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SureTriggers Review: Is it Worth it in 2024?

Updated on May 2, 2024

9 Min Read
SureTriggers Plugin Review

What caught our attention was the fact that SureTriggers is active on over 20,000 websites with a perfect 5-star rating on the WordPress repository.

Creating automated workflows in WordPress has traditionally been a challenge. In the past, one required technical expertise or had to use non-native platforms to integrate with WordPress and other marketing tools. Due to this, many website owners could not benefit from automation, which led to lost time and several other inefficiencies in their processes.

With its user-friendly interface and intuitive tools that create sophisticated workflows without needing much technical knowledge from you, SureTriggers promises to fill this gap.

Since it is quite a popular automation plugin for WordPress, we decided to test it out. 

What Is SureTriggers?

SureTriggers Dashboard

At its core, SureTriggers is a cloud-based WordPress automation platform that bridges the gap between your website, plugins, and third-party apps. 

It allows you to create sophisticated workflows that are triggered by specific events and actions. With these workflows, you can automate all sorts of tasks, from lead generation and customer onboarding to content promotion and e-commerce management.

One of the key advantages of SureTriggers is that it is purpose-built for WordPress. 

You can create automations tailored to your unique WordPress setup since it offers deep integration with popular WordPress plugins and themes.

Whether you’re looking to automate repetitive tasks, streamline your marketing efforts, or enhance your customer experience, SureTriggers seems to be your go-to solution.

SureTriggers Review: Features You Need to Know About

Let’s look at the most important features of SureTriggers that set it apart from other automation platforms.

Triggers & actions

At the heart of SureTriggers are its triggers and actions. 

Triggers are the events that initiate your automation, such as a new form submission, a product purchase, or a user signing up for a course. 

Actions are tasks that are performed in response to triggers, like adding a contact to your email list, creating a new user account, or sending a personalized notification.

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SureTriggers task assignement

SureTriggers offers an extensive library of triggers and actions, spanning a wide range of WordPress plugins and third-party services. 

For example, you can use SureTriggers to:

  • Automatically enroll a user in a course when they purchase a specific product
  • Add a contact to your CRM when they submit a form on your website
  • Send a personalized welcome email when a user registers for your membership site
  • Create a new task in your project management tool when a blog post is published
  • Post a tweet or Facebook message when a new product is added to your store

These are just a few examples of the many possibilities that SureTriggers opens up. With its vast array of triggers and actions, you can create automations ideally suited to your business needs and workflows.

Visual Workflow Builder

SureTriggers’ intuitive visual workflow builder is one of its standout features.

You can create complex automations without any prior coding knowledge with its drag-and-drop interface.

The workflow builder allows you to map out your desired sequence of events clearly.. You simply select your trigger, add your desired actions, and connect them with arrows to indicate the data flow. 

Along the way, you can add conditional logic, filters, and time delays to customize your automation further.

For example, let’s say you want to create an automation that sends onboarding emails to new users, but only if they have purchased a specific product. 

With this workflow builder, you could set up the automation like this:

    • Trigger: New user registers on your site
    • Condition: Check if the user has purchased “Product A”
    • If yes:
      • Action 1: Add the user to the “Onboarding” email list
      • Delay: Wait 1 day
      • Action 2: Send a “Welcome” email
      • Delay: Wait 3 days
      • Action 3: Send “Getting Started” email
      • Delay: Wait 7 days
      • Action 4: Send “Tips & Tricks” email
  • If no:
    • Action: Add the user to the “General Subscribers” email list

This example demonstrates how the SureTriggers workflow builder allows you to create sophisticated, multi-step automations with ease. 

The visual interface makes it simple to understand the logic of your automation, while the drag-and-drop functionality makes it easy to build and modify your workflows as needed.

Seamless Tool Integration

SureTriggers WordPress plugin dashboard

Another key feature of SureTriggers is its extensive library of integrations. 

The platform offers native integrations with a wide range of WordPress plugins and third-party services, enabling you to link up your favorite tools and establish smooth, comprehensive automations from start to finish. Some of the notable integrations include:

  • Airtable
  • Notion
  • ClickUp
  • Various form plugins
  • Many popular page builders
  • SureMembers, BuddyPress, and other membership plugins
  • Google Forms, Google Sheets, and other Google’s suite of tools

These are just a handful of the many integrations that SureTriggers offers. 

Linking your tools and services lets you set up automations that cover everything in your business world. They save you time and energy while making sure your information stays the same and up to date on all platforms.

Data Mapping for Easy Data Transfer Between Apps

For automations to be truly effective, data must flow seamlessly between different apps and services. SureTriggers’ data mapping capabilities are quite useful here.

Data mapping lets you decide exactly how information moves between different tools in your automation setup. For instance, if someone fills out a form on your site, you could make a new contact in your CRM with certain form details that match the right fields.

SureTriggers makes it easy with its intuitive data mapping interface. When setting up an automation, you can simply select the fields you want to map from the source trigger and then match them up with the corresponding fields in the destination action.

data mapping in suretriggers

For instance, you’re creating automation that creates a new contact in ActiveCampaign whenever a user registers on your WordPress site. 

In the data mapping step, you would:

  1. Select the relevant fields from the WordPress user registration trigger (e.g., first name, last name, email)
  2. Map these fields to the corresponding fields in the ActiveCampaign “Create Contact” action (e.g., the “First Name” field in WordPress connects to the “First Name” field in ActiveCampaign)

This ensures that the data flows accurately and consistently between the two systems without requiring manual intervention.

SureTriggers’ data mapping feature is especially useful when combined with its conditional logic capabilities. 

For example, you could set up an automation that maps different data fields based on certain conditions, such as the type of form submitted or the product purchased. 

Conditional Logic for Smarter Automations

With conditional logic, you can create automations that adapt to different situations based on specific criteria. 

Using SureTriggers, you will be able to set up conditional branches within your automation workflows. These branches allow you to specify different actions based on whether certain conditions are met.


For example, let’s say you want to send a different follow-up email to users who abandoned their cart versus those who completed a purchase. 

With SureTriggers, you could set up an automation like this:

    1. Trigger: User adds product to cart
    2. Delay: Wait 1 hour
    3. Condition: Check if the user has completed the purchase
  • If yes:
      • Action: Send a “Thank You” email
  • If no:
    • Action: Send an “Abandoned Cart” email with a discount code

You can see how easy it is to create targeted and personalized customer experiences with this simple automation. As you better understand customer personas, your automations can get more sophisticated, and from our experience, SureTriggers has continued to deliver the results we were looking for.

There are a wide range of conditions that you can use in your automations, such as:

  • User properties (e.g., user role, registration date, last login)
  • Form fields (e.g., dropdown selection, checkbox value)
  • E-commerce data (e.g., product purchased, order total, coupon used)
  • Course progress (e.g., lessons completed, quiz score)
  • And many more

You can access endless possibilities to merge different apps to create powerful automations. 

Automatic Error Handling

No matter how well-designed your automations are, there is always a chance that something could go wrong. Perhaps an API connection times out, or a required field is missing from a form submission. 

In these cases, it’s essential to have robust error handling and logging to keep your automations running smoothly.

SureTriggers handles errors and logging to help you quickly identify and resolve any issues that may arise. If an action in your automation fails for any reason, SureTriggers will automatically retry the action several times before alerting you to the problem. 

This helps to minimize disruptions and ensures that your automations continue to run as intended.

SureTriggers working

SureTriggers also keeps detailed logs of all your automation activity, including successful actions, errors, and retries. You can easily access these logs from the dashboard, allowing you to quickly troubleshoot any issues and monitor the overall health of your automations.

Let’s say you have an automation that adds users to your email list when they submit a form on your website. If the API connection to your email marketing service goes down temporarily, SureTriggers will log the error and automatically retry the action a few times. You will be notified to investigate further only if the issue continues to exist.

Apart from your convenience, this level of error handling and logging is crucial for ensuring the reliability and robustness of the automations. With SureTriggers, you can have peace of mind knowing that your automations will keep running smoothly, even in the face of temporary hiccups or outages.

SureTriggers vs. Zapier: Which One Should You Use?

When it comes to automating tasks between platforms, Zapier has long been a go-to solution, offering a wide range of integrations and a user-friendly interface. 

However, SureTriggers offers a compelling alternative with several unique advantages for WordPress users.

While both platforms offer similar core functionality—connecting apps and creating automated workflows—SureTriggers stands out in a few key areas, particularly for WordPress Automation.

SureTriggers’s deep integration with WordPress and its ecosystem of plugins and themes sets it apart. Built specifically for WordPress, SureTriggers can access WordPress-specific events and actions that Zapier simply can’t. 

This allows for the creation of tailored, granular automation designed to meet the unique needs of WordPress users.

Another area where SureTriggers differentiates itself is in its pricing structure. 

  • Zapier’s Professional plan offers 50,000 tasks per month at $289/month. 
  • SureTriggers’ Business plan offers 50,000 tasks per month for just $59/month. 

suretriggers pricing

This price difference can add significant savings over time for businesses running a high volume of automations.

That being said, Zapier does have a few advantages over SureTriggers. 

Firstly, Zapier has a bigger collection of integrations overall, covering a broader variety of web apps and services. So, if you want to link up with a specific tool that’s not very common in the WordPress world, Zapier might have a ready-made connection ready to go.

Let’s help you make the choice here. 

If you’re heavily invested in the WordPress ecosystem and want the deepest possible integrations with your WordPress plugins and themes, SureTriggers is a great alternative to Zapier. Its WordPress-specific features, affordable pricing, and scalability make it a compelling choice for WordPress-based businesses of all sizes.

On the other hand, if you’re looking for integrations with lots of different web apps beyond WordPress, or if you really care about well-known brands that have been around for a long time, Zapier might be the way to go.

SureTriggers: Pros and Cons

As with any tool, SureTriggers has its strengths and weaknesses. 

Here’s a rundown of some of the key pros and cons to consider:


  • Deep WordPress integration for granular, WordPress-specific automations
  • Intuitive visual builder for creating complex automations without coding
  • Powerful conditional logic for targeted, context-aware automations
  • Robust data mapping for seamless information flow between apps
  • Affordable pricing with a usage-based model and a generous free tier
  • Excellent reliability with error handling and scalable infrastructure


  • The free plan has limited features and workflows.

SureTriggers Pricing and Plans 

SureTriggers offers three main pricing plans to suit the needs and budgets of different businesses:

Free plan

  • 1,000 tasks per month
  • Connect 1 WordPress website
  • 5 workflows
  • Data logs for up to 3 days
  • Premium app: Webhooks

Pro plan

The Pro plan starts at $9 a month, billed annually, or $12 per month if you pay monthly. You can also opt for a lifetime license at $399. 

Offers everything from Free plan, plus:

  • 5,000 tasks per month
  • Connect 5 WordPress websites
  • Unlimited workflows
  • Data logs for up to 15 days
  • Multi-step workflows for advanced automation
  • Automatic re-execution of failed runs
  • Additional premium apps: Trigger Button, Formatter, Delay, Schedule, Filter, Conditions, Loop

Business plan

The Business plan offers the most tasks starting at just $19 billed annually or $24 monthly for monthly billing. This tier offers 10,000 tasks a month. 

You can choose a lifetime license at $699 or $79.99 for 10 months for lifetime access. 

Everything from Pro plan, plus:

  • From 10,000 tasks per month to over 500,000 monthly tasks
  • Connect unlimited WordPress websites
  • Data logs for up to 30 days
  • Support for 10 organization members
  • Priority support
  • Additional premium apps: Branch, API Integrations, Email Parser, Path

Is SureTriggers Right for You?

Throughout this SureTriggers review, we’ve explored the many features and benefits of the platform  and some potential limitations and drawbacks. We’ve seen how it stacks up against Zapier and its pricing and plans.

So, is SureTriggers the right automation solution for your business? As with most things in life, the answer is — it depends.

Suppose you’re running a WordPress-based business. You’re looking for a flexible automation platform that can handle everything from simple lead magnet delivery to complex, multi-step ecommerce funnels. 

In that case, SureTriggers is worth a closer look. 

Sign up for a free trial to connect some of your most used tools and services. See how the platform feels to use, how well it integrates with your existing tech stack, and how much time and effort it saves you compared to your current processes.

Educating yourself by reading this SureTriggers review and others available online, you can make an informed decision that is perfect for your business.No matter which tool you pick, you’ll take your website management and marketing tasks up a notch in speed, accuracy, and overall productivity. 

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