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Cloudways WordPress Interviews 2016 – 2017

Updated on March 4, 2020

2 Min Read

In 2016 and 2017, we, at Cloudways, conducted a lot of interviews of WordPressers. We talked to developers, marketers, agency owners, freelancers and discovered what they have to say (everything) about WordPress and its critical issues.

We were amazed, surprised and thrilled to pick the minds of the WordPress’ Finest. A few answers about the state of WordPress development and industry excited us and we were happy to note that the members of the community are very optimistic about the future of the CMS.

In all the interviews, several common themes emerged. All the respondents were worried about the security-related challenges to WordPress-powered websites. In fact, almost everyone we interviewed had several tips for securing the websites.

WooCommerce-powered stores were all the rage in 2017. Many respondents discussed the increasing market share and user base of WooCommerce. In the interviews, we shared a lot of info about the do’s and don’ts of WooCommerce stores.

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In this curated article, I will present the highlights of the interviews that we conducted in 2016 and 2017.

Cloudways Interviews – 2017

I owe what I know today to quite a many people who can be mentioned here [WordCamp], so I feel a responsibility to pass that on to the next generation of WordPressers.

Joe Howard
Founder of WP Buffs

WordPress has a great future as long as they continue to develop the community along with the software.

Bridget Willard
Marketing Manager for WordImpress

I think as WordPress grows, it is becoming more and more important! Crowd Favorite and others have proven that WordPress can handle large ecommerce websites with millions of transactions daily.

Joe Casabona
WordPress Developer

This constantly growing WordPress community is full of excellent experts in the fields of design, development, marketing and much more.

Ivelina Dimova
Senior WordPress Developer at Crowd Favorite

It’s all about the right tool for the job to me ? WordPress can do a lot, but it’s not everything to everyone, and that’s good to keep in mind.

Zac Gordon
WordPress Expert

You need to find a way to truly connect with an audience, not just sell to them. Be willing to help, have thick skin, and do your best.

Matt Medeiros
Founder at Matt Report

Core committers are the ones who not only write and verify patches but can also directly commit such changes to the WordPress code base.

Pascal Birchler
WordPress Core Developer

The [WordPress] community is everything, although the leadership of Automattic has also played a very big role as well as other WP providers over the years like ManageWP, Envato, and Woo.

James Farmer
Co-Founder and CEO of WPMU DEV

WordPress has been an easy way for beginners to get started with web development. It’s kind of been the Visual Basic of the web.

Brad Touesnard
Founder of Delicious Brains

I love networking with others in my industry, in person, in Facebook groups, and in other forums. I give advice, ask advice, and help others with their tech issues where I can.

Robey Lawrence
Founder at Bearded Friend and WP Barber

[I] recommend managed hosting pretty consistently. Very few clients want the challenge or responsibility of managing their own hosting stack, and few will do it as cost effectively as a managed hosting provider.

John Eckman
CEO at 10up

I think Cloudways is doing a wonderful job of marrying all of those attributes into a viable, long-term solution for customers.

Dre Armeda
Co-Founder at Securi

“[Use Cloudways] not only when hosting WordPress, but to host files, to speed up the entire web experience for people coming all over the world.

Emanuel Blagonic
Designer and Co-founder at Blagonic Brothers

Codeable and Cloudways can accomplish great things together.

Tomaž Zaman and Per Esbensen
Co-Founders at

I think the key to success today is about finding a niche that you can focus on becoming particularly good at.

Tom Willmot
Co-Founder and CEO at Human Made Limited

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Cloudways Interviews – 2016

I think WordCamps are terrific — they help us build community, which I feel are the fabric of WordPress.

Jesse Pollak
Co-Founder at Clef

Over time, WordPress became a much better solution, but in its early development it was just one of many blogging scripts available and it really didn’t do anything that the competition wasn’t doing.

Kevin Muldoon
Director of Content Marketing at Next Level Leads

The best way to learn is through real world experience. Start by tweaking existing themes and seeing how those themes work. Then move into building your own custom themes and plugins.

Bill Erickson
WordPress Developer

I don’t think WordPress will ever be known for being fast. It’s just not built with performance in mind.

Ryan Hellyer
WordPress Geek

WordPress is one of the leading technologies that empowers people to share information.

Robby McCullough
Co-Founder of BeaverBuilder

A lot of the insecurity and slowness of WordPress is from third party plugins.

Ben Gillbanks
Owner of Pro Theme Design

The core is not the problem. The problem is usually themes or plugins – added coded.

Leora Wenger
WordPress Developer

The (WordPress) community is awesome!  I have amazing friendships because of it.

Adam Silver
Owner of Silver Lining Productions

I love WordPress! Today I could create any kind of website with WordPress, regardless of customization. And when I am stuck, there is the incredible community.

Fernando Acosta
WooCommerce Expert

I can’t recall exactly when I started using WordPress, though I do remember how easy it was to use and customize compared to Blogger.    

Raelene Morey
WordPress Geek

If you are just starting out with WordPress, the most important thing you can do is reach out to your local community.

Morten Rand-Hendriksen
Senior Staff Author at

By jumping in and doing it yourself, you’ll learn more about WordPress, and learn it more deeply than by simply following the herd.

Jeff Starr
WordPress Developer

I do what I can to demystify the process for beginners.

Dee Teal
Genesis WordPress Developer

WordPress can be used as a foundation for web application development.

Tom McFarlin
WordPress Author

I’m looking forward to what will happen to the theme market as JavaScript powered themes using the REST API enter it.

Petya Raykovska
Senior Project Manager at Human Made Limited

I’d much rather everyone learned accessibility, deeply, as that benefits everyone, not just individual developers.

Gary Jones

It (WordPress) is an ecosystem that simply grows itself at this point in time.

Brett Bumeter
WordPress Coach

It (WordPress) is an ecosystem that simply grows itself at this point in time.    

Basilis Kanonidis
WordPress Developer

I first discovered WordPress when starting my second project; the client wanted to be able to update their content and WordPress made total sense to empower the client to do so.

Steven Watts
Founder of NewtLabsUK

WordPress was the thing that made me believe that I could learn development.    

Josh Pollock
WordPress Developer

When [REST API] finally gets implemented, it’s really going to revolutionize what we can do with WordPress and how we can use it to build better things.

Dave Clements
WordPress Developer

You can be an amazing designer or a skilled developer, but skills like marketing, planning, productivity, organization and taking care of admin tasks are critical to your survival

Diane Kinney
WordPress Developer

When people or businesses use products for WordPress, the products should just work, and if they don’t work, then a support channel should be available instantly to provide help.

John Turner
WordPress Developer

Managed hosting is the best way to ensure that our client’s sites are secure, performant and stable.

Josh Eaton
WordPress Developer

If you can, you should use server side caching like Memcache, which caches the whole site in the server memory. That’ll make it incredibly fast.

Sven Wagener
WordPress Developer

These days, I recommend Managed WordPress Hosting such as the one that Cloudways offers instead.

Shawn Hesketh
Creator or WP101

Freelancing is great if you’re the type of person who can thrive living that kind of lifestyle.

C. Bavota
WordPress Developer

The Community definitely plays a huge role in bringing success to WordPress.

Sami Keijonen
Owner of Foxland

Where we are based there are not many WordCamps nearby, however, we plan to travel America next year, so we want to visit the big one and enjoy Matt’s ‘State of the Word’ address.

Lee Jackson
WordPress Developer

We hope that the above-mentioned responses from the WordPress influencers will help you. Furthermore, if you wish to like any other to be interviewed, please feel free to mention him/her in the comment section below.

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Owais Khan

Owais works as a Marketing Manager at Cloudways (managed hosting platform) where he focuses on growth, demand generation, and strategic partnerships. With more than a decade of experience in digital marketing and B2B, Owais prefers to build systems that help teams achieve their full potential.


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