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Our Commitment Towards Our Customers and Communities During COVID-19

Updated on May 19, 2020

3 Min Read

Note: We’ll continue to keep this post updated as we take different initiatives at Cloudways to help our customers and community. Stay safe!

With the COVID-19 pandemic (and its economic effects) evolving quickly, there’s a lot of disruption around the world right now. Thanks to careful planning and quick action, we can assure you that Cloudways is going to keep running as smoothly as ever. A little peace of mind about your servers and websites will help keep your mind clear for more important things.

Our twin priorities are to ensure continuity for every Cloudways customer and to keep our team as safe and healthy as we can.

Latest updates

28 April – Remote collaboration on the Cloudways Platform: If your team is new to remote working, make sure that you have your Cloudways Platform set up to enable everyone to collaborate effectively. Read the new blog article, Simplified Remote Collaboration With Cloudways Platform Features.

20 April – tips from experts: New to working from home? The Cloudways Mavericks are sharing lessons that they’ve learned through experience. Start with Jan Koch’s 3 Lessons Learned From Working at Home for 6+ Years and Piccia Neri’s video series, Self-Isolation Tips for Lone Wolves (new episode added April 29).

Billing: During the covid-19 pandemic we’re relaxing timelines for customers with unpaid bills. Our policy of pausing, and later deleting, servers is still in place but we want you to have plenty of time to get in touch with us before then. Some customers are going to need more help or flexibility, so we are considering individual circumstances as we learn about them. Please get in touch with our billing team to start a conversation.

Non-profits: If you are working on a non-profit project around covid-19 awareness, or a similar community cause, and want to host your website with Cloudways we will help you focus on your cause and offer 3 months of free service.

Community support: We donate to several initiatives and are continuing to do so. If you are running any initiatives soon, please get in touch and give us an opportunity to contribute.

No Change to the Cloudways Platform, Support, or Other Services

Your sites’ performance, uptime, and availability won’t be affected. All the usual monitoring, security, reliability, and performance of the Platform and your servers will continue.

Our Support and Customer Success Teams will remain available in all the usual ways, 24/7/365.

Community Engagement

We’ve ended all non-essential travel for everyone at Cloudways and most of the conferences and events that we were going to attend have been canceled or postponed. We’ll miss seeing our community and customers around the world, but it’s obviously not the time for getting together. We’ve signed on to sponsor a number of events around the world, and this support won’t change.

More of our community-building efforts will move online. Watch out for more webinars (like those hosted by our Cloudways Mavericks) and online events. With so much change happening around the world it’s important to keep learning from each other. If you have a community-focus event, we would love to discuss sponsorship options.

How Are We Operating?

After working through technical challenges like maintaining our security standards and securing back-up power and internet access for team members. All our teams (across Pakistan, Malta, Spain, and New Zealand) are now operating fully remotely. We have found ways to set this up without your experience of Cloudways changing at all.

This has been a quick change for us, led by an outbreak committee that has been monitoring the situation and working on ways for us to stay completely operational whatever happens. We’ve held drills for situations like a large local outbreak, and thorough preparation is paying off.

In time we’ll share what we learn about tools, processes, rituals, and productivity as a remote-first company. A lot of businesses around the world are facing similar challenges so it’s an important time to share lessons and discoveries.

cloudways remote team

Productivity and Collaboration

A lot of Cloudways customers are working more remotely than before. Teams and other collaboration workflows features are there to help you collaborate with your team and customers to improve productivity.

Another good idea is to integrate CloudwaysBot into your team’s collaboration tools. You can receive notifications about the health and status of your servers and applications via Slack, Asana or email. To see how your team can hear from CloudwaysBot where they talk with each other, see How to Manage Channels in CloudwaysBot.

Please Look After Yourself, and Each Other

Your family, your community, and your own health need more attention than ever these days. Wherever you are around the world, we hope you and your loved ones are as safe and well as they can be. Taking care of each other is the most important work we can do right now.

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Owais Khan

Owais works as a Marketing Manager at Cloudways (managed hosting platform) where he focuses on growth, demand generation, and strategic partnerships. With more than a decade of experience in digital marketing and B2B, Owais prefers to build systems that help teams achieve their full potential.


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