Recently the Hosting and Cloud Transformation Summit conducted by the 451 Group has taken palace in London. One of the main results emerged from the summit is that there are still many obstacles in cloud adoption.
On a panel session devoted to the issue “Who is buying cloud and why?” representatives of the BBC and Bank of America told how they use business cloud computing in their organizations.
Rupert Brown, Principal Architect for Bank of America Merrill Lynch, claimed that IBM and Bank of America have the same small cloud service provider, he didn’t specify the name. Brown asserted: “We have 1,600 frontline systems. When we are working on re-architecting them across the world we want the same cloud developments that we don’t want to have to change. Inside the cloud we need the ‘appliancing’ of the delivery of data. That’s not happening.”
Paul Boyns, Head of IT strategy at the BBC Technology Division, said that his company didn’t use all the advantages of cloud computing, because it was not clear how to purchase cloud services and that they only working on cloud adoption policy. Boyns considers that “there is an immaturity in provision and smaller organisations have smarter thinking.”
Issue 15 of FOCUS magazine called “Touching the Cloud”. This issue reveals the main reasons why many businesses don’t implement cloud computing. One of them is that the customers don’t know what they want to buy and the providers don’t know what they sell.