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Take Inspiration from these Awesome Digital Agency Websites

Updated on August 30, 2022

12 Min Read
best digital agency websites

Digital agencies often indulge themselves in designing aesthetic websites for their clients rather than focusing on the critical elements. You must understand that a website is your first chance to make a good impression on potential customers.

This blog discusses the elements every digital agency website needs, like the design principles, content copy types, and website layout trends to stand out from your competitors.

Following the essential principles will help you create an ideal design website, whether you are making it from scratch or planning a website relaunch.

The blog’s latter part covers some excellent digital agency website designs to inspire you to create your own agency website.

So let’s dive in and discover the elements a digital agency website needs to have to lure in customers while maintaining a stellar brand image.

Important Elements of a Digital Agency Website

You’ll find many commonalities among digital agency websites, such as the position of their services, a blog section, and even a page dedicated to a portfolio.

Let’s first analyze the basic elements involved in these sites before delving deeper.

1. Folds

Folds are parts of the webpage that you see under the main screen. They are also called sections and are used to ease navigation, making your website neat and readable. Most leading digital agency websites design their web pages in folds.

Remember, an average human being’s attention span is just eight seconds. If you can’t hook them in this time frame, they may bounce away from your website. And you don’t want that!

Nice, clean, and easy-to-navigate folds improve the user experience on your sites and help you acquire more leads.

website fold

Most digital agency websites are designed to have three to seven folds depending on the agency’s needs.

parallax Source: Space Oddity

Creative agency websites usually focus more on UX and give viewers a 3D and animated experience. In contrast, digital agencies focusing on website development have more interactivity to showcase their expertise.

2. Web Copy and Web Content

A brilliantly designed website with gibberish words? That’s a no-no! Your website should speak to its audience.

Millions of websites lose their visitors in the first few seconds. The reason is simple: their content isn’t engaging enough to hook the readers. On the contrary, websites with content from champion wordsmiths enjoy the traffic of millions.

Choose the words that best suit your brand voice. Don’t make your visitor search endlessly for the information. Instead, assort it so that your ideal audience reads exactly what they want.

When your copy speaks, it definitely results in lower bounce rates and more conversions. You can also use blogging to build a deeper connection with your audience.

3. Attractive Visuals

A bland website is an audience repeller. Your website should present the information in a manner that hooks your visitors. It should utilize visual elements like high-quality images, animations, and videos to keep visitors glued to the website.

The aim is to let your audience enjoy the content and visuals while browsing to find the information they need. Your site’s architecture and design should have intuitive UI and UX for easy navigation.

Attractive website visuals Source: Usabilla

The picture above gives you an idea of the countless elements that you can use to curate an agency website that gives your visitors a positive experience.

4. An Easy to Understand Services Section

Don’t make your clients dig through the dirt to find your services. Agencies with tricky websites lose leads fast.

If a visitor has to spend too much time finding your services, they’ll probably ditch you and start looking at other digital agency websites. Having an easily discoverable services section can bring more leads.

Plus, don’t complicate visitors with copious information. Keep your message and services clear. It’s also good to link these services to the digital agency’s current portfolio, as it exemplifies the services with a real-life application. Have a look at the example below to get an idea.

agency website services Source: Bruce Clay Mena

5. Portfolio and Testimonials

Testimonials and portfolios help build trust in your visitors. Both are crucial in building up a positive client sentiment towards your agency.

Flashy visuals, brilliant content, and top-notch UI/UX will all lose value if you don’t have testimonials and a portfolio. Your potential clients will lose interest in you if they don’t trust you. Client testimonials help digital agencies get mentioned and recommended, while portfolios showcase their talents.

Utilize both these tools to convert eyeballs into conversions. Ensure they are easily visible to your site visitors. Check the example below for a better understanding.

agency website portfolio Source: Mobiteam

6. Partnerships

The best agency websites have a dedicated section for the companies they have partnered with. This section is also crucial to building your agency’s credibility and is especially helpful when the company adds value to certain services provided by its partners.

Look at the page below to better understand the power of mentioning your partners.

Agency websites partners Source: Bright Edge

7. Blog Page

Most digital agency websites have a blog section to elaborate on their service offerings. The intention is to show the visitors that the agency is an expert at what they offer and to drive traffic to its website.

A digital agency’s blog typically covers news updates, industry-related talks, tech news, case studies, brand messages, and agency announcements.

8. Overall Usability and Functionality of Website

Another important aspect is to assess the overall “feel” of your website, which is a combination of UI and UX.

When you have an isolated look at the site, it can be easy to miss a few details. So, it’s advised to always get into your visitors’ shoes and understand how they’d look at the website. Use the vital UI/UX elements to craft a memorable website journey for your visitors.

This is highly important for digital agency websites because it represents the talent and taste you’ll bring to your client’s sites.

Also, it’s an unforgivable sin for a digital agency particularly to lack a mobile-responsive design, especially given how easy it is to find tried and tested themes instead of opting for a custom design. You’ll find a number of WordPress themes that cater to keeping the website mobile compatible.

Fixing the overall usability is the final piece that completes the puzzle. Do it to enjoy better leads and conversions for the agency.

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Inspirational Digital Agencies Websites

The following digital agency websites have creative and innovative designs that convey an impactful message to potential clients.

You can take ideas from them when building your own agency’s website.

Note: There are dedicated forums and platforms where experts can review and score your website. A proper expert critique looks something like this.

Awwwards agency website review Source: Awwwards

The figures above are an aggregate of scores given by a number of authoritative experts in the field.

website reviews

You can have your site reviewed as well once it’s ready. In the list below, I’ve highlighted websites with visually appealing, optimized, and intriguing elements.

1. RNO1

rno1 agency website

RNO1’s core colors of black and indigo are easy on the eyes. You’ll also see the shades of pink and peach where they want the website visitor to stop scrolling and read. These colors are all about creating a calm, reassuring mood.

The website has good animation that’s interesting to look at and not overdone. The best part is that everything is well-sorted. The blogs section, portfolio, and testimonials are easily navigatable.

The site’s visually pleasing and is optimized for mobiles and laptop devices that target audiences accessing from different devices.

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2. Beyond

Beyond agency websites

Beyond’s website has a simple, clean design and a fun UX. The mouse cursor turns into a dot to replicate the touchscreen experience for PC users.

The homepage is pretty neat and doesn’t bombard the visitor with excessive information. Overall, it’s a well-sorted website, and you should definitely take some layout inspiration if you are looking for a clean website for your agency.

3. YML Media Labs

YML Media website

YML media labs has a really minimalistic website. This website shows that you don’t always need a flashy design to get business. Sometimes, a minimal approach can give you the best digital marketing agency website.

There’s a slight variation between the PC version and the mobile version. The mobile version of the website has a hamburger menu on the top right side, which takes you to the digital agency’s Work, About Us, News and Updates, Career Opportunities, and Contact Us pages.

Thanks to the Case Study and About Us webpage, their services are easy to understand.

4. Bruce Clay Mena

Bruce Clay Mena agency website

This digital agency website combines great functionality with intriguing aesthetics, giving distinctive visuals and relevant information on its pages.

Bruce Clay Mena has taken the time to create multiple web pages instead of working with a single multi-fold parallax web page. This website itself can serve to be a portfolio for prospective clients. All in all, the website is artsy and creative, in line with the brand image.

5. Major Tom

Major Tom agency website

Major Tom is another great example of a minimalist digital agency website holding visitor’s attention. The website demonstrates its unique approach to creativity through a black and white design, with color added to areas where they talk about their approach and services.

The desktop and mobile versions are distinct and offer visitors a unique digital experience depending on their devices. The mobile version lays out formation in a simple manner, while you can enjoy the complete experience on the desktop version.

6. Isadora Digital Agency

Isadora digital agency website

This simple digital agency website uses a parallax-style homepage with basic animations to get straight to the point.

Their ‘insights’ section stands in place of a blog to creatively elaborate on topics within the categories of creativity, inspiration, strategy, and technology and talks about how they cater to clients.

7. Space Oddity Dubai

Space oddity website

This website feels refreshingly unique. It has a strong storytelling aspect and uses a casual tone to focus on user experience. The website shows that you don’t always need bright colors to stand out.

Visitors receive a taste of this digital marketing and branding agency’s services through visualizations and the scrolling effect.

8. Frank Digital

Frank agency websites

Scrolling through this website is akin to browsing through a magazine with rich images. The refreshing experience remains the same for the mobile phone audience.

The site is user-friendly, catchy, and sorted enough to give the users a hassle-free browsing experience.

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9. Luminary

Luminary Agency Website

The overall website is simple, abstaining from multiple animations in favor of a clear focus on the content, case studies, and their portfolio.

Their content copy is bold and impactful. In the second fold, they explain what their digital agency does with the help of a simple animation. It shows that sometimes a minimalistic approach is sufficient to offer a solid user experience.

10. Rabbit Studio

Rabbit Studio Website

Rabbit Studio’s informative website serves attractive visuals. You may scroll through the easy-to-navigate website to avail their information.

The visuals are crisp, and the high-resolution showcases their projects and portfolio, with their services explained through smart web copy.

11. Engage Massive

Engage Massive Agency website

This digital agency website is design-centric; its aesthetics use ample negative space and black and white for the content copy. The website is also mobile responsive.

There are hardly any bold colors, but the color scheme is easy on the eyes, making it easy for visitors to focus on the text and grasp information.

12. KOTA

KOTA agency website

KOTA’s compact website lacks major animations, but the web page design clearly indicates that this agency knows what it’s doing. They’ve managed to keep the same experience on their mobile devices.

This design agency site uses bold colors yet is plain enough, which doesn’t disturb a visitor’s attention from the content.

13. Blue Fountain Media

Blue fountain media agency website

While the color palette and balanced negative space give visitors enough room to breathe, this website uses a basic template without resorting to animations on its pages.

You can see how this site plainly lays out its services. Their content makes it clear that anyone can easily avail their website design services, digital marketing services, and website development.

14. Mobiteam

Mobiteam agency website

The Mobiteam website prioritizes simplicity and clarity. The block-style layout with the parallax web page section has distinguishable folds with the right amount of information.

15. Bleech

Bleech agency website

Bleech is an easy-to-navigate, fun website. It uses more vector-based visuals than high-res images.

The cool blue and dull orange further complement the brand’s look. And it all comes together to send the message that this is a fun web development agency that knows how to create an impact while maintaining design aesthetics and a light, breezy tone.

Here are the agencies that can design awesome website for your agency

16. Cemtrexlabs


This website brilliantly uses video backgrounds to hook the visitors.

CemtrexLabs brilliantly delivers an engaging website without deviating the visitor’s attention from the information. Their web copy is catchy, gives precise information, and the overall color theme is impressive as well.

It is definitely a nice option to peek into when building a website for your agency.

17. Modern

Modern uses bold color themes yet makes it classy enough not to cause pain in the viewer’s eyes.

If you want to go heavy on colors, make sure it’s not too hard on the eyes, and Modern’s website is an example of such a site. You can also see how they brilliantly used folds to make the information crisp and clear for the visitors.

18. Fantasy


Fantasy has a futuristic website and its design will surely make your eyeballs pause and stare.

The site uses bold colors, which are dulled down to for a subtle effect. Thanks to the neat folds, reading information is quite easy.

This digital agency site is heavy on graphics and minimal on words. That’s another approach to consider when crafting a site of your own.

19. Reload Digital

Reload Digital

Reload Digital specializes in the ecommerce segment. Their website gives you an ecommerce feel which is brilliant because it creates an instant connection with the target audience.

The color scheme is simple and catchy but not blaring enough to distract the visitors from reading the text.

20. Peaky Digital

Peaky digital

Peaky digital uses a combination of static and video elements. Their website is fairly simple and doesn’t have many distractions.

Peaky Digital also has a direct-impact approach and doesn’t waste any time taking visitors to the services section.

A few scrolls will take you to all the useful information, making the site a great inspiration when creating one for yourself.

21. The Square Peg

The square peg

The Square Peg uses a colorful theme on its site. And their homepage copy perfectly compliments their website’s design.

You don’t have to scroll much to get to their services, portfolio, prominent clients, and work process. If you want a fun yet clean website, do look into The Square Peg’s work for inspiration.

That’s a Wrap!

An ideal design for a digital agency website depends on your focus points, whether it’s website content copy, attractive visuals, website architecture, types of content, and even the placement of the Services section.

There are tons of digital agency website design templates to take inspiration from, so be sure to join the right discussion groups.

If you like any of these digital agency designs or feel I have missed out on some worth mentioning, feel free to comment in the section below.

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Mansoor Ahmed Khan

Been in content marketing since 2014, and I still get a kick out of creating stories that resonate with the target audience and drive results. At Cloudways by DigitalOcean (a leading cloud hosting company, btw!), I lead a dream team of content creators. Together, we brainstorm, write, and churn out awesome content across all the channels: blogs, social media, emails, you name it! You can reach out to me at [email protected].


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