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Give: Free WordPress Plugin that lets everyone donate with ease

Updated on December 8, 2021

3 Min Read

Accepting donations through your WordPress website is now easy with the help of the Give plugin. Launched in April this year, the plugin is making great waves within the WordPress industry. Specially, because of its 0% commission charge approach. Yes, that’s true. With Give in place, you receive 100% of your donations in comparison to other online sites that normally charge a commission on a certain portion of the total funds raised.

Give plugin review

The Give plugin is here to “Democratize Generosity,” which is a thumbs up to the vision of WordPress. Give gives the ability to nonprofit organizations and causes to self-host their own donation forms, manage reporting and send out customized emails – all from the WordPress admin panel. Give plugin is extremely easy to use with professionally designed forms that are flexible enough to accept funds of different amounts. Forms generated by Give also provides the option to the users to set a custom amount to donate.

10+ Best WordPress Donation Plugins for Nonprofits in 2020

Give lets you insert forms inside your posts and pages with the help of a shortcode. It also gives you the option to use the widget to display the forms or publish them on a separate landing page. Another feature which separates Give from other donation solutions is the option of exporting form with respect to specified dates in PDF or CSV format.

Give intro

Based on the Freemium model, much like its code-sharing base plugin Easy Digital Downloads, Give also includes the option to integrate a number of premium add-ons. Currently, the add-ons available are Stripe,, Paymill, WePay, and PayPal Pro. Probably, these add-ons are the core support for the developers of the plugin and some might feel cheated by the use of this model. However, I feel that the freemium model is a win-win situation for the makers and the users.

The makers of Give have embedded the core solution with all the vital features, which include the:

  • Standard PayPal payment gateway
  • A Test mode
  • Your history of donations
  • Form import and export function

Being a free plugin, it can be installed directly from the WordPress plugin directory or you can download it from the WordImpress GitHub as well.

Once installed, you can go to the plugin settings pages to select the default currency; enable/disable and configure payment gateways; and customize the email template for donation receipts.

Give website features an easy-to-understand tutorial which lets you walk through the main processes involved in accepting the donations for your WordPress website. The process is simple and requires you to set the donation amount, customize the appearance of the form, and then insert the form into your posts or pages, or use a widget to display it in the sidebar of your website.

Final Thoughts

Girl Develop It, an organization working to instill coding capabilities in women partnered with Give to handle their donations. This telling collaboration makes you realize the ease of use of the plugin as it’s been only a few months since it was launched.

Give makes it easy to collect donations for your WordPress website or your Non-Government Organization. Based on the freemium model, it comes with all the basic features needed to start receiving donations from supporters and visitors. What’s more is that the plugin is backed by developers of EDD and is therefore well documented and provides a lot of support for developers to improve the functionality of this plugin to their advantage.

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Owais Khan

Owais works as a Marketing Manager at Cloudways (managed hosting platform) where he focuses on growth, demand generation, and strategic partnerships. With more than a decade of experience in digital marketing and B2B, Owais prefers to build systems that help teams achieve their full potential.


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