Having issues with hosting your Joomla application directly on the Vultr cloud? Well you don’t have to feel bad about it. It is not an easy task to deal with all the server side hassles when you are trying to run a business. Joomla is one of those content management systems that requires technical knowledge and expertise. And for a novice it is going to be a nightmare to install a Joomla application on top of their favorite cloud infrastructure provider.
However, Cloudways eases the process by taking these server side technicalities in to their own hands so that you don’t have to deal with all these issues and you can focus on other important tasks for you online website like development and marketing.
Why Cloudways?
Cloudways is a managed cloud hosting platform. With Cloudways managed platform, you can easily integrate Joomla on Vultr without having any server side commotion to handle. Some of the great features of Cloudways includes:
- 24x7x365 online Technical support
- User-friendly console
- Single click operations for cloning of servers and applications
- Automated Backups
- Real-time Monitoring for your cloud server
You can launch your Joomla app on Vultr using Cloudways simply in few clicks and let Cloudways serve you in managing your cloud server professionally. But before all this you need to signup and get your account verified after that you can follow the below step by step instruction on how to install your Joomla app on Vultr Cloud using Cloudways.
Nothing as Easy as Deploying Joomla Apps on Cloud
With Cloudways, you can have your Joomla apps up and running on managed cloud servers in just a few minutes.
How to Launch Joomla on Vultr Server
Let’s get it going! I’ll explain what you have to do. It’s super easy.
1. Select Cloud
First stop is selecting an infrastructure provider. Vultr would be our choice as this guide is for Vultr duhh! 😀
2. Select Your Application
For this tutorial we will be selecting Joomla on this step. But as you can see Cloudways offers a variety of applications to select from.
3. Select Server Size
You have a two way options over here. For the first option you have a “Recommend Me” tab, this is to help Cloudways customers if they don’t know which server size to select.
The other option would be “I know my server size”. As the name suggests, you go to this tab when you are sure of what server size you need.
4. Select Location
Select a best location for your targeted audience and with Vultr you can precisely do just that, as it provides 14 different data center locations to choose from.
5. Launch
Before launching your server have a look at your price and then press “Launch”
Hold your horses for a few more minutes while your server gets ready for your first use 🙂
What Next?
Whatever the infrastructure provider you select, Cloudways Platform makes hosting Joomla on any infrastructure a walk in the park. You get super fast loading times and a well managed cloud for your website.
Still what I would call the best thing is the 24×7 support. You can ask your hosting related queries and the engineers at Cloudways will reply promptly via Live Chat or Ticketing system. Don’t fall for my words, go and give it a try. Cloudways offers a 3 day free trial on Vultr hosting so that you can can give it a go and feel the difference compared to other such platforms.
Mansoor Ahmed Khan
Been in content marketing since 2014, and I still get a kick out of creating stories that resonate with the target audience and drive results. At Cloudways by DigitalOcean (a leading cloud hosting company, btw!), I lead a dream team of content creators. Together, we brainstorm, write, and churn out awesome content across all the channels: blogs, social media, emails, you name it! You can reach out to me at [email protected].