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WP FeedBack: Stop Chasing Client’s For FeedBack

Updated on December 8, 2021

8 Min Read
wp feedback

Talking with clients is everyone’s favorite thing to do, right?

Have you ever been right on the edge of wrapping up a project, only to fly face-first into a brick wall because you and your client can’t be on the same page?

Maybe you are still waiting for that piece of content you requested two months ago, or your client still needs to give you detailed feedback about the new landing page you designed. Whatever it may be, it’s hindering your business, stunting your growth with delayed payments and taking up precious time that you could be using to find your next big project.

This is why this time around, we are reviewing a brand new plugin, WP FeedBack that allows you and your clients to communicate visually on a live website.

The idea behind the plugin is to streamline communications to the point where all stakeholders are always on the same page. As a result, you and the client save a lot of time and you can dedicate the newly-found time on working on the project.

Let’s take a look at the major features of WP FeedBack and explore how it adds value to the WordPress community.

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How Does WP FeedBack Work?

Once you are done with installing WP FeedBack, you will see a little widget on the side of every web page. You can drag the widget around to position it according to your preference.

How Does WP FeedBack Work

As you click the “+” icon, you will enter into the “comment mode”. This changes your cursor into a target, and as you hover over sections, it will highlight the divs on the page.

Clicking will attach a task to the div. You can leave a comment there.

As you can see in the GIF,  the client is leaving feedback on an image and asking if it can be resized. Next, he comments that the title is difficult to read.

leaving feedback

You can then assign the task to a specific user. This will send that user an email notification about the scope of the task.

assign the task to a specific user

You can also set the priority of the task from urgent (immediate fix required) to normal (simple changes that can be fixed as time permits).

set the priority of the task

There is a one-click screenshot button that captures the current view and posts it to the chat automatically. (You can upload any file for the task. Your uploads are added to the media library of the website).

one-click screenshot button

And finally, there is a tab that shows the technical information, such as the browser, IP and screen size of the system where the task originated. This provides useful information without you having to ask your clients for their system specifications.

These features make it a breeze to get you and your client on the same page. You can see specifically what the clients are talking about on the live website. You can also get some much-needed information that generally clients do not provide without you asking and it’s all neatly organized into the WP FeedBack dashboard which we will show you now.

The Dashboard

The Dashboard

Once installed, WP FeedBack is available in the WordPress admin bar on the left-hand side. It has quite a few tabs that contain an array of options for customizing the plugin to your liking.

The “Tasks Center” is home to all of the tasks that have been created on the website. You can send messages for each task from here. It’s a great place to go through all of your tasks when you first start working on the fixes.

You can filter which tasks will be displayed in the second column based on the type, status, urgency and specific user assigned.

You can also see some information on the right-hand side of the Task Center and change some aspects of it. If you click the “Open Task’s Page”, it will open the page and show the task in a new tab, letting you see specifically where it is pinned.

We have tested this with a few dummy tasks on a staging website and found it to be a pleasant workflow when dealing with website design changes specifically. It takes away the need to toggle back and forth with your client when discussing aspects of their website.

You will never have to trail back from multiple emails to find a file that your client sent and was misplaced or to find a piece of content they copied and pasted two weeks ago.



The Settings page has several features that genuinely make your life easier when using WP FeedBack. The main thing they have included is the option to disable the plugin completely from the settings. With this option, you don’t need to go to the Plugins page to deactivate the plugin.

You can set it to not show stickers by default, remove backend commenting, remove Font-Awesome script (if your theme already has this installed to avoid conflict), and the option to completely remove all of the data should you delete the plugin from the website.

You have the option to customize the logo and the main color of the plugin. Note that these changes apply to all areas including the notification emails. It’s an awesome way to integrate the plugin within the client’s website (or part of the service you are offering them). If you remove the “powered by” tag, the plugin will just be called FeedBack, allowing you to make it seem like you are offering a customized solution.



The Permissions tab enables you to customize how each user will use WP FeedBack. When a user first logs in to a website after the plugin has been installed, he/she will be taken through a wizard where they choose their type. You can then check and uncheck specific features for the user. For example, if you don’t wish your client to be able to delete tasks, you have the option to remove the specific task-deletion related permission.

The plugin also caters to the scenario where you do not wish your client(s) to log into the website. In such cases, you can enable the guest mode. This will show the sidebar to every visitor of the website (you can even customize the permissions of guests should you want random people who land on the page).

If you’d like to test out a frontend feature, WP Feedback maintains a handy demo website that showcases the plugin on different page builders >> Demo WP FeedBack

Graphics Feature

Graphics Feature

In response to a huge number of user requests, a brand new feature was recently added to WP FeedBack. This is intended to be used when designing mockups for a website at the very beginning of a project.

designing mockups

You can upload an image and then use the features of WP FeedBack on top of it. You and the clients can discuss specific points making it very precise and mobile-friendly.

If you are finished with a certain version you can then upload another on top which will replace it and then carry on with revisions if you choose to, or mark it as complete. These tasks will be shown within the Task Center as “graphics” tasks – setting them apart from the others – making them easier to differentiate.

This is an awesome feature and brings WP FeedBack’s journey to a full circle, making it an effective plugin to be used throughout the entirety of a project.

Full Project Cycle

Generally, projects have three different processes: getting content, design approval and providing support. Of course, these can differ depending on how you have your workflows setup, but most projects will have these three aspects somewhere.

What we found to be one of the biggest selling points of WP FeedBack is that you can use it throughout an entire project from the very start to providing monthly support to your clients.

Need content from your client? Create a task on the div where your placeholder text sits. Your client can see clearly why the piece of content required needs to be of a certain length without you having to break down the simple principles of design. You can then copy and paste it straight from the chat into your favorite page builder. No more treasure hunting for a piece of content your client sent in your massive email chain that’s been going on for months.

Does the new design need approval? Whether you start the design process by using your page builder of choice or mockups in Photoshop, the plugin can be used for both. Your clients can pin tasks specifically to the area of your designs they want to comment on, leaving out the need for any guesswork on your part. They can also take a screenshot of their current view should a design look weird on their screen specifically, making you aware of problems you might not be able to locate.

Is your client is having an issue and needs support? As soon as your client runs into a problem they can pin the task and let you know specifically where it is. You will receive an email notification (should you choose to) that contains a link that will take you directly to the page and location on that page. If the issue is urgent your client can set it as such on the task, making you aware that you have to fix it as soon as possible.

Do you need to teach your clients how to use their WordPress website? With backend commenting you can leave tasks in locations that you can use to describe specific parts of your client’s website and give them advice. They can use it to ask you questions without having to describe what they’re looking at as it will be visually present in the WordPress admin.

WP FeedBack is a plugin that can make a difference at every stage of a project. It will save you time every step of the way by making your communications with your clients more efficient.

Final Thoughts

We believe that the WP FeedBack plugin should be an integral part of the toolbox of any WordPress professional.

It boasts an array of features that are all designed to make communicating with your clients efficient, resulting in reducing project completion time. This will ensure you get paid on time, provide a great service to your clients and free up more of your precious time allowing you to focus on landing that next big client.

Are you considering to use WP FeedBack? How do you think it could make a difference to your WordPress projects? Let us know in the comments.

Disclaimer: This is a guest post contributed by WPFeedBack.

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Danish Naseer

Danish Naseer is a WordPress Community Manager at Cloudways. He is passionate about designing, developing, and engaging with people to help them. He also actively participates in the community to share his knowledge. Besides that, he loves to watch documentaries, traveling and spending time with family. You can contact him at [email protected]


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