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10 Key Elements of High-Converting Landing Pages

Updated on December 1, 2022

11 Min Read
High Converting Landing Pages

[UPDATED] Want to grow your online business? Start by creating a killer landing page, which helps convert interested visitors into customers.

Your online business needs a well-optimized page where the traffic funnels down from different channels and compels the users to convert.

Don’t make the mistake of ignoring your landing page’s architecture or, worse, not creating a landing page at all.

But don’t worry, as this guide has all the tips and techniques needed to build stellar landing pages. I have thoroughly explained landing pages and the elements that help maximize conversions.

I’ve also lined down some brilliant examples for your reference. So, let’s take a peek at it right away!

First things first, let’s learn the basics of a landing page. Already acquainted? Skip over to the 10 landing pages’ elements section to understand what you must consider while creating a stellar landing page.

What Is a Landing Page?

A landing page is to an online business what the landing runway is to an airplane.

It’s where your potential customers finally arrive and are ready to make a decision. So, you must make it compelling enough to convert them into your customers. Failing to do so will make them fly off to another destination!

Basically, a landing page ensures your business has a strong presence over different social media platforms and search engines. And that’s where your potential customers will find you.

See the example below where Cloudways shared the link to a landing page in one of it’s YT videos. Now, when someone sees the video and wants our services, they can click the link provided and get it.

Link example

Many people wrongly believe you can only have one landing page, as you can have various landing pages for different purposes.

And that’s all there’s to understand about landing pages. Now let’s learn how to build a landing page.

How to Build a Landing Page

Building a landing page is not difficult, but creating one that converts can be challenging. Many online design tools can help you build a landing page with ease.

Most premium tools offer added functionalities like email marketing options, mobile optimization, and special design options. You may use these tools or hire a designer to build everything from scratch.

Now that we know what a landing page is and how to build one let’s explore how you can create high-converting landing pages.

10 Landing Page Elements to Maximize Conversions

Ensure you incorporate the following elements while designing landing pages to maximize conversions.

1. Attractive Hero Fold


High-converting sales pages give clear answers to two questions:

Why should clients choose you over others?” & “What do you bring to the table?” 

Answer them while connecting with the ad or post you used to bring a prospect to your landing page. Everything from your text to images must align to make your visitor’s experience pleasant and worthy.

Most converting landing pages follow this strategy. Ensure your landing page’s copy is crisp, engaging, and clearly defines your USP.

Don’t make your users scroll all the way down to learn why your product is special. That’s what bad landing pages do.

Visitors only scroll down when they are curious to know more, and that’s only possible when you outline the value proposition from the start.

2. Add Your Contact Information

If you run a legit business, then add your contact information on the landing page. Many people will have reservations before hitting the buy button. Your task is to clarify them on all fronts.

Providing your contact information speaks for your business’ authority and lets them address their queries before making a decision.

Also, many landing page visitors despise filling up forms or giving their emails, so avoid necessitating your users to fill out many forms.


3. A Catchy Headline


Your headline is part of what will form your visitors’ first impression. Make it catchy and interesting when building landing pages that convert. Here’s an interesting statistic: on average, 80% of your viewers are going to view the headline copy, but only 20% are going to go through with the rest of the content.

Keep in mind that the primary focus of copywriting is to get your next sentence read. Since your headline is the first line that a person is going to read, it should be compelling so that they continue to scroll through your page.

Darshan Somashekhar from says, “That’s why we can make an effort to drive engagement with specific and straightforward headlines and surrounding copy for all our games. In our research, we find that having specific copy that ties to what our users wants drives the most game play.

If you want some inspiration, take a look at a few magazine headlines. See how they invoke interest and grab the reader’s attention to convince them to turn the pages. Here are 5 steps to help you create interesting headlines:

  1. Understand your target audience
  2. Evaluate your competition
  3. Create wacky or off-beat headlines that attract attention
  4. Use A/B testing to check your headlines and tweak it as necessary.
  5. Keep it simple

4. Interesting Subheadings

Linkedin - Subheadings

Don’t just let your copy ramble after the heading.

Break your page down into folds and use interesting subheadings to keep your visitors hooked. Create compelling headlines that break down your message into different parts of the landing page.

The perfect subheadings can have one or several of the following elements:

  • Hints of persuasion.
  • Elaborative text for the main heading.
  • Personalization for your brand’s target persona.
  • Concise text copy.
  • Witty punchline that grabs attention.

5. Be Clear with Your Message


Incoherent landing page messaging will fail to resonate with your audience and thus poorly affect your conversions. High-converting landing pages follow consistent messaging, so your audience is always clear on what you communicate.

Also, you don’t always need lots of images or words to build a great landing page. Oftentimes, minimalist designs perform the best.

In short, being clear = better sales!

6. Using Pictures


Don’t just write content. Even the best copy can become boring if you don’t break up the text by adding pictures.

You must add media elements throughout the text and break it up to make it more engaging and attractive. This will really help you reach your conversion goals.

Visual elements keep viewers for longer on the page and reduce your bounce rate. You can also take inspiration from other digital agency websites before designing your own landing pages.

Also, remember to optimize your landing page for mobile devices. Optimize images, so they don’t just look great on desktops but messy on mobile devices.

7. Provide a Solution

notion - Solutions

The best high-converting landing pages know how to respect the viewers’ time and dive straight into giving quick solutions.

Once you have identified the users’ pain points and outlined their problems, it’s time to offer solutions. And you must present them in a way favored by your target audience.

Detail what you are offering, and highlight your product or service’s salient features that set it apart from the competitors.

8. Engaging, Actionable Copy

Engaging copy - Studio Ouam

Well-written copy is at the heart of high-converting landing pages.

Hiring an experienced copywriter is strongly recommended to help fulfill your page’s intention. Refer to the high-converting landing page examples to get some inspiration.

And, more importantly, break your text into short, actionable paragraphs. Your page’s copy should evoke emotions and outline exactly what the viewer wants. After that, you may nudge them towards converting.

And be careful with the words you choose. If you think you can’t do it yourself, hiring a content marketing professional for the job would be best.

Here are some helpful stats and tips to consider when crafting your landing page copy:

  • 73% of people like copies that are short and easy to read.
  • Pages with 200 words or less deliver good conversion results.
  • Choose your words carefully. Unbounce just changed their CTA from “Start your free 30-day trial” to “Start my free 30-day trial,” and their click-through rate got pumped to 90%.
  • Your users only read 20 to 28% of your content.

9. A Well-Defined CTA

Crazy Egg- CTA

CTAs, or call-to-actions, are short statements designed to instruct the readers to provide an instant response. Common examples include “sign up today” or “join our newsletter!

Well-defined CTAs don’t include any confusing language; they are straight-up and have clear, concise text instructing readers to take action. However, coming up with good CTAs is an involved process and requires considerable A/B testing.

Also, be mindful of the CTA placement.

Your CTA should be beaming in front of the visitors as early as possible. Don’t make your visitors scroll through text folds without giving them the option to act. Also, have an impactful CTA button text that’ll motivate visitors to click through.

Avoiding use of CTAs or using them incorrectly will push users away from your page and likely kill your sales!

10. Balanced Structure

Cloudways - Structure

A balanced structure is critical for conversions.

Hire a professional designer who understands front-end development to develop your landing page. Your landing page should have relevant design elements that help your brand stand you. More importantly, the page should have little to no distractions.

Here are some landing page elements necessary for a balanced structure:

  • Decent and readable fonts
  • Easily navigable page
  • Little to no clutter on the page. Only put highly-relevant elements that are highly relevant.
  • Easy to digest text messages. Try to communicate the message without getting extravagant with words.

Also, don’t forget to have an action button.

11. Social Proof

Social Proof

In this era of faux and fraudulent services, people want proof that your product is worth their money. And you must not deprive them of your brand’s authenticity.

So, ensure that your landing pages provide your brand’s social proof. You must include the following elements on your landing page:

  • Customer reviews
  • Testimonials
  • Mentioning how many people have purchased from you so far
  • Google reviews for your business
  • Ratings for your business on credible business rating platforms

The above proof elements will help people realize that you are legit, and they’d be motivated to spend money on your business. Ensure you include real reviews, as fake reviews, when caught, can instantly take people off your page and damage your brand as well.

Now that you know the main elements required in a high-converting landing page, let’s look at 10 examples of high-converting landing pages.

10 Examples of High Converting Landing Pages

We have compiled a list of 10 of the best examples of high-converting landing pages that you can see before creating your own. Let’s dive in!

1. Constant Contact – A Balanced Structure

Constant Contact

Constant Contact offers email marketing services and has a simple and well-defined landing page. Millions use Constant Contact as an integral tool to devise new B2B lead generation strategies.

Their landing page mentions different features that set their email marketing services apart from others. The page has killer headlines and interesting text copy supporting the business’s cause.

Overall, it’s a simple, impactful, and interesting landing page.

2. Amazon Assistant – Focus on Features

Amazon Assistant

We had to include Amazon Assistant in our list as it contains most of the right elements needed in a high-converting landing page. And we all know how well it converts.

With the “install” button so bright and placed in the center for maximum visibility, you know what actions the page wants its visitors to take.

And the rest of the page clearly communicates what Amazon assistant is all about.

3. Netflix – Minimalistic and Basic

Netflix Landing

Arguably one of the best examples of a minimalistic landing page, Netflix sets itself apart by creating a backdrop that illustrates its vast collection of TV shows.

There’s a small CTA right in the middle, and the Login button is placed in the top right corner, leveraging their brand value to maximize conversions.

4. Neil Patel – Incentive Galore

Neil Patel

Neil’s landing page starts with an incentive. I mean, who doesn’t want more traffic?

Then there’s a CTA right after, and as you scroll down, you get to know more about what Neil brings to the table.

Plus, it’s so simple and direct, so you easily understand what the page offers.

5. Cloudways – Value Addition


In addition to offering a range of pricing plans for cloud hosting to agency owners, Cloudways has a high-converting landing page that delivers its message in clear words.

The page highlights Cloudways’ features using visual elements to help users understand the platform. It’s a classic example of adopting simplicity when delivering the message.

Visitors clearly know what values they’ll get from Cloudways. And if that’s something they want, they’d be happy to convert.

6. Simply Business – A Well-Defined CTA

Simply business

Simply Business has a clean and clutter-free landing page. It has a small dialog box that lets you interact with the page and get a quote.

The page also includes logos of businesses they have worked with, along with detailed information about their unique features, serving as a value proposition.

The combination of all these elements put Simply Business among the best examples of high-converting landing pages.

7. Backlinko – Be Clear With Your Message


Backlinko’s landing page starts right away with an incentive: a lead magnet. As you go down, it provides more information about the brand, using a lot of white space to get your focus on the content.

The page also includes customer testimonials to build trust.

8. ConvertFlow – Using Pictures


ConvertFlow is designed to maximize conversions, letting you create and customize your launch forms accordingly.

Their landing page is divided into several folds, with each covering different features that set ConvertFlow apart. You can also see their prominent clients’ logos, which provides social proof.

The copy is short and well-written, with lots of different elements. Plus, the page has ample pictures, making it visually appealing.

9. Freshbooks – Provide a Solution

Fresh Books

Freshbooks has an impactful page that directly starts with an offer.

As you scroll down, the page reveals more information about the tool, along with the quality stats. It’s a pretty well-designed landing page that ends with a CTA.

10. Thirsty Affiliates


Thirsty Affiliates is an affiliate management plugin designed for WordPress websites, and has a fantastic landing page.

Beginning with a video about the platform, the page lets you scroll down to get more information about its unique features.

Conclusive Thoughts

These are some of the best high converting landing pages that you can go through before you start designing your own. It’s imperative that you carry out A/B testing on your landing page to optimize the conversion rate of your landing page. Consistent testing will help you figure out what works and what you need to remove. As long as you incorporate the elements given in this article, you should be able to create interesting and attractive landing pages that will boost conversions. Also, check our webinar on how to get high-value clients for your marketing agency.


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Sarim Javaid

Sarim Javaid is a Sr. Content Marketing Manager at Cloudways, where his role involves shaping compelling narratives and strategic content. Skilled at crafting cohesive stories from a flurry of ideas, Sarim's writing is driven by curiosity and a deep fascination with Google's evolving algorithms. Beyond the professional sphere, he's a music and art admirer and an overly-excited person.


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