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How to Install Laminas on Cloudways

Updated on November 25, 2021

3 Min Read

PHP Laminas is the continuation of the Zend technologies. The Zend framework is still being utilized by driving organizations to support various business solutions, such as eCommerce, content-management, healthcare, and messaging. The community is still effectively contributing and making strides. Laminas is now called the next generation of the Zend framework, which is a highly powered PHP framework.

What Has Changed in?

The most important thing to remember is that the Zend framework has not been taken out. To receive security overhauls, bug fixes, and new features for your Zend framework code base, you would have to migrate applications or projects to Laminas-branded packages.

Laminas PHP will run similarly as your Zend framework code since both have the same basics. Laminas will be utilizing the code with a new namespace. Laminas is under the governance model that the Linux Foundation manages.

This gives us the advantage of an open organization, which allows access to all users to contribute and offer assistance to coordinate where the venture is directed.

PHP Laminas Migration Compatibility

You can migrate:

  • A Project or application that depends on the Zend framework or has component dependencies on the Zend framework. Based on version 2. x and 3. x
  • Projects and applications are built on all stable versions of Apigility.
  • Projects or applications built on all stable versions of Expressive or using Expressive components.
  • Libraries that depend on Zend Framework components.

What’s new in Laminas Framework?

  • Portability: Laminas PHP Works after PHP – FIG (PHP – Framework InterOp Group) standards, permitting designers to easily harbor the code across other frameworks.
  • Industry-Oriented Technology: Industry-oriented technology and performance-driven web platform within the true sense. It permits designers to execute alluring designs and create applications robustly.
  • Customized Web Development: Laminas framework is said to be highly optimized not only for PHP web applications development, but it is also considered as a promising innovation for e-commerce applications.
  • E-Commerce Development: Provide powerful yet fast and smooth execution.
  • Architecture: Laminas framework works on MVC architecture that supports the web designers to handle the complex components.

Nothing as Easy as Deploying Laminas Apps on Cloud

With Cloudways, you can have your Laminas apps up and running on managed cloud servers in just a few minutes.

Install Laminas on Cloudways Platform

To Install Laminas on your server, sign up or login to the Cloudways Platform. Once you have logged in, select your server and custom PHP application. Select PHP server size as per your website traffic, and location according to your preferred region.

DO installation

Download Laminas Framework

Now go to your server and launch SSH Terminal. Log in with your credentials.

laminas cloudways

Once you are logged in, head to the public_html folder and simply run the download command to download the Laminas Framework.

composer create-project -s dev laminas/laminas-mvc-skeleton path/to/install

laminas application

You can access the webpage by adding /path/to/install/public/ at the end of the URL to open the Laminas Framework. If you see the below page, everything has been configured successfully.

laminas mvc

Final Words

Laminas PHP is a collection of professional PHP-based packages. One of the things to take note of in Laminas is that it works fine across the cross-platform operating system.

Laminas applications efficiently run on all PHP stacks fulfilling all the technical requirements needed. The reason for the rebranding of the Zend framework into Laminas is Server compatibility, which gives improved execution due to its caching capabilities, opcode increasing speed, and application monitoring.

Q. What happened to Zend Framework ?

A: Zend Framework is rebranded to Laminas Project, under the Linux Foundation. All the Projects and Applications of Zend Framework from versions 2.0 onwards can now be migrated to Laminas Framework, including Zend MVC applications.

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Shahzeb Ahmed

Shahzeb is a Digital Marketer with a Software Engineering background, works as a Community Manager — PHP Community at Cloudways. He is growth ambitious and aims to learn & share information about PHP & Laravel Development through practice and experimentation. He loves to travel and explore new ideas whenever he finds time. Get in touch with him at [email protected]


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