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How to Host OpenCart on AWS

Updated on June 16, 2021

4 Min Read

Global ecommerce industry is rapidly gaining the momentum day by day. In 2016, people spent $22 trillion on ecommerce and 2017 is expected to have a spending of $27 trillion. These facts and figures depict the continuing growth of ecommerce.

host opencart on aws

The online shopping market is an opportunity for both the buyer and the seller.

Sellers have direct reach to their customers, hence the process of conversion is quite easy and time saving. Ecommerce has become the center of attraction for modern entrepreneurs and every now and then, we hear of an online store that is new and popular.

The very first step towards an impressive online store is choosing the right ecommerce application. There are plenty of ecommerce builders available, but OpenCart excels among its competitors because of its easy-to-use interface and its support for small scale businesses.

OpenCart has a lot to offer including free themes, modules, and multilingual support. The application is preferred by masses due to its affordability and feasibility. However, an optimized web store has two components: a good application and a robust hosting infrastructure.

AWS (Amazon Web Services) is the pioneer in providing cloud server infrastructure and the service is absolute best. It’s famous for its reliability, persistent performance, and on-time technical support.

AWS has datacenters in all the global business destinations. This means your website can be hosted nearest to your audience. But, Amazon cloud is not easy to use.

The biggest difficulty is the complex procedure of directly hosting your website at AWS. The process has to be handled by a professional as it’s difficult and sensitive.

This is where Cloudways comes in handy.

Cloudways is a managed cloud hosting platform. It is designed to address the difficult tasks of server setup and managements. It has all the market leading server infrastructures available.

The platform not only simplifies the process of server launch but it also helps in optimizing your web app and cuts loading time by half in most cases.

To launch a managed AWS server on Cloudways, below are the steps to follow:

Signup For Free


Click on the “START FREE” button to initiate the signup process. Enter a valid email address to signup at the Platform. Remember that you can also sign up using your LinkedIn, Google or Github account.

Select Your Application

Select your application from the drop-down menu and give it a name. Additionally, give a name to the server and project folder too to avoid confusion later on. For the purpose of this article, I selected OpenCart.

Choose the Cloud Infrastructure

Choose a Cloud Infrastructure from the list of market leading providers. I chose AWS for obvious reasons.

Configure Your Server

scale your server

scale your server (2)

Select your server size, bandwidth and storage space. Remember that your server should have enough storage, RAM, and bandwidth for handling unforeseen situations.

Select Server Location

locate your server

Choose the server location wisely. Your server should be located near to your target audience. This placement helps in extracting optimum performance from the server and the application.

You are Done!


Your server is ready for your awesome OpenCart app. Click on the LAUNCH SERVER button. Just wait for a few minutes and your server will be ready for use.

You might be interested in: Top 10 Templates For Your OpenCart Store

Why Cloudways?

Cloudways is certainly the platform you look for. Cloudways offers a free 3-day trial. The platform is designed to provide easy-to-use cloud hosting. Apart from its user friendly UI, the Platform offers a number of exciting features including free SSL certificate by Let’s Encrypt, free automated WordPress migrations, state-of-the-art CloudwaysBot, etc.

To explore more, sign up for the trial and discover why Cloudways is one of the best managed cloud hosting platform.

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