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High-Converting Landing Page for Affiliate Marketers

Updated on January 12, 2023

10 Min Read

An affiliate landing page can make or break an affiliate marketing campaign. We have tried to answer one of the most commonly asked questions about affiliate marketing. Read on!

A high-converting landing page is critically important for any online business. Your landing page should be compelling enough to make readers take action.

From the web page’s design to the call-to-action buttons, it has to have just the right mix of elements to succeed.

As an affiliate marketer, your goal is simple: You must ensure that your affiliate landing page is created and optimized so that your CTA gets clicked more and more. Easier said than done, right? Let’s delve a bit deeper to learn how you can achieve this.

Why Affiliate Landing Pages Are Important?

48% of online marketers create a new landing page for each marketing campaign.

Also called a squeeze or splash page, a landing page is a web page where you intend to send your visitors to collect their data through a lead capture form. Whether you are giving away a free e-book or selling cloud hosting, a landing page can serve many functions.

Although it’s just one page, it’s super important. And one can go wrong in many ways while working on landing pages. A well-designed page should target your specific audience, have a compelling message and drive conversions.

Got an Affiliate Landing Page Ready to Go?

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First Impressions Do Matter!

If there’s anything we know about human behavior, it’s that people make snap judgments. It just takes a few milliseconds for a visitor to form an opinion about your website. The first 50ms determine whether a person will stay on your website or not.

According to a Conversion XL study, it takes around 2.6 seconds for a person’s eyes to come to the part of the website that most influences their first impression.

First impressions matter, especially in the online landscape, where brands constantly compete for visitors’ attention.

Tips to Create High-Converting Affiliate Landing Pages

Building high-converting affiliate landing pages is not easy. It takes time and practice to create a compelling landing page that converts.

I have highlighted some tips and tricks to help you craft high-performing affiliate landing pages. 

Let’s begin.

1. Have Insights About Your Audience’s Pain Points

It’s imperative to know about your target audience for whom you are creating the landing page. You must ask yourself questions like:

  • What is your audience? 
  • What are their hobbies and interests? 
  • What are their demographics?

Only when you understand your audience will you be in a better place to understand their pain points. Find out what is disturbing your audience.

Then, your solution should address exactly that problem. A good, timely solution is what will drive conversions.

2. Create a Simple and Sleek Design

A visually appealing web page always attracts more users. Therefore, you should put a special focus on the design elements while developing an affiliate landing page.  Your page should be highly responsive to avoid customer frustration. A few design elements that you should consider include

  • A simple and intuitive layout
  • A right match of colors (contrasting CTAs for better visibility)
  • A clear headline

3. Choose the Right Design Tool

Don’t  know much about HTML or CSS? Not a problem anymore! With so many incredible design tools at your disposal, you can easily create a landing page without any coding skills.

Many of these tools have a drag-and-drop mechanism that lets you customize your affiliate landing pages. Some useful tools that can come in handy include:

Unbounce: Unbounce is a Canadian company that offers an incredibly intuitive landing page builder. Trusted by more than 15,000 brands and major companies, this is an excellent choice for creating high-converting pages.

Leadpages: Leadpages have been around for quite a while. They offer enough functionality to create stunning landing pages and even provide an excellent trial. They also offer real-time tracking to gauge your landing pages’ performance.

Hubspot: Hubspot has a free landing page builder, but requires you to pay for the premium featrures. It’s intuitive and powerful and will help you grow very quickly.

Hello Bar: Hello Bar is a standalone WordPress plugin that you can use to create stunning landing pages with ease. It’s great for capturing leads and creating high-converting landing pages. And it’s recommended by Neil Patel, so you know it’s good!

Instapage: Instapage has a host of built-in features that you can use to customize your landing pages and to use elements that increase conversions.

4. Provide Value ‘For Free’

People have ample choices in the online world. Hundreds of merchants provide the same products with minimal price differences.

That’s the reason you need to differentiate yourself by offering something your competitors lack. For example, you can use lead magnets, i.e., provide free content to your audience in exchange for their email addresses to move them down the conversion funnel. It can be an ebook, course, free consultation, software plugin, report, etc. 

The monetary results will follow gradually, but your brand image will improve. Here’s an example of how Social Triggers created a lead magnet:

5. Make Your Title Engaging and Captivating

Have you wondered how news websites like HuffPost, CNN, and Buzzfeed successfully capture users’ attention? It is because of their engaging and catchy headlines. Their titles are appealing and force people to click on them.

Ted Nicholas, a popular direct response copywriter, posits that 73% of the time, the buyer’s decision-making process starts at the point of reading the headline or the title of a blog post, e-mail, or even for a PPC campaign.

Essentially, the title of your affiliate landing page should make the reader want to learn more.

Make Your Title Engaging

6. Find the ‘Sweet Spot’ With Your Copy

After getting the headline right (you have captured the visitor’s attention), it is time to write a copy.

A copy cannot be just anything describing the offer. It has to resonate. It has to mean something to the audience. If you keep it very short, you might not convey your point effectively. If you keep it too long, you may bore the visitor.

Finding that sweet spot is very important for converting the visitor. In the image below, the copy text is concise yet comprehensive. The visitors know exactly what they can expect. 

The text is short yet catchy enough to persuade the visitors to signup for the affiliate program.

Find the "Sweet Spot" With Your Copy

7. Use Great Visuals

Visuals, such as videos and images, can significantly boost your affiliate landing page. Humans respond better to visual content as opposed to written content. According to Hubspot, 90 percent of the information transmitted to the brain is visual.

Leveraging video content can increase the chances of conversions. This is because online users spend 100 percent more time on pages that contain compelling videos. Also, videos can enhance the aesthetics of your landing page.

What’s more, visual content is more likely to be shared on social media. Just scrolling through your Newsfeed will give an idea about the dominance of visual content.

8. Add Social Proof

Adding social proof to your affiliate website helps build credibility. It increases trust in your website and product, promising you a boost in sales.

It’s always a good idea to leverage your existing customers to acquire new ones. 

The Cloudways Affiliate Program’s landing page has done some incredible work by highlighting customer reviews and testimonials. Doing so acknowledges your existing customers and paves the way for new ones.

Add Social Proof

9. Avoid Too Many Navigation Links

The purpose of an affiliate landing page is to nudge the visitors to conversion. That’s why you don’t want to do anything that drives visitors to other pages. You should avoid adding navigation links so visitors are glued to the page.

The research suggests that affiliate pages without many navigation links tend to do much better conversions.

A few reasons why you must avoid too many navigation links on your affiliate landing page are:

  • It distracts landing page visitors
  • It increases the cost because you give visitors a reason not to convert
  • It lowers the landing page conversion rate.

10. Have an Enticing Call-to-Action

Let your audience know what actions you want them to perform, and don’t be vague.

Add a call-to-action that prompts people to click. You’re free to use a contextual affiliate link, but adding a button would be a better approach.

It’s all about being concise and clear with your CTAs. Remember, you don’t have much space to get your point across.

Also, keep in mind that there isn’t any perfect color for call-to-action buttons. Decide the color depending on your industry and target audience. Whatever color you choose – make sure that it pops as CTA colors should stand out on the page.

Generally, CTAs tend to be green, red, blue, or even orange. These colors are usually the most eye-catching.

Your CTAs must be clearly visible, so ensure your page has enough contrast. Otherwise, your CTAs will get blended in the background. Spotify has done a great job of popping CTAs with contrasting background colors. 

Enticing Call-to-Action

If you are still confused, you can carry out A/B testing to see which version works best.

11. Test Your Landing Page

Test your landing page periodically to ensure it is optimized. You can do this in several ways that are listed below:

Use A/B and Split Testing

Let’s be honest – not all CTAs convert; so you must experiment. And what better way to do that than A/B testing?

A/B testing allows you to test different CTA copies and play with their placement, size, colors, etc. Split testing allows you to determine which variation of your CTA has the most potential to convert.

You can leverage A/B testing by splitting the page in two and having half the visitors use one version and the other half the other. Whichever one converts better on your landing page, you use that. Plain and Simple!

Use Google Optimize

Google Optimize is a free tool to optimize your landing pages for conversions. Optimize comes with integrated Analytics and Tag Manager and helps you test several web page versions to gauge how well they perform concerning a given aim. It also lets you track your trial’s outcomes and notifies you of the winning variant.

Got Your Affiliate Landing Page Setup?

Why not join Cloudways Affiliate Program and start your income stream today with the best web hosting affiliate program out there!

Use Cases of High Converting Landing Pages and Why They Convert?

  1. Cloudways Affiliate Program Landing Page

The Cloudways affiliate program’s landing page has a great deal of thought and research behind it. Its primary focus is clearly to inform prospective affiliates of the program’s main benefits immediately.

The top of the page displays a series of different benefits prospective affiliates receive when they join the program. This grabs their attention and tells them what they will get if they join the program.

Top fold

The second fold introduces the two main methods an affiliate can use to earn money. You can choose to generate commissions based on the Slab or the Hybrid model, both of which have been described in detail.

second fold

Then comes the earnings calculator. A key component of many successful landing pages, it helps a potential affiliate see how much money they can make using either the slab or the hybrid model. Also, you can use it to denote the number of customers you can bring and calculate your earnings automatically.

earnings calculator

The page also sums up the key features of the affiliate program – making it extremely enticing for prospective affiliates to join the program

 Why Do They Convert?

Cloudways Affiliate Landing Page

  • Minimal background, bright accent colors
  • Prominent CTA button to capture leads
  • Earnings and profits mentioned right away
  1. Astra Affiliate Program

The Astra Affiliate Program landing page is thoroughly designed and has a high potential for converting users. The first fold gives the reasons to be an Astra affiliate, convincing the readers why they should opt for a particular affiliate program.

first fold

The second fold describes who can be part of an affiliate program. Users can choose their niche and decide accordingly. Since everything is explicitly mentioned, the potential candidates don’t need to invest time in researching the program. The page is all-inclusive and comprehensive.

second fold

The third fold then describes the features so that users know beforehand what they’ll get. No surprises.

Third fold

Finally, the fourth fold tells the users how much the affiliate partners can earn.

Forth fold

 Why Do They Convert?

Astra landing page

  • Minimal background, bright accent colors
  • Prominent CTA to capture leads
  • Comprehensive and concise
  • Good graphics

Amazon’s Affiliate Marketing Program

The landing page of Amazon’s affiliate program is pretty direct. The first fold opens with the affiliate program description and clear instructions on how to start earning with the program.

first fold

The second fold has testimonials. You need to swipe right to learn about people’s experience with the program.

second fold

 Why Do They Convert?

Astra Affiliate Program

  • Prominent CTA
  • Good choice of colors
  • Good graphics
  • Testimonials

To Sum Up

The world of digital marketing is constantly evolving. New tools and technologies are coming to the fore. So you, as an affiliate marketer, cannot lag behind.

Creating a high-converting affiliate landing page is a key goal. It requires time and practice to master the art.

Know your audience well and then create content that resonates with them. Another key is to keep experimenting and testing new ideas. 

We at Cloudways offer a highly profitable web hosting affiliate program. If you’re new to affiliate marketing, we have a webinar to teach you how to make money as an affiliate marketer. 

Are you getting the desired results with your current landing pages? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Do affiliates need landing pages?

Yes, affiliates need landing pages to boost conversion rates. However, affiliate marketing success isn’t particularly correlated with any one channel. So, you must develop a landing page with the right elements in mind, so your CTA gets clicked more.

Q2. Can I have more than one CTA on the affiliate landing page?

The amount of material on your affiliate landing page generally determines whether or not it is useful to repeat a CTA. If a page is too long, it can contain more than one CTA. The best practice is to position it right after the benefit statement at the top of your page.


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