices and screen sizes.

Developer Changes

Since TYPO3 is a developer-friendly open-source CMS, the makers couldn’t have missed adding developer changes to the latest version. TYPO3 12 has introduced a few much-needed changes, starting with its compatibility with both PHP 8.1 and 8.2 for better overall execution, deprecated dynamic properties, and more.

There have been significant changes to third-party libraries and subordinate packages, including the Database Abstraction Layer (DBAL), which uses Doctrine DBAL v3, and the Table Configuration Array (TCA), which features new types such as mail, password generator, link, etc.

Strong Security and Scalability

Source: TYPO3 Documentation

Developers claim security and scalability as the main highlight of TYPO3 v12’s release. It comes with Content Security Policies (CSP) to improve security by identifying and moderating malware attacks such as cross-site scripting and data injection.

TYPO3 v12 update incorporates a flexible database abstraction layer, enabling compatibility with different database systems and offering the flexibility needed to scale the database infrastructure to accommodate increased demands.

It also offers strong security measures working in tandem with its scalability features, which allows website developers to confidently scale their platforms to meet their audience’s growing demands without sacrificing the security and integrity of their digital assets.

TYPO3’s security measures complement its scalability features, providing a secure foundation for websites to grow without compromising the safety of sensitive information. As websites expand and handle larger audiences, TYPO3’s caching mechanisms and support for Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) optimize performance while reducing server load.


Source: TYPO3 Documentation

TYPO3 v12 LTS offers incoming and outgoing webhooks for secure data transmission between applications. These webhooks are used to trigger predefined actions and responses in an automated yet standardized way.

The new update brings in a better, stronger, and improved backend module that helps users configure incoming webhooks as Responses and integrate the framework in a low-code environment.

Similarly, the outgoing webhooks are used to notify the external system of any changes made to TYPO3 and trigger follow-up activities. Users can choose to list and oversee the reactions and manage the outgoing webhooks.

More Details About Redirect Records

Source: TYPO3 Documentation

TYPO3’s redirect records give better control over the redirection process and let developers set the source and target URL to which the user should be redirected.

By using redirect records in TYPO3, developers can maintain search engine rankings, prevent broken links, and provide a seamless user experience during website changes and updates.

How to Install TYPO3 on Cloudways (Easy Steps)

You can make the most of TYPO3’s developer-friendly features by installing it on Cloudways.

But why Cloudways for TYPO3? Because the installation process happens in minutes, unlike the manual installation process which may take hours. And that too if you’re lucky. As bugs and errors may drive any non-technical person crazy.

But that’s not the only reason. Jump to this section to learn why should you install TYPO3 on Cloudways.

Before learning the installation steps of TYPO3 12.4v, let’s learn about its installation prerequisites.

TYPO3 Installation Prerequisites

Following are the system requirements for installing TYPO3 CMS on Cloudways:

  • Web server compatible with PHP (Apache, Nginx, or IIS)
  • PHP Version: The latest version of TYPO3 requires PHP version 8.1 or above.
  • Database Engine: MySQL version 8.0 or higher, MariaDB version 10.3 or higher, PostgreSQL version 10.0 or higher, SQLite version 3.8.3 or higher
  • Dependent Packages: Symfony version 6, Doctrine DBAL version 3, Composer version 2.4, CKEditor version 5

TYPO3 Installation on Cloudways

Follow the easy steps below to install TYPO3 12.4 version on Cloudways:

Step 1: Create a New Account

  • First things first, sign up on Cloudways to get started. No, you don’t have to risk any money as Cloudways offers a free 3-day trial without requiring your credit card details.


Step 2: Launch a New Server

  • After signing up, launch a new server with the PHP Stack application or use an existing server.
  • Wait a few minutes till your server launches.
  • Navigate to the Application tab and select the TYPO3 Server. Click on it to find further details inside:

  • Click Settings & Packages > Packages to upgrade your PHP version to 8.1 or 8.2

Step 3: Access SSH

  • Click the “Server Management” tab to launch “SSH Terminal”, located in the “Master Credentials”. You will find your login credentials for the SSH terminal.

  • Open the SSH terminal to run the composer command. You can either use the Putty terminal or Cloudways SSH terminal.
  • Access the public_html folder using the commands below:
  • Use the ls command to list files or directories in Linux
  • Use the CD command to change the directory

As a precautionary measure, delete all the existing files and folders inside the public_html folder using the following command:

  • rm index.php

Step 4: Install TYPO3 Using Composer Command

  • Use the following command to install TYPO3 through Composer:

composer create-project “typo3/cms-base-distribution:^12.4” typo3-cloudways

  • Run the command below to create the “FIRST_INSTALL” file:

touch typo3-cloudways/public/FIRST_INSTALL

Note: Touch is a standard command used in the UNIX/Linux operating system to create, change, and modify a file’s timestamps.

Step 5: Run Installer

After the installation is complete, you have to run the TYPO3 installer to create your content site. Your installer URL would be something like this:

http://phpstack-******-******* (Example URL if you have not assigned a domain to it).

  • To resolve the error as seen in the image above, we have to disable the PHP function from PHP FPM settings.

You can simply remove the function’s name from the front of php_admin_value[disable_functions]= to enable it. Here’s a detailed guide on this issue.

  • Click Save Changes.

Note: Disable the Varnish cache If you still face the same error.

  • Get database access details from Application Management > Access Details.

  • In the next step, we’re using the default database.

You need to do some alterations in the database’s schema type. Here’s how you do it:

  • Navigate to the Application’s database settings and launch the Database Manager.

  • Enter MySQL and run the following command:

ALTER DATABASE database name CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;

Step 6: Set Up Admin Panel

  • After the installation procedure, you can enter the site information and the administrative login details.

  • Click Continue.

TYPO3 offers two options for initialization:

  1. Creating an empty starting page.
  2. Going directly to the backend administrative interface.

I’d recommend beginners to go with the first option and allow TYPO3 to create an empty starting page. Doing so will also generate a site configuration file.

  • And that’s it. You’ve successfully installed TYPO3 12.4 on Cloudways in minutes.

Step 7: Access Website by Default Cloudways URL

  • If you want to access the website by your default Cloudways URL, follow the steps below:
  • Update the Webroot to –> typo3-cloudways/public

  • Now, you can access the webpage by clicking on Access Details > Application URL.

  • If you see the below page, it’d mean that you have configured everything right.

  • This is how you can set up the TYPO3 application on your Cloudways server in minutes.

Why Choose Cloudways for Hosting TYPO3?

When there are hundreds of hosting providers, then why must one go with Cloudways for hosting TYPO3? 3 reasons:

  1. Easy TYPO3 installation in minutes
  2. No server & application management hassles
  3. Superior performance and 99.9% uptime

Cloudways is a managed cloud platform that lets its users choose from leading IaaS providers, including DigitalOcean, AWS, and GCE. The server’s use can also be specific to the technology of the website being developed, while the choice of application can differ from WordPress, PHP, Magento, and many others.

Not just that, Cloudways offers all the features you need for a seamless hosting experience. These features include unlimited app installations, website performance monitoring, easy scaling, seamless server customization, and much much more.

On top of that, you can experience the Cloudways Platform in all its glory by trying out its 3-day free trial, and that too without providing your credit card details.

Some of Cloudways’ prominent features include

  • Domain Name System (DNS) for web apps.
  • Free SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt, while you can also add a custom SSL.
  • Free staging environment for better testing.
  • One-click PHP installation to help users set up their servers in minutes.
  • Server/App monitoring to help users optimize their website.
  • Error logs to check if your clients or developers are facing any issues.

Improve Your TYPO3 App Speed by 300%

Cloudways offers you dedicated servers with SSD storage, custom performance, an optimized stack, and more for 300% faster load times.

The Core Features of a CMS

Now that you’ve learned about the new features of TYPO3 v12 and the installation steps of the 12.4 version on Cloudways, let’s see what makes TYPO3 a trustable CMS choice for developers worldwide.

Developers use TYPO3 used to build and manage websites of distinctive types and sizes, from small portfolio/blogging sites (personal or nonprofit organizations) to multilingual ones (venture solutions for large corporations). Let’s learn more about its features in detail.

Smart Content Management

TYPO3 helps authors experience an environment where they can create, review, and publish content independently. It helps them create content that is reusable and created in a flexible editable workflow.

TYPO3 facilitates easy SEO application to URLs, metadata, and keywords within the content, as it is also compatible with leading SEO tools such as Yoast SEO and others. Moreover, it also facilitates team collaboration within a structured workflow.

Multisite and Multilingual

Working with multiple websites at a time while using a CMS can be a bit tricky. Users often trust CMS hosting to remove obstacles and hurdles from server management.

TYPO3 is one such CMS that offers multisite installation in a tree-structured model. It offers a collection of diverse languages to reach a wide audience, as you can offer your sites in multiple languages.

Digital Marketing Enabled

TYPO3 is so well designed that it allows you to connect marketing funnels directly through its backend. You can switch between marketing apps and the platform in seconds.

Also, it offers multiple plugin extensions for advanced analytics and monitoring tools. You can integrate it with ecommerce platforms, CRM and ERP without any hassle. Moreover, TYPO3’s official certification and training aims to target the best service providers, partners, and web pros.

Nothing as Easy as Deploying TYPO3 Apps on Cloud

With Cloudways, you can have your PHP apps up and running on managed cloud servers in just a few minutes.

Flexible and Open-Sourced

TYPO3 lets you choose database technologies from its Abstraction layer, and select the easiest deployment solution according to your needs. It gives you many options to customize your website, from small blogs to enterprise-level sites.

The CMS comes with a rich set of functions to help you integrate third-party extensions. Plus, with its Bootstrap package, you get an optimized TYPO3 theme based on the advanced Bootstrap framework.

Globally Understandable Front End

TYPO3 offers a user experience that is second to none. It is accessible on all devices and delivers content, channeled to a user-friendly environment.

Secure and Compliant

TYPO3 CMS prioritizes your website’s security and offers several security features, including restriction of IP addresses, domain, and role-based permissions, etc. It uploads files and stores other things outside the webroot that need the right access permission.

Also, TYPO3 has a dedicated team to work on precise security functions, including security bulletins, security news (RSS), etc.

TYPO3’s Community

TYPO3 has dedicated members who offer their skills and contribute to the project with design, coding, writing, and other skills. Developers supply patches, tests, and reports.

Meanwhile, their other team also helps with marketing, documentation, event organizations, bar camps, conferences, and other functions. It also has a chat group on Slack that regularly discusses the latest news and upgrades in the market.

WordPress Vs. TYPO3: Quick Comparison

Since we are talking about CMS and WordPress is the most used one. Let’s see how TYPO3 compares with WordPress, to help you pick the right option for your application.

Feature WordPress TYPO3
Ease of Use User-friendly, simple UI Developers and experienced users find it easier to work with TYPO3 due to its flexibility and extensive customization options.
Flexibility Good for blogs and simple websites TYPO3 is designed for handling large and complex websites,
Scalability Limited scalability for large projects TYPO3 is built to handle extensive websites with thousands of pages and numerous users concurrently
Security Large user base, frequent updates TYPO3 places significant emphasis on security, and its core code is reviewed by a dedicated security team regularly
Multilingual Support Requires plugins for full support TYPO3 natively supports multiple languages, content localization, and localization workflows, making it ideal for multilingual websites and global content management.
Content Management Intuitive interface for simple content Advanced content management
Customization Vast library of themes and plugins Highly customizable
Community & Support Large community, extensive documentation Active community and support
SEO Capabilities SEO-friendly but limited configuration Extensive SEO capabilities

TYPO3: Security & Maintenance

TYPO3’s team releases regular security updates to address known vulnerabilities promptly, ensuring that all installations remain secure.

Using TYPO3, you can rest assured your websites, user data, and digital assets are protected from potential risks. Let’s learn in detail how TYPO3 keeps your sites secure.

Regular Backups

Source: TYPO3 Documentation

TYPO3 offers regular backups, and developers working with TYPO3 should prioritize regular backups as an essential aspect of their website development and maintenance process. Backups act as an insurance policy against potential data loss, system failures, or security breaches.

Regular backups ensure that developers can quickly restore the website to a previously stable state in the event of an unforeseen issue, minimizing downtime and potential data loss.

Moreover, regular backups allow developers to experiment and test new changes on the website without the fear of irreversible consequences. As there is always a risk of encountering unexpected issues while implementing updates, making configuration changes, or trying out new extensions.

Keeping TYPO3 CMS Updated

Source: TYPO3 Documentation

Keeping TYPO3 CMS updated is of utmost importance for developers to ensure the security, stability, and performance of the websites they manage. Regular updates include bug fixes, performance improvements, and crucial security patches.

Outdated CMS versions may contain vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit to compromise the website’s security, leading to data breaches or unauthorized access.

Moreover, updating TYPO3 CMS ensures compatibility with the latest technologies and web standards. It helps developers to leverage the latest features and improvements, ensuring that their websites remain functional, responsive, and user-friendly across different devices and platforms.

TYPO3 Security: Best Practices

Here are some of the security best practices that you can follow to keep your TYPO3 websites secure.

  • Protect against Cross-Site Scripting (XSS): TYPO3 provides built-in protection against Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks. Ensure that any user input displayed on the website is correctly filtered to prevent malicious script injection.
  • Implement Content Security Policy (CSP): Use Content Security Policy (CSP) headers to specify which content sources, scripts, and stylesheets are allowed to be loaded on your website. CSP helps prevent various attacks, including XSS and data injection attacks.
  • Enable Secure HTTPS: Enable HTTPS for your TYPO3 website by obtaining an SSL certificate. This ensures that data transmitted between the users and the website is encrypted, protecting against eavesdropping and data interception.
  • Restrict File Uploads: Limit file upload permissions to only authorized users and carefully validate and sanitize uploaded files to prevent any potential security risks.
  • Secure Extensions: Install extensions only from trusted sources like the TYPO3 Extension Repository (TER). Regularly review installed extensions for security updates and vulnerabilities.
  • Monitor Logs and Audit Trails: Monitor system logs and audit trails regularly to detect any suspicious activities or potential security breaches. Implement logging and monitoring tools to identify and respond to security incidents promptly.


In this article, we have discussed everything about TYPO3, its latest version, 12.4, and the installation steps on the Cloudways platform.

We recommend our readers opt for a trusted managed hosting provider like Cloudways for hosting your TYPO3 applications provider, as it gives you 24/7 support and managed services to completely set you free from all hosting worries and boost your site’s performance.

For further queries about the CMS, please feel free to leave your comments below. I will be more than happy to assist you with the relevant solution.

Q: How secure is TYPO3?
A: TYPO3 emphasizes heavily on security and comes up with advanced security features to protect applications against malware attacks. The platform allows developers to configure access control, integrate directory service providers, employ advanced encryption algorithms, and more to protect websites from external intrusions.

Q: How to update TYPO3?
A: TYPO3 provides an upgrade wizard to perform major CMS updates. To begin upgrading, just enter the following install tool in your TYPO3 site:

It will open an “Upgrade Wizard” section, where you will find different available wizards to update on. Start updating them one by one according to your project needs and compatibility requirements.

Q: How to clear cache in TYPO3?
A: To clear website caches, navigate to the Maintenance tab given under the Admin tools menu. There you will find a Flush TYPO3 cache option; click “Flush Cache”, and it will quickly purge all your unrequired site caches.

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Shahzeb Ahmed

Shahzeb is a Digital Marketer with a Software Engineering background, works as a Community Manager — PHP Community at Cloudways. He is growth ambitious and aims to learn & share information about PHP & Laravel Development through practice and experimentation. He loves to travel and explore new ideas whenever he finds time. Get in touch with him at [email protected]


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