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How to Scale Quickly – Jason Swenk’s Tips To Grow Your Agency

Updated on July 6, 2021

3 Min Read

Your agency is now earning good money with some great clients, but you still seem to be working as hard as you were the day you started. How do you break through the invisible barrier to success, scalability, and growth? Well, in February, I had the pleasure of interviewing Jason Swenk about just that, alongside my colleagues in the Cloudways Mavericks. You can watch the replay here.

There were several key takeaways I believe will help you create positive change in your business. Let’s explore them together:

Don’t Hire Your Twin

For many business owners, it can be very tempting to believe that you are the only person capable of running your organization. But this is rarely the case. In fact, oftentimes your best bet for unlocking new revenue streams and advancing your company’s status quo rests with bringing in a seasoned professional who has already been there and done that.

For example, some agencies have found success in hiring experienced administrative assistants or office managers to handle day-to-day operations, leaving them free to focus on growing their client base. Hiring someone who works like you, thinks like you and talks like you simply creates a wider skills gap across your business.

Know Your Financials

The financial health of your agency is critical. You need to know how much money you are bringing in and where it is coming from, not only for yourself but also so that you can share this information with potential clients. It shows them that your business has been successful and will continue to succeed. It provides them with the confidence that you have done all of the hard work already so they don’t have to worry about it themselves!

Knowing your financial status gives you the relevant understanding when following up leads and meeting with prospective clients. In Episode 255 of the Agency Trailblazer Podcast, I explore the impact of poor financial management and get you started on the road to managing your agency finances.

Tell Your Team Where You Are Headed

A leader’s vision is the most important factor that will determine if an agency grows and survives in a competitive market. Write down a clear mission statement, goals and objectives for each team member so they understand their roles within the company. This way, everyone will know what the company values are and where it’s headed.

Once you have your leadership team aligned with what needs to get done next, they can plan objectives so everyone stays on track. A shared vision is a joint mission.

Build Trust with Potential Clients

The digital age constantly bombards people with advertisements and pitches. Your potential clients don’t just want to hear about your services; they want to understand what you can do for them.

The best way you can do this is through conversation and transparency. Offer them a low-risk “foot in the door” service that lets them test a working agency-client relationship with you. This would be something that provides a quick win for the client and open the doors for further conversations.

Acclimate Your Clients

Jason shared how some clients are haunted by “buyer’s remorse” after signing on the dotted line. He shares the importance of onboarding and communicating with your clients. Acclimate them to your processes, establish a cadence for working together, and communicate that you’re in it for the long haul.

An agency partnership is a relationship between two people or organizations where they exchange value with each other over time. This takes work! By taking steps to build rapport and trust from day one, you are setting yourself up for greater success down the road. If you can get past some of the awkwardness of getting used to each other, there’s an opportunity to not just make things flow better, but feel more authentic as well.

These represent my biggest takeaways. What were yours?

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Owais Khan

Owais works as a Marketing Manager at Cloudways (managed hosting platform) where he focuses on growth, demand generation, and strategic partnerships. With more than a decade of experience in digital marketing and B2B, Owais prefers to build systems that help teams achieve their full potential.


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