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A Smarter Way to Flush Your Object Cache on Cloudways

Updated on March 15, 2023

2 Min Read
object cache pro

Have you ever been to Japan? If so, you know that flushing comes with many options! The same can be said for flushing your cache; having more options can make the whole process much more efficient.

That’s why we’re happy to announce that we’re enhancing our integration with Object Cache Pro, a premium $95 WordPress plugin that’s available for free to all Cloudways customers.

With the new selective flush addition, we’re making your daily operations even smoother and more efficient than before. As we’re always looking for ways to improve your experience, this enhancement is just one example.

About Object Cache Pro

Object Cache Pro (OCP) is a Redis object caching plugin that works wonders on your website’s performance and makes it lightning-fast. With OCP on Cloudways, WordPress stores frequently accessed data in memory, reducing the number of database queries required to load a page.

What you’ll experience is smoother checkout processes, faster product page loads, and more efficient WP admin management. Plus, it reduces server load, so your website can handle more traffic without lag.

What’s New

One important consideration when implementing object caching is deciding when and how to flush cached objects. Flushing refers to removing objects from the cache to be re-fetched from the data source.

Until now, the only option available for clearing the cache on Cloudways was to flush all cache. With Cloudways applications configured to use the same Redis database, this often caused performance issues when multiple applications shared the same database.

The process was time-consuming and resource-intensive, as it cleared all cached objects from memory, requiring all of them to be re-fetched from the data source.

Say Hello to Selective Cache Flush!

By adding selective flush to our Object Cache Pro integration, it is possible now to flush objects associated with each application. And we have made a configuration update to ensure that each application uses its unique database, eliminating the issue of complete cache flushing.

Before Now
'token' => "$token",
   'host' => '',
   'port' => 6379,
   'database' => 0,
   'timeout' => 2.5,
   'read_timeout' => 2.5,
   'split_alloptions' => true,
   'async_flush' => true,
   'client' => 'phpredis',
   'compression' => 'zstd',
   'serializer' => 'igbinary',
   'prefetch' => true,
   'debug' => false,
   'save_commands' => false,
   'prefix' => $prefix,
'token' => "$token",
   'host' => '',
   'port' => 6379,
   'database' => $database_id,
   'timeout' => 2.5,
   'read_timeout' => 2.5,
   'split_alloptions' => true,
   'async_flush' => true,
   'client' => 'phpredis',
   'compression' => 'zstd',
   'serializer' => 'igbinary',
   'prefetch' => true,
   'debug' => false,
   'save_commands' => false,
   'prefix' => $prefix,

The update ensures each application uses its own database in Redis, so you can maintain the application’s cache without impacting overall performance, keeping it fresh and up-to-date.

What Do I Need to Do?

As a Cloudways customer, you don’t have to take any action. Our team has automatically implemented this update for all new and existing applications. Our platform will automatically assign unique databases during various operations such as application cloning, staging, backup restoration, and disaster recovery.

In conclusion, object caching is a powerful technique for improving application performance, and selective flushing brings efficiency that maximizes your WordPress sites’ performance.

As always, do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any comments or suggestions.

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